三级上Unit 2 Happy Birthday!
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
通过学习本单元,学生能初步掌握英语的月份词汇 知道如何应用介词in 和on.
了解如何询问别人的愿望以用如何表达自己的愿望。 交际用语 Expressions in communication ---When is your birthday? ---It?s in May.
---On which date is your birthday? ---It?s on May 7th. Who will be there? We?ll have a good time.
Here?s a little present for you.
----What?s your wish? ---I wish that I could… 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions
January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, November, December, date, present, thought, buy, choose, even, aunt, uncle, right, person, wish, blow, candles, buy a birthday cake, blow out candles, sing a happy birthday song, give presents, make a wish 所需教具 Materials for teaching 小鸡蛋糕六块、小塑料餐刀、叉子 大挂历一个(需要月份)
生日帽子若干个(根据过生日的学生数) 小生日礼物若干份 月亮、星星
单元教学活动1 Look, ask and write.
a)上课后,教师拿出已经准备好的大挂历,展示过后,教师说,“I?ve got some really beautiful pictures. Please guess, how many pictures have I got?”学生应能猜出“Twelve”.接着,教师再问:“How many months (板书) are there in a year?” 学生也能说出 “Twelve” 教师可以继续说:“Ok, now let?s see what they are.”教师拿出第一张挂历说:“Look, this is January.”教师结合挂历上的内容简单讲一讲,争取提高他们的兴趣。然后教师再问:“Who was born in January? Please stand up. Let?s see how many of us were born in January.”接着,教师用类似的方法带出第二月,第三月,第四月等。等说完十二个月后,教师带着大家读这十二月的英语名称。在熟悉这些词的基础上,教师说:“If you were born in January, you are January. If you were born in May, you are May. Do you understand? Simon says. ?May stand up.? If you were born in May, please stand up. Now let?s begin.”教师带着大家一起玩,并在给出几次指令之后,请学生来给指令:“Who can come here and say this?”
b)下一步,教师可以带着学生一起唱Happy Birthday Song. 唱完后,教师问,“When is your birthday, who can answer? 等学生回答后,教师再问,“On which date?”并鼓励引导学生说出答句,教师示范几组对话后, 观察学生的反应情况, 在学生都可以进行问答的时候,教师让学生在书上的月份下写上自己的名字。然后,两人一组做对话练习。学生可以根据自己的实际情况进行替换。为了让学生多说英语,教师允许学生下座位继续问同学的生日时间,边问边把他们的名字写在正确月份的蛋糕上。
c)教师问:“Who was born in January? Please stand up.”让该月出生的学生站起来后教师说:“Please go and stand in front of the blackboard. Who was born in February? Please go and stand at the door. Who was born in March? Please stand up and go to the window.”教师依次说出各个月份,并附带上一些指示语言,目的是让学生通过活动记住这些月份的英语单词。
单元教学活动2 Read, look and choose
第二部分是阅读,并为自己家里的人挑选生日礼物。在学生不看书的情况下,教师可以将书本上的话在说给大家听,然后再让大家打开书,分别给每个人挑选一件礼物。最好能让学生说为什么要给他挑选手表或其他物品。学生先画出连线,然后再两人一组相互说自己为他们每个人选的礼物。教师可以引导学生这样说:“ I choose the watch for my father, because my father works in an office. He needs the time very much.”在学生练习的基础上,教师可以请一些学生说给大家听。
单元教学活动3 A mini play
第三部分是有关生日的对话。在此部分之前, 教师可以问学生几个问题,以启发学生思考,“What do you usually do to celebrate your birthday? What do you often do at your birthday party?” 这时可以先将一些生日聚会中的活动的英文表达方式介绍给学生,要求学生掌握。进入该部分时,教师可以先帮助学生检查是否有不会念的词汇。教师先采取A、B组的形式来对话,然后再采取男、女生的形式,最后让两人一组进行练习。如果有些学生很快就熟悉了,教师可以给他们做示范的机会
单元教学活动4 Listen, read and answer
第四部分是阅读理解练习。教师可以让学生自己阅读并根据要求回答问题。教师要提醒大家回答的时候不要超过三个词,“No more than three words”,越简洁越好。最后,教师组织大家说出答案。
单元教学活动5 Read and write
单元教学活动6 Listen and chant
第六部分是说说唱唱。由于本段的说唱比较容易,教师需多带着学生读几遍,以达到背诵的目的。 本题中的问题,也只希望学生能模仿句型,教师不需给学生解释句法结构, 只要学生照着说就可以了。 说唱完之后,教师可以请学生两人一组进行该句型的对话练习并表演。
单元教学活动7 Read, look and do
单元教学活动8 Listen and sing
January takes the name from Janus, a two-headed Roman god who guarded doors and gates. One of his heads was said to look towards the past, the other to the future
February comes from the Latin Februarius, meaning “to purify”. The ancient Romans held a festival of purification to prepare for the year to come
March is the month of Mars, which was the Roman god of war, always shown as a fierce, bearded figure clad in an armour and helmet and carrying a spear and a shield. He was also the god of farming. March marks the beginning of the season when war and farming, two of the most important activities in a Roman?s life, could start again
April comes from the Latin word aperire, which means to open the thought of April as the opener of the year is a very apt one, for it is in April-after the wind and rain of March-that the year really starts to open, with the weather turning soft and gentle and all the leaf and early blossom unfolding on the trees
May the goddess Maia gave her name to the month of May. She was not a very famous goddess, but she had a famous father, Atlas, who was supposed to carry the world on his shoulders, and a famous son, Hermes
June some people think it was named after an old Roman family called Junius, but it is more likely that it was after the goddess Juno, the wife of Jupiter and queen of heaven, who rode about in a chariot drawn by peacocks
July Julius Caesar, the great Roman general, gave his name to July. Among the many things Caesar did was to re-arrange the Roman calendar. This gave him a problem with the name of the seventh month. In the old calendar it had been the fifth month, and this was the meaning of its name Quintilis. Caesar realized that it would be silly to have the seventh month with a name like “the Fifth”, so he decided to call it after himself – and Julius became July
August the Romans used to call August Sextilis, the sixth month. But when Julius Caesar reformed the calendar the name no longer suited it. Finally to Romans changed it to August to honour and flatter their Emperor Augustus, grand-nephew of the great Caesar
September was the seventh month of the old calendar, and when it became the ninth the Romans did not bother to rename it. Its name comes from septem, meaning seven
October, like September, bears its old name which is two months out of date. It means “the eighth month” but it is, of course, the tenth. The Anglo-Saxons used to call it “the yellow Month”
November, the eleventh month in our calendar, means “ninth month” – it is another name from the old calendar which has not been altered. Though its place in the year has been moved. November, to Anglo-Saxon ancestors, was Blotmonath, or “Blood Month”, when they killed off the animals they could not feed during the winter.
December is another month whose old name has stuck. It means, literally, the tenth month. But to us it means much more than that: it means parties, chestnuts and turkey and toys – and Christmas