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Module1 复习

1. _______adj. 坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的;位于

2._______ n. 象征;符号 3._______adj. 古代的 4._______ n. 协议;契约 5._______ n. 地区;区域

6._______n. 特点 7. _______ n. 农产品 v. 生产

8. _____________________穿过马路 9. _____________________面临,面对

10. _____________________设计;制订,安排 11. _____________________作为……而闻名 12. _____________________根据,从…方面来说,从…的观点

13. _____________________比较A和B 14. _____________________一方面…另一方面 15. 认识单词:landmark architect sculpture civilization signature gallery parliament geography biography

Module 2

1._________ n. 饥饿 _________ adj. 饥饿的 _________ n. 生气,愤怒 _________ adj. 生气的 2._________ n. 收入 高/低收入________________ *个人所得税_____________ 其他表示“收入,工资,费用”的单词: 3._________ n. 贫穷 _________ adj. 贫穷的

4._________ n. (与动物等对比的)人 其他表示“人”的单词: 5._________ n. 发展 随着…的发展________________

6._________ vt. 教育;培养;训练 n. ________________ adj. ________________ 7._________ vt. 测定;测量;评估 n. 措施

8._________ n. 目标 其他表示“目标,目的”的单词: 9._________ _________ n. 位置

10. _________ adj. 无家可归的 写单词:无用的,粗心的,绝望的,无助的

猜测词义:aimless, armless, boneless, childless, cloudless, fearless, headless, nameless等。 11._________ adj. 拥挤的 _________ n. 人群 _________一大群 _________挤满 12. _________ n. 类似;相似 _________ adj. 类似的

13. _________ adj. 不幸的;遗憾的 _________ adj. 幸运的 _________ n. 运气 14. _________ adj. 受到污染的 _________v. 污染 _________ n. 污染 15. _________adj. 漂亮的;整洁的;时髦的 其他同义词汇: 16. _________ adj. 巨大的;庞大的;浩瀚的 其他同义词汇: 17. _________ n. 娱乐 其他同义词汇: 18. _________n. 交换 v. 交换

19. figure和feature expectancy household inhabitant charity 20. tourism和tourist transport和transportation industrial和industry commercial和commerce

21. _____________________ 采取措施做某事 _____________________ 按某人的尺寸制作 22. up to的含义:直到…, 到…为止,多达;胜任,适合于;正在做…,从事于 It’s up to sb. to do sth.由某人决定做某事

23. make efforts/ every effort/ an effort to do sth.努力做某事

spare no effort 不遗余力 with/without effort 费力地/毫不费力地 24. _____________________进步(2个短语)

25. _____________________确保,查明 sure的其他短语:_____________________ 26. _____________________理解,弄明白



27. _____________________与…相似 _____________________在某方面相似 28. _____________________靠近,接近,即将发生 29. _____________________由于…的结果

_____________________导致 _____________________由…引起 这起交通事故是司机的粗心造成的。(用以上三个短语来表达)

30. be of+抽象名词=be+该名词的同根形容词 他的建议对我们有价值。





1. Most people would like to live in Qingdao City, which lies _______ the coast of Shandong Peninsula(半岛).

A. / B. along C. off

D. on

2. She picked up a knife and______ the man bravely. A. faced B. face

C. facing D. to face

3. He still does not get the point. How many times do I have to repeat myself to get it_______ ? A. through B. opposite C. across

D. past

4. The number of people who_____ killed in the Air France crash(坠毁)_______ 228. A. was; was

B. were; was C. were; were

D. was; were

5. _____ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all. A. When compared

B. Compare C. While comparing

D. Comparing

6. Ten years ago the population of our village was ____ that of theirs.

A. twice as large as B. as twice large as C. twice as much as D. as twice much as 7. _______is known to all that he can’t answer the question_______ he found the money. A. As; how

B. That; why C. What; where

D. It; when

8. The hall began to fill up with people ______. A. by and by

B. sooner or later C. little by little

D. all in all

9. In_____, people in that village were very poor.

A.1920s B. the 1920s C.1920's D.its1920s 10. Is there agreement________ how much aid will be sent?



A. with B. in C. on D. by

11. I would like a job which pays more, but______ I enjoy the work I’m doing at the moment. A. in other words

B. on the other hand C. for one thing

D. as a matter of fact

12. Do you agree to the idea that success can be measured ________ money alone? A. in case of

B. in terms of C. in the opinion of

D. in favor of

13. They’re having a meeting to discuss where the new office building_______ . A. should situate

B. should be situated C. should be lied

D. was located

14. The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n)______ of courage and power. A. example

B. sign

C. mark D. symbol

15. --Why does the river smell terrible?

--Because more than 80% of the water ___ by the nearby factories.

A. have polluted B. was polluted C. has been polluted D. have been polluted 16.____he is very young, he knows a lot.

A. Although B. Though C. Unless D.As if

17. --How can we pass the time? There is half an hour before the concert begins. --____! I will like whatever you want to do.

A.All right B. Up to you C. It all depends D. Take your time 18.--_______?

--Very interesting.

A. Have you ever seen the film? B. Are you interested in the film? C. What's the film about? D. How do you find the film? 19.Look out! Don't get too ___ to that house.

A.close B. nearby C. closely D. nearly 20. --I have been waiting for 30 minutes. --Take it easy. Look, here____.

A. come the bus B. the bus came C. comes the bus D. the bus comes



The tourism business in Hong Kong has been through some very hard times. Ten years ago, with



all the economic problems in Asia, far fewer tourists were visiting Hong Kong. However, the SAR (特别行政区) was still one of the most popular destinations in Asia, and a favored location

for international meetings and exhibitions.

The year 1997 was the best year for tourism in the 1990s. However in 1998, the figure was down by 8% from 10.4 million tourist arrivals recorded in the previous year.

Tourism was still big business, though. The mainland was Hong Kong’s largest source of visitors, making up over a quarter of all arrivals. Travelers from Taiwan Province, South and Southeast Asia and Japan made up the most of other visitors. Tourism remained a major source of foreign exchange, although tourists spending dropped.

Tourists often made short visits, staying an average of three to four days. Most tourists came to Hong Kong for business or leisure, or a mixture of both. Shopping was still the favorite thing of tourist activity and spending. The average visitor spent about HK$ 3,000 – not including accommodation(住宿) and food.

Hong Kong Tourist Association officials developed various plans to develop interest in Hong Kong as a tourist destination, and they hoped these policies would work. 1. What situation was Hong Kong facing in the passage? A) The tourism business was developing quickly

B) Fewer tourists were visiting Hong Kong than before. C) It was no longer a popular destination in Asia.

D) There were far fewer international meetings and exhibitions. 2. In 1998, ________.

A) the figure of visitors in Hong Kong was down by 8% B) tourism in Hong Kong had its best year C) 10.4 million tourists visited Hong Kong

D) Hong Kong didn’t hold any international meetings 3.What is the largest source of the visitors to Hong Kong? A) Japan. B) Southeast Asia

C) U.S.A D) The mainland of China 4.The underlined word “both” (in Para. 4) refers to “________”. A) short visits and long visits B) Hong Kong and the mainland C) business and leisure D) shopping and other activities 5.Which of the following statement is NOT true?

A) The figure of tourists to Hong Kong was 10.4 million in 1997. B) Tourists spending continued increasing. C) Tourists preferred short visits to long visits. D) Shopping was still popular in Hong Kong.

( 2)

Comics use drawings and words to tell stories that can be funny or serious, or a little of both. Comic books grew out of comic strips in newspapers.

One of the most successful early comic characters in America was Mickey Dugan, better known as \which provided opinions on the problems of cities. The Yellow Kid first appeared in eighteen ninety-five. The character became so popular that it was also used to sell products and to create plays. Adventure stories in comic books were very popular during the nineteen thirties -- the time known



as the Golden Age of Comics. Famous characters created during that time include the science fiction heroFlash Gordon and the detective Dick Tracy.

The nineteen thirties also gave us a super-hero who came to Earth from another planet. Superman was a newspaper reporter for the Daily Planet in the big city when he lived on the earth. Superman became a hero of comic fans as he used his ability to fly to fight for \justice \and Joe Shuster were seventeen when they created Superman in nineteen thirty-three. They sold the rightsof the character to the DC Comics Company for one hundred and thirty dollars. That might be a lot of money to them at the time. But it was nothing compared to all the money made since then from Superman comics, radio and TV shows, movies and toys. Finally, in nineteen seventy-five, they wanted to get more for their creation. DC Comics agreed to pay each of them twenty thousand dollars a year for life. And it agreed to put their names as the creators of Superman in all future printed materials and films.

6.Comics tell stories _____ with words and drawings.

A) about the problems of America B) that can be either funny or serious C) that always happen in real life D) about animals and children only 7. comic characters are mentioned in this passage.

A)2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 8.Mickey Dugan was a famous American comic character created ______.

A) in the late 19th century B) during the Golden Age of Comics

C) in the early 19th century D) in the nineteen thirties

9.The famous comic characters in the nineteen thirties mentioned in this passage were

mainly_______ .

A) pretty girls B) heroes C) kids D) policemen 10.From the passage, we know that Dick Tracy was a character in______ .

A) a love story B) science fiction C) a poem D) a detective story

三、单词拼写(注意单词的正确形式)(每题1分,共计15分) 1. Green is the ______(象征)of life.

2. The factory, _______(位于)in the east of the city, caught fire last night.

3. ________(面对)with the difficulty, we shouldn't give up. 4. When did the _________(古代的)Olympic Games start?

5. Twenty percent of the country is _______(覆盖)by islands.

6. They all_____(交换)addresses before they parted.

7. One's happiness can not be______(测量)in terms of money.

8. This kind of activity was first held in a______(发展中的)country.

9. We should help the _______(无家可归的)beggars and let them feel warm. 10. Some people in Africa still live in _____.(贫穷)

11. Being______(教育)at a normal school is necessary for a child.




