【期刊名称】《计算机与现代化》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)007
【摘要】The one of most important outcome of the standardization process is the IEC61850 standard. IEC 61850 is an abstract application layer protocol aimed at providing interoperability between a variety of substation and feeder devices, by describing how devices to communicate in a substation as well as the related system requirements. This paper describes anyone interested in getting an overview of the IEC61850 international standard, and understanding how the object-oriented models proposed in the standard standardize the data found in IEDs and the communication of this date between substation devices.%如今在智能变电站中IED间的通讯形式从相互连通到互操作都得到了标准化,而IEC61850就是这一标准化的重要成果.IEC61850着手解决的就是不同变电站和不同供应商的设备之间的互操作性,从而满足变电站的需求.本文描述IEC61850的面向对象技术、UML建模技术以及应用视图模型和数据集模型的实现.
【关键词】IEC61850;IED;面向对象;数据集;UML 【作者】王晋;陶骞;陈宏