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人教PEP小升初英语模拟卷五(含答案) - 图文

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一、 听录音,选出句子中你所听到的单词。 ( ) 1. A. washed B.. watched

( ) 2. A. stronger B. shorter ( ) 3. A. cycling B. camping ( ) 4. A. rainy B. windy ( ) 5. A. sleep B. slept ( ) 6. A. bought B. thought ( ) 7. A. hurt B. had ( ) 8. A. felt B. fell

二、听录音,根据所听到的对话,给下列图片排序。数字写在圆圈里。 1. Conversation One:

2. Conversation Two:

3. Conversation Three:



( )1. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I didn’t.

( )2. A. I went camping. B. I ride a horse.www.21-cn-jy.com ( )3. A. Shanghai. B. My family.

( )4. A. It’s cool. B. It was beautiful.21·世纪*教育网 ( )5. A. By plane. B. My friend. ( )6. A. Yes, there was. B. No, it isn’t. 四、听录音,根据你所听到的答语选择问句。

( )1. A. How was your last summer holiday? www-2-1-cnjy-com

B. How did you go there?

( )2. A. Who did you go with?

B. What happened?

( )3. A. Where did you go last Sunday?

B. How did you go there?

( )4. A. How did you go there?

B. What did you do there?

( )5. A. Do you have a gym?

B. Did you have any computer rooms?

( )6. A. Could you see stars at night? 21*cnjy*com

B. How do you know that?



( ) 1. Listen! The girls _____ at the farewell party.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 A. sings B. are singing C. will sing【出处:21教育名师】 ( ) 2. My brother is short, but he is _____ than me.【版权所有:21教育】

A. young B. taller C. stronger

( ) 3. There _______ computer rooms in my school ten years ago. A. was no B. was not C. were no ( ) 4. —Did Mike go to the cinema last night? —_______. He read books in the study.

A. Yes, he did B. No, he didn’t C. No, he doesn’t ( ) 5. —_______________

—I tripped and fell in the race.

A. What happened?

B. How was your weekend? C. Where did you go? 二、阅读并完成任务




I’m going to graduate(毕业)from my school. The school looks different now. It has a lot of changes. And I change a lot, too.

Six years ago, there was no library. Now we have a new one. And there are many new books in it. I didn’t like reading before, but now I love reading. There was no dining hall six years ago. We couldn’t have lunch at school. Now we have a big dining hall. There was no gym in our school six years ago. Now there is a big new one. We often play badminton in it. I didn’t like sports before. Now I like sports a lot. I couldn’t go cycling six years ago. Now I ride my bike to school every day.


( ) There is a new library in our school now. ( ) I like reading a lot before.

( ) There was a dining hall in our school six years ago.21cnjy.com ( ) We can play badminton in the gym now. ( ) I rode a bike to school six years ago. 2.根据短文信息完成下列表格。 The changes of our school no library no gym a new dining hall My changes didn’t like reading like sports a lot ride a bike every day 3.根据以上信息完成短文。 There was no library, _________ or gym in our school six years ago. But ______ is a big library, a new dining hall and a new _______ now.

I didn’t like reading or _________before. But I love ____________and sports now. I couldn’t go cycling six years _______. But I can _________________every day.


I had a great time last Sunday. My family and I went to Jinan. We went there by car. In the morning, we visited some places and took lots of pictures. After that, we went to a restaurant and ate fresh food for lunch. In the afternoon, we went boating and bought some gifts for friends. What a happy holiday!21世纪教育网版权所有 1.根据短文内容和方框内提示完成对话。

A: How was your holiday?

B: __________________________ A: Where did you go there? B: ______________________ A: How did you go there?

B: ___________________________ A: Did you have a good time?

B: ________________ We visited some places and took a lot of pictures. A: Sounds great! _______________________________


B: We went to a restaurant and ate fresh food. A: Did you do anything else?

B: _______________________________ A. What did you do after that? B. It was great. C. We went boating and bought some gifts for friends. D. I went to Jinan with my family. E. We went there by car. F. Yes, we did. 2.根据短文信息和方框提示,完成思维导图。(有七处需要填写)

3. 仿照上文和思维导图,完成书面表达。

My last weekend


I had _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________


一、 听录音,选出句子中你所听到的单词。

1. I watched a talk show just now.

2. The panda is shorter than the horse. 3. He couldn’t go cycling before. 4. It was windy yesterday. 5. I slept very well all night. 6. They bought gifts in that shop.

7. She hurt her foot and stayed at home. 8. The boy fell off his bike in the park.

二、听录音,根据所听到的对话,给下列图片排序。数字写在圆圈里。 Conversation One:

W: How was your summer holiday, Yifan?

M: It was good. I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures. And I went to


人教PEP小升初英语模拟卷五(含答案) - 图文


