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八年级上册 Unit 1 Reading

一、词汇 1. 2. thirsty (adj.) 口渴的 – thirstier -- thirstiest honest (adj.) 诚实的,dishonest (adj. 反义词) 不诚实的;an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩 care (v. & n.) 关心,关注;careful (adj.) 关心的;careless (adj.) 不关心的 yourself (pron.) 你自己,yourselves (pron.) 你们自己 humour/ humor (n.) 幽默 humorous (adj.) 幽默的 polite (adj.) 礼貌的;impolite (adj. 反义词) 不礼貌的 / rude tidy (adj.) 爱整洁的 – tidier – tidiest;untidy (adj. 反义词) 不整洁的 true (adj.) 确实的 truly (adv.) truth (n.) generous (adj.) 慷慨的,大方地 (反义词)selfish 自私的 singer (n.) 歌手 sing (v.)唱歌 song(n.)歌曲 fit (v.) 可容纳,装进 /(adj.)健康的,合适的 sweet (adj.) 可爱的 / (n.) 糖果 smile (n.)/(v.) 微笑 smiling (adj.) 微笑的,带有笑意的 choose (v.) 选择 – chose – chosen choice (n.) 选择 have something to drink/eat 有一些喝/吃的东西 share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物 share one’s joy 分享某人的快乐 keep a secret / keep secrets 保守秘密 tell sb. funny jokes 告诉某人有趣的笑话 have problems with/(in)doing sth. 做某事有困难 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. one of my best friends 我最好的朋友之一 be willing to do sth./be ready to do sth. 乐意、自愿做某事 help sb. any time 在任何时候帮助某人(any time 前无at) give one’s seat to someone in need 把座位让给需要的人 have a good voice 有一副好嗓子 want to be a singer 想成为歌唱家 make sb. look smart 使某人看上去聪明 have a good sense of humour 有良好的幽默感 feel bored with…… 对……感到无聊 walk past……/go past…… 走过…… have big bright eyes 有大而明亮的银镜 12. have long straight hair 有长而笔直的头发 13. 14. 15. 16.


1. Can I have some more food/apples?

five more students / another five students; one more cake 2. What about sb./sth./doing sth.? 3. 区别nothing /nobody和 none:

4. They make him look smart. What makes your friend so special?

say a bad word /bad words about anyone说任何人的坏话 knock sth. onto the floor 把某物撞翻在地 in the future 在将来 keep a secret to sb. 向某人保密;keep a secret for sb. 为某人保密 make sb. (not) do sth. make sb./sth. + adj. 5. be/get ready to do sth. be/get ready for sb./sth. 6. Do you believe what he/she says? (his/her words)? 7. 区别because / because of 和so 8. agree with sb. /to do sth.

9. She is willing to share things with her friends . be willing to do sth. = be ready / glad to do sth. 10. be helpful to……

11. give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth. pass sth. to sb. = pass sb. sth. 12. She always gives seats to people in need on the bus . A friend in need is a friend indeed.

13. She wants to be a singer when she grows up. 14. When something worries me , I can always go to her. worry (v.) sth. worry sb. worry (n.) -- worries (pl.) worry about sb./ be worried about sb.

四、重点词、句的理解、运用 (语境中设计处理)

1.Betty is one of my best friends. Betty 是我最好的朋友之一

(1) one of …的意思是“.... …中的一个”,后面跟复数代词或可数名词的复数形式。

即时练习①__________________________ 他们/我们中的一个 即时练习②__________________________ 学生们中的一个

(2) 如果可数名词的复数形式前面有形容词修饰时,通常要用其最高级形式, 即时练习Miss Li is one of ______________________ teachers in our school.(tall) (3) one of 作主语时,谓语动词要用第三人称形式。



