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天津市南开中学2020届高三英语第一次月考试卷 人教版

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本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)、第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)和第Ⅲ卷(选择题)三部分,共150 分,考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,将第Ⅱ卷和答题卡交回。 第Ⅰ卷(共85分)

第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)


1.In the of rain, the opening ceremony of the book fair will have to be held indoors. A.face



D. course

2.I want to buy that kind of cloth because I the cloth well. A.have told; washed C.have been told;is washed

B.have been told;washes D.was told; washed.

3.Willpower is a kind of quality…and that is it takes to do everything well. A.why



D. which

4.To keep healthy, a lot of people jogging as a regular form of exercise . A.took up

B.caught on

C. carried out D.made for

5.Richard was called in by the police to answer questions disappearance of Thomas Ripley, whose relatives were so his present situation,

A.concerning;concerning about B.concerned;worrying about C.with regards to;concerned about D.regarding;concerned about 6.Jim is awfully difficult to make friends with, but the friendship of his,_______ ,is more true than any other.

A. once gained


B.when to gain C.as gained D.while

7.Is the Haihe River, through Tianjin ,very large? A.which flows


C.which one flows D.flowed

8.—why are you so late ? I here for more than an hour . --I’m terribly sorry. I overslept and missed the bus.

A.am waiting B.was waiting C.have been waiting D.have been waited

9.Mom, I lost diamond ring you bought for me as my birthday present. Could you keep______ eye out for it when you clean my bedroom?

A.a;an B.a;the C.the;the

D.the ;an

10.The local government is trying all out to find out who is _______the forest fire.

A. to blame for starting B.to blame to start C. to be blamed for staring D.to be blamed to start

11.-Do you mind if I visit you now and talk about the advertising campaign,Mr. President ?

-I'd rather you at the moment.

A.are not coming B.don’t come C.didn’t come come

12.It was back home after the experiment.

A.not until midnight did he go B.until midnight that he didn’t go C. until midnight when he didn’t go D.not until midnight that he went 13.My parents will move back into town in a year Or______. A. 1ater

B. after


D. so

D.will not

14.The film Harry Potter IV is for children above 12 and adults for it contains horror and violence.

A.promised B.intended C. admitted


15. it is true that a successful businessman or inventor will usually become rich, many other people who are outstanding in their field take little notice of personal possessions. A. While





阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从l6-35 各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

During my first three years on the island, I considered often how I might cross to this mainland. My first two attempts 16 ,for in each case, 17 I had painstakingly built a boat to carry me, I found it too 18 and heavy to move to the water’s edge.19 I built a small canoe out of a tree trunk. 20 too small for crossing the ocean, the canoe would at least enable me to sail around the 21 .I loaded it with provisions (准备), 22 my little sail ,and set out, staying close to the 23 .At length, however ,I 24 a rocky point around which the waves 25 in such a way as to send my small boat out to sea.It was only by great 26 and provide I was able to sail back to land.When at last I fell exhausted upon the floor of my country bower(凉亭),I was 27 to hear a voice echoing(回响)my 28 ,saying,“Poor Robinson Crusoe ,where are you ?Where have you been?”I started up 29 fear.After while I 30 that it was my parrot ,Poll,31 the phrases I had taught him.

For fifteen years,I busied myself with caring 32 my crops and animals,maintaining my houses,and 33 my island.Then one day as I went to my canoe,I was surprised to see the print or a man’s naked 34 ,very plain in the sand.Thunderstruck,I looked and 35 , but neither saw nor heard angry one.Nor were there any other footprints. 16 A.failed 17 A.as

B.happened C.succeeded B.when C. after

D. survived

D. before

18. A.tall 19.A. Firstly 20.A.But 21.A sea 22. A.put 23. A.rock

B.small C. large B.Secondly C. Next

D. dangerous D. Finally

B.Still C. Because D.Though

B.island C.river mouth D.water’s edge B.folded C.raised B.sea C. ocean

D. started D. shoreline

24.A escaped into

25.A. swept 26.A.courage 27. A. mad 28.A.tones 29.A.at 30.A. knew 31.A. singing 32.A.about 33.A.enjoying 34.A. foot 35.A.thought

B.avoided C.came across D.knocked

B. blew C.flew B.struggle C. wisdom B. angry C. pleased B.heart C.speeches B.by C.on B.realized C.admitted B.shouting C.1eaning B.of


D.flooded D. desire D.astonished D. thoughts D.with D. recognized D. repeating D. for D.exploring D. arm D.sensed

B.beautifying C.planning B .hand C. leg B.1istened C.noticed


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。 A

Money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any I knew of .It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price,thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices drawing attention to new ideas it helps enormously to raise standards of living .By helping to increase demand it

ensures an increased need for labor , and is therefore an effective way to fight unemployment .It lowers the costs of many services:without advertisements your daily newspaper would cost four times as much,the price of your television license would need to be doubled ,and travel by bus or tube would cost 20 percent more.

And perhaps most important of all,advertising provides a guarantee of reasonable value in the produces and services you buy. Apart from the fact that twenty seven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising,no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements,He might fool some people for a little while through misleading advertising.He will not do so for long ,for mercifully the public has the good sense not to buy the inferior article more than once .If you see an article consistently advertised ,it is the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed for it, and that it represents good value。

Advertising does more for the material benefit of the community than any other force I can think of.

There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on. Recently I heard a well-known television personality declare that he was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs.He was drawing excessively fine distinctions.Of course advertising seeks to persuades.

If its message were confined merely to information –and that in itself would be difficult if not impossible to achieve,for even a detail such as the choice of the color of a shirt is subtly persuasive—advertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention.But perhaps that is what the well-known television personality wants.

36.By the first sentence of the passage the author means that . A.he is fairly familiar with the cost of advertising

天津市南开中学2020届高三英语第一次月考试卷 人教版


