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1. Listen ,choose and write.(听音,选择并填写。)(10分)

laugh baby lions cage sleeping tigers pandas monkeys zoo

One day, Tim asked his parents to take him to the . Tim was very happy. First Tim wanted his parents to take him to see the . Then he wanted his parents to take him to see the . Tim likes to see the , so he asked his pqremts to take him to see the tigers . But the tigers were in the . Tim could not see them . So he asked his parents to take him to see the .Tim does not like lions very much . But when he saw a lion ,he started to because the baby lion was standing on her mother`s head . We can see that Tim had a great time that day .

and match.(听音,连线。)(10分)

This animal uses its arms and legs to climb the trees. Dolphin This animal moves without any arms and legs. Star fish This animal has got five arms. Snake This animal has got special arms to help it swim. Crab This animal uses its legs to catch food. Monkey


1. Read and match.(连线。)(10分)

睡在草地上 have a picnic visit friends 呼吸新鲜空气

听小鸟唱歌 see a film smell the flowers 看农场里的动物

做体育运动 sleep on the grass breathe clean air 去钓鱼

看电影 listen to birds singing see farm animals 拜访朋友

去野炊 play sports game go fishing 闻花香

2. Choose the words .(选词填空。)(10分)

Cinema jungle waterfall island field lake countryside city forest

1. ( ) Land that is outside cities and towns.

2. ( ) a building in which films are shown 3. ( ) a forest with lots of plants growing very close together

4. ( ) water that falls straight down over the big rock 5. ( ) a big place with many tall buildings markets,schools.

6. ( ) a place where you can see many,many trees. 7. ( ) a kind of green,shortand can play on it. 8. ( ) a piece of land surrounded by water. 9. ( ) a large open area with grass and trees. 10. ( ) a large area of water surrounded by land.

3. Make some sentences.(造句。)(10分)

1. I`d like …….

. 2. I live on …….(具体楼层)

. 3. Why …… ,because…… .

. 4. I go to Sp (某地) to do Sth (某事).

. 5. There be Sth(某物) Sp (某地).


4. Choose .(从B栏选出A栏的正确答语。)(20分)


( ) are you going a. My father gets up at six every day. ( )`s the weather like today ,I do.

( ) that dog yours , it’s my dogs.

( ) you often play football d. It`s snowy today. ( ) does your father do every day e .I`m going to school. ( ) many people are there in your family f .Yes,I had a good time. ( ) can do it. Can you g .I went to the zoo last Sunday.

( ) are the boys h .The boys are in the classroom. ( ) did you do last Sunday i .Sorry ,I can`t. ( ) you have a good time j . Three people.

5. Read and tick.(单项选择。)(10分)

1. What`s the matter

A . I am a boy. B. I`ve got a new bag. C. My mouth is dr y(干燥).

2. Can I help you

A . I can`t help you B. Yes ,you need help. C. Oh yes, please. 3. Where can I get(得到,获取) the water

A. In a small shop. B. You can eat this. C. Don`t worry. 4. Would you like a glass of water

A .That would be nice. B. I don`t want juice. C. I see. 5. Here you are!

A . Here you are! B. Not at all. C. Thanks a lot.



Sam's father works in a computer company. He goes to work very early. Every morning he works at a computer. He's very busy. He always has his lunch at one o'clock in the after lunch he goes to visit an art museum. In the evening , he often paints some pictures before he goes to bed.. He often says to Sam ,\at your lessons so that you can enjoy yourself! \

1 、Where does Sam's father work . 2 、Is he very busy . 3 、When does Sam's father always have his lunch . 4 、What does he sometimes go to do . 5 、What does he often do in the evening . B

Last week Bill went shopping with his sister Jane and his aunt Jill. First, they went to the bank; and then, they went to the market. Aunt Jill bought some fruit-mangoes and apples. Bill wanted coconuts, but there weren’t any. Aunt Jill bought some ice creams. She had one, Jane had one, but Bill had two.


1. When did Bill go shopping

2. How many people went shopping

3. Where did they go first

4. What kind of fruit(哪种水果) did Aunt Jill buy

5. What did they all eat



