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Unit 4剑桥少儿英语预备级B第四单元教学设计

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Unit 4 They are my friends

教学内容 Part 1 知识与技能 教学目标 过程与方法 单 元 第几课时 Period 1 通过学习,使学生能用英语简单介绍自己和朋友 直观教学法 情感态度与价值观 通过教学活动,加强学生之间的了解。 课的类型 学情分析 教学重、难点 教法、学法 教学准备及用具 教学流程 Step 1 Greetings. 1. Sing a song. 2. Learn: I can because I think I can. Step 2 Revision Let the Ss revise part 1 of Unit 3. Step 3 Presentation 1. Lead in. Point a girl and ask ,who is this? ------ This is ... . She is my friend. Point a boy and ask ,who is this? ------ This is ... . He is my friend. 2. Practice with other pupils. 3. Point to two pupils and ask, Who are they?------ They are ... and ... Who am I? ------ Help to answer, you are Miss Guo. You are a teacher. Who are you? Point to a pupil, ----- I'm ..... Then ask two pupils, help to answer, ------ We are ...and ... Who are they? ---they are ... And .... New 学生需慢慢学会流利地朗读一些简单的句子 This is ... She /He is my friend. They/ We are friends. 直观教学法 PPT, 动态修改


4. Play Mp4 of the text. Step 3 Practice 1. Hold a picture of a boy or a girl, and say, “Hello! Please say “hello” to my friends! This is Tom. This is May. We are all friends.” 2. Ask two students to come front, say: Hello! He is LiMing, and she is Linda. We are all friends. Can anybody do the same? 3. Now you can introduce you friends to others. We have four people in one group. Now, let’s begin. 4. Then ask several Ss to introduce their friends in front of the classroom. 5. Listen to the tape of part 1. Teach the new words on the blackboard. Welcome, come, watch TV, and play with toys. Read part 1. Blackboard drawings: Unit 4 They are my friends This is ... She /He is my friend. They/ We are friends. Homework: Listen and read part 1. 课后随笔


Unit 4 They are my friends.

Part 1, 2 知识与技能 单 元 第几课时 Period 2 教学内容 1. 会读和表演Part 1 的对话。 2. 独自完成part 2并熟读句子。 通过表演理解句子运用句子。 教学目标 过程与方法 情感态度与价值观 通过教学活动,加强学生之间的了解。 课的类型 学情分析 教学重、难点 教法、学法 New 学生需慢慢学会流利地朗读一些简单的句子 Part1的句型 直观教学法 教学准备及用具 电子版课文 教学流程 Step 1 Warming up: 1. Greetings. 2. Every sentence a week. 3. Ask ,who is your friend?---- Pat is my friend. etc. Step 2 Revision Let the Ss revise the sentences and act it. Hello! I’m Nick. She’s Pat and he’s Tom. We are all friends. Step 3 Look, read and match 1. Write four sentences on the blackboard. a. Hello! I’m Zhang Xing. b. Hello! She’s Linda. She’s my friend. c. Hello! He’s Zhang Xing. He’s my friend. d. Hello! I’m Monkey Munchy. They are all my friends. 2. Let the Ss practice several times. 动态修改


Blackboard drawings: Unit 4 They are my friends. e. Hello! I’m Zhang Xing. f. Hello! She’s Linda. She’s my friend. g. Hello! He’s Zhang Xing. He’s my friend. h. Hello! I’m Monkey Munchy. They are all my friends. Homework: Read and listen part 1 for several times.


Unit 4 They are my friends

教学内容 Part 3, 4 知识与技能 教学目标 过程与方法 单 元 第几课时 Period 3 1. The Ss can make sentences. 2. The Ss can listen and chant. 直观教学法 情感态度与价值观 通过教学活动,加强学生之间的了解 课的类型 学情分析 教学重、难点 教法、学法 New 学生需慢慢学会流利地朗读一些简单的句子 Expressions in communication Key words and expression 直观教学法 教学准备及用具 电子版课文 教学流程 Step 1 Warming up: 1. Greetings. 2. Every sentence a week. Step 2. Revision 1. Ask the Ss to revise on Page 13-14. 2. Ask the Ss to come front and act it. Step 3 Presentation 1. Let the Ss turn to the page 15 and let the Ss make some sentences. You are my friends. She’s my friends. 2. Ask some students to come front and act it. Step 4 Consolidation Listen and chant. Let the Ss listen to the tape, and then sing after the tape.

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Unit 4剑桥少儿英语预备级B第四单元教学设计


