【期刊名称】《中国口腔种植学杂志》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)002
【摘要】Objective:To evaluate the hard tissue alterations of the alveolar bone crest following tooth extrac-tion and immediate implant placement using cone beam computed tomography. Methods: 14 patients with 16 Ankylos implants in need of immediate implant were included in the study. All patients under-went a CBCT examination both immediately after implant placement(T1) and at the time of second-stage surgery (T2). The vertical distance between top of the bone crest and apex of the implant at four aspects (labial/buccal, palatal, mesial and distal) were detected. The value of vertical distance during the T1 and T2 were analysed with the paired t-test in SPSS 11.0. Results:All The vertical distance at four as-pects showed statistically significant changes during the T1 and T2. But the value of bone resorption is difference at four aspects. Conclusion: Bone resorption may occur after immediate implant and the de-grees of change appeared to be higher at labial/buccal than the other aspects.%目的:利用锥形束CT探讨即刻种植后牙槽骨嵴的改变。方法:本研究选择14例上牙即刻种植患者,共植入Ankylos种植体16枚,患者种植手术完成时(T1)和二期手术时(T2)均拍摄锥形束CT (CBCT),测量所有种植体唇颊侧,腭侧,近中,远中四个方向