【期刊名称】《水利渔业》 【年(卷),期】2011(032)005
【摘要】The community of zoobenthos along the mainstream of Dongjiang River, Guangdong Province of China, has been investigated from July 2009. A total of 28 species were collected from 43 sampling sites, and the density varied from 26 ind/m2 to 2 167 ind/m2. 16 species were aquatic insects, 6 species molluses, 5 species oligochaeta animals and 1 species hirudinea. The survey found that Aulodrilus sp. (53.5%) was the most frequently found anong all the zoobenthos. According to some evaluation criterions, five biotic indexes were used to study water quality, and environment biology analysis were done with physical-chemical monitoring data. Biology Pollution In- dex(BPI) were chosen to indicate the water quality in mainstream of Dongjiang River and showed it remain good. However, compared with 1980s, there was quite different in the aquatic species, dominant species and quantity of aquatic animals. So the water quality in Dongjiang River had declined from the aspect of bioassessment of water quality. 09年7月14-30日对东江设43个点位进行调查,共采到底栖动物28种,密度为26~2 167个/m2;其中,昆虫纲16种,软体动物门6种,寡毛纲动物5种,蛭纲1种。调查发现,所有底栖动物中,出现频率最高的是管水蚓属(Aulodrilus sp.),为53.5%。根