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沪教牛津版六年级英语下(Unit1 语法点梳理以及能力训练)

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年 级:六年级 辅导科目:英语 课时数:3 课 题 Unit1语法点梳理以及能力训练 使学生能够基本掌握Unit1中的语法点; 进行一些综合训练,提高综合能力。 教学内容 教学目的 Step1: Greetings & Free talk How are you today? Is there something interesting or important this week? What have you learned in your school? (询问学校课程进度) Step2: Lead in— 脑筋急转弯 Q: 四个人在一间小屋里打麻将(没有其他人在看着),这时警察来了,四个人都跑了,可是警察到了屋里又抓到一个人,为什么? A: 四个人在屋里打一个叫“麻将”的人,警察抓到的是他 Step3: Check( words + expressions+reciting+homework+错题回顾) 1. 单词默写。 n.亚洲 adv.东北 adv.西北 adv.东南 adv.西南 n. 展览会;展览品 n.首都,省会 n.千米;公里 n.信息 n.宫殿 n.游客;观光者 num.百万 n.建筑物 adj.巨大的 adj.著名的 2.日常表达默写。 乘飞机 两天半 1 / 10

在过去;从前 长城

多于;超过 喜欢做某事

3.课文背诵检查。 4.课后作业检查分析。


Step4: Grammar


(1)可以用by的介词词组来表达,但步行一定要用on foot表示。

e. g. I go to school by bus/by underground.我乘公共汽车/地铁上学。 He goes to school on foot.他步行上学。

(2)乘飞机可以用by plane也可以用by air;乘船可以用by ship /boat,也可以用by sea(但不能用by lake或by river)。 (3)如指具体某一辆车或船可以用on或in的介词词组来表示。

e. g. He often goes to Beijing on the train.他通常乘这班火车去北京。 She goes to work in her car.她开她的汽车上班。


2. How long与How far的用法

(1) How long用于询问时间上的“多久”。

e. g. How long have you stayed here? 你待在这儿有多长时间了? We have stayed here for one week.我们已经待在这儿有一周了。 (2) How far用于询问距离上的“多远”。

e. g. How far is it from the school to the theatre? 从学校到电影院有多远?

Step 5:Exercise. (综合能力训练)

Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Grammar (35分)

I . Choose the most proper answer. : (15 分)

( ) 1. It is very expensive to a plane to Britain, but it's cheaper to go there .

A. take, by ships B. take, by ship C. by, take ships D. by, take ship

( ) 2. Russia is China.

A. in the north of B. the north of C. on the north of D. to the north of

( ) 3. There are visitors on Nanjing Road every day.

A. thousand of B. more than 3 thousands C. thousands of D. more than 3 thousands of

( ) 4. It is train ride from Shanghai to Suzhou. (

A. two-hour's B. two hour C. two hour's D. two hours'

) 5. All the passengers must the airport two hours before the departure time.

2 / 10

A. arrive B. arrive at C. arrive to D. arrive by D. eatting D. by D. can D. on ( ) 6. Do you enjoy spicy food? A. eat B. eating C. to eat ( ) 7. The terrible thing happened a cold morning. A. on B. in C. at ( ) 8. A: Must I go with you? B: No, you . A. needn't B. mustn't C. must ( ) 9. Beijing is the biggest city in China. It lies the west of China. A. to B. at C. in ( ) 10. In summer, there are flowers in the park. A. more B. most C. much D. best ( ) 11. Peter TV every day. A. not watch B. don't watch C. doesn't watch D. does watch ( ) 12. Don't worry. You still have time. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few ( ) 13. A: Shall we go to Tom's birthday party together? B: . A. Yes, please. B. You needn't. C. That's a good idea. D. Right. ( ) 14. Would you like our parents? A. meet B. meeting C. meets D. to meet ( ) 15. A: I am a worker. B: too. A. Me B. Mine C. I D. My Ⅱ. Find the words which have the same meaning to the underlined words. (5分) A. two days and a half B. get to C. to the east of D. walk E. over F. like to visit ( ) 1. Tokyo is east of Beijing. ( ) 2. There are more than 800 students in our school. ( ) 3. Many tourists like visiting those places. ( ) 4. It took him two and a half days to go to Shanghai by train. ( ) 5. They go to school on foot. Ⅲ. Choose the word from the box and fill in the blanks in its proper form. (5分) child tour interest swim teach 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. There are many __________ places in China. Those are his ___________ . Tom's father and mother are both __________ . Let's go _________ . We are __________ . Can you give us some suggestions? Ⅳ. Rewrite the sentences as required. (10分) 3 / 10

1. There are some books in my bag. (改为否定句) There books in my bag.

2. John's mother does exercises every morning. (改为一般疑问句) John's mother ________ exercises every morning? 3. It takes me an hour to get to the school by bus. (划线提问)

does it take you to get to the school by bus?

4. It's about 3,500 kilometres from Garden City to Singapore. (划线提问) is it from Garden City to Singapore? 5. Beijing is a beautiful city. (改为感叹句) beautiful city Beijing is!


I. 1. B 2. C 3. C 4.D 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. A Ⅱ. 1. C 2. E 3. F 4. A 5. D

Ⅲ. 1. interesting 2. children 3. teachers 4. swimming 5. tourists

Ⅳ. 1. aren't any 2. Does, do 3. How long 4. How far 5. What a

Part Ⅲ Reading and Writing (40分)

I. Reading comprehension. (15分)


Jimmy lived in the country, and he loved playing in a very shallow(浅的)river near his house, but then his father got a job in a big city, and he moved there with his family.

Their new house had a garden, but the garden was very small. Jimmy wasn't very happy. \

His mother answered, \there this afternoon.\

After lunch, Jimmy and his mother went to the park, Jimmy wanted to walk near the pool, but there was a sign in front of it. His mother read it to him: \危险的). 367 people have fallen into it. \Jimmy looked into the pool carefully. Then he said, \ True or false:

( )1. Jimmy's father worked in a big city.

( )2. After breakfast, Jimmy and his mother went to the park. ( )3. The garden was very small. ( )4. There's a pool in the country.

( )5. 367 people have fallen into the pool.


Visitors to London often eat in restaurants. The owners and workers in them are all from other countries. The visitors say in these restaurants they don't feel they are in England. Most of English people eat at home as much as they can. Sometimes they themselves will think they are in another country when they are in restaurants. When an Englishman goes out of a restaurant, he may find that he doesn't understand why everything is written in French and Italian.

Most of English people think it is better to eat at home, because it is cheaper. They don't want to spend much money on

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food and they like cooking at home. They like fast food. But for Christmas, they will spend two or three weeks to get ready for it, because they want to have good food. Choose the best answer: ( )1. Visitors to London often eat in restaurants because .

A. they don't like the food at home B. their homes are not in London C. it's cheaper D. restaurants are beautiful places

( )2. When English people eat in restaurants, they sometimes think .

A. they are in another country B. they are in the country C. they are themselves D. they love their country

( )3. Some of English people don't know .

A. why everything comes from French and Italian B. why people write everything in French and Italian C. everything in restaurants D. everyone in restaurants

( )4. English people eat at home because .

A. it is fast B. the food is expensive at home C. it is sometimes very cheap D. the food is very cheap at home

( )5. English people will spend much time for Christmas.

A. In order to get more food B. In order to have much food C. In order to get good food D. In order to have enough food


It was a Saturday morning in May. When Mrs. Edwards opened her curtains (窗帘) and looked out, she smiled and said, \唤醒) her small son up at eight-thirty and said to him, \to the zoo today. Wash your hands and face, brush your teeth and eat your breakfast quickly. We're going to New York by train, v

Teddy was six years old. He was very happy now, because he liked going to the zoo very much, and he also liked going by train. He said, \small son. \ Teddy laughed and answered, \ Answer the questions:

1. What did Mrs. Edwards say when she looked out of the window?

2. Why was Teddy happy?

3. What did Teddy dream about?

4. What did Mrs. Edwards ask Teddy?

5. What did Teddy answer?

Ⅱ. Choose the words and expressions and complete the passage. (6分)

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沪教牛津版六年级英语下(Unit1 语法点梳理以及能力训练)


