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华南师大附中2020届高三年级月考(二) 英 语

本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共8页,满分120分,考试用时120分钟。 注意事项:




3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的平整。

第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Idioms are one of the hardest parts of learning a language. For those of you who don't know, an idiom is a phrase which has a meaning, but the meaning is not clear from the words themselves. If you translate an idiom word for word, it sometimes makes no sense at all. They are like puzzles and even native speakers can get confused when someone uses a phrase that they've never heard of.

With that in mind, here are five common English idioms that you can use in a variety of Situations.

1.Get your act together (Meaning: you need to improve your behaviour/work)

This might be something your teacher says to you if you score badly in an exam or if you misbehave in class. You can also use it to talk about people in general. For example, if your friend is being mean or nasty for no reason, then you can tell them that they need to get their act together.

2.Pull yourself together (Meaning: calm down)

This is a somewhat impolite way of telling someone that they are overreacting and that they need to relax. Only use this if you think the person you are speaking to is getting upset over something insignificant. If your friend tells you that their close relative has died, it is NOT the time

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to tell them to pull themselves together.

3.I'm feeling under the weather (Meaning: I'm sick)

Yes, it's longer and more difficult to say than 'I'm sick', but if your English teacher asks you why you haven't done your homework, he or she is more likely to forgive you if you say that you were feeling under the weather. You may not have done your English homework, but your teacher might be impressed that you know how to make eloquent excuses in a foreign language. 4.It's a piece of cake (Meaning: it's easy)

I don't know why this means what it does, but sometimes you just have to accept that English people use weird phrases.

5.Break a leg (Meaning: good luck!)

This is perhaps one of the most confusing yet well-known English idioms. If someone says this to you, do not take offence or think they are threatening you; they are just wishing you luck. It is most often used for people wishing success to actors and actresses before they perform on the stage, but it can be said in other situations, too.

All in all, learning a new language can be challenging. It's definitely not a piece of cake, especially when there are so many confusing idioms. However, with enough hard work and interest, you will succeed in no time. Break a leg!

l.Which idiom is proper for you to say to your worried classmate who is to take part in the 800-metre race at the school sports meet?

A.Get your act together. B.Pull yourself together. C.Break a leg. D.It's a piece of cake.

2.How should you respond when you hear your deskmate say, \ A.\ B.\ C.\ D.\

3.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about idioms? A.They sometimes make no sense at all.

B.Native speakers have trouble understanding idioms sometimes. C.Idioms are the hardest part of learning a language. D.We can guess the meaning of an idiom from the words in it.


I spend half of my life with my mother and the other half with my father. My father lives with a twenty-pound cat named Tofu. He calls me his favorite daughter. I am an only child.

My father's apartment is quite different from any other person's living space. Except for my room, there is no furniture. He doesn't like sofas or any comfortable chairs, so he has only a drawing table, a desk and his bed. He spends a lot of time lying on the studio floor. That's how he thinks, he says. Then he does yoga

He has a big kitchen, and on top of the refrigerator is an old clock he winds every week for good luck. The last time the clock stopped, my father's car was towed(被警察拖走) and some other terrible things happened, so he has become very superstitious (迷信的) . When he goes

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out of town, he hires someone to feed Tofu and wind the clock so it won't stop.

The one thing he has plenty of is house rules. You have to take off your shoes when you come in. He won't allow anyone who wears a baseball cap into his house. He says only baseball players should wear baseball caps and only the catchers should wear them backward. Every time I go to stay in his house, he makes up a new rule. “House rule number 579, no television programs with laugh tracks!”he will say. But then be can never remember the numbers, so they change constantly.

The rule that he always enforces is the one that requires me to write a two-page essay anytime I want something. He didn't speak English until he was sixteen, and he had a hard time learning to write it, so he wants me to become a good writer at an early age. This ritual(仪式)started when I asked him if I could have my ears pierced when I was nine. He said it was very cruel and told me I couldn't do it until I was thirty-five. But l kept asking him, and he finally said that if I wrote an essay and I could persuade him in writing why I wanted holes in my ears, maybe he would say okay. I wrote my first essay for my father, and after one month of writing and rewriting, he finally. gave me his permission.

4.What is unusual about the father's apartment? A.It has a large kitchen.

B.The father does yoga at home. C.It is scarcely furnished.

D.The father spends a lot of time on the floor.

5.Which of the following is an example of the house rules? A.Someone is hired to feed Tofu. B.You can't wear shoes in the house.

C.Baseball players are not allowed into the apartment.

D.The writer can't watch television programs in the apartment 6.Which of these statements about the clock is TRUE? A.It is not an automatic one.

B.Her father doesn't like the clock. C.It can bring good luck to them.

D.Someone is hired to wind it every week. 7.We can infer that the writer's father A.was a famous writer

B.was born in the United States C.was a caring and strict father D.speaks more than one language


A university in Nanjing, Jiangsu province,has installed facial recognition systems in classrooms to monitor students' behavior, sparking a heated debate online. China Pharmaceutical University recently installed the systems in two pilot classrooms as well as school gates, dormitory entrances, the library and laboratory buildings.

Xu Jianzhen,director of the university's library and information center, told TbePaper.cn that the systems will help teachers check student attendance and monitor behavior during the lectures. \ditched the class or asked

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