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2021版高考英语(人教版)一轮复习课后达标检测:必修4 3 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Word版含答案

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(2020·贵阳高三摸底)As the old saying goes, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” And neither should we judge movie stars by their ages.

At just 21, Elle Fanning made history by becoming the youngest jury(评审团) member at the Cannes Film Festival. This year it lasted from May 14th to May 25th. “I was in complete shock when I got that phone call and that question if I wanted to be a member of the Cannes Jury,” Fanning said during a press conference.

As it turned out, it not only shocked the US actress,but also brought

criticism from those who believed Fanning was too young compared to other veterans in the industry. But Fanning’s acting experience was in fact a good argument for her jury membership. In fact, Fanning has been a Hollywood fixture for longer than you realize.

The 21-year-old has been in many big productions. She began acting in I AM Sam at age 3. With lead roles in movies like Super 8, We Bought a Zoo and Maleficent under her belt, she’s appeared in 60 projects and is one of Hollywood’s hottest young stars. Fanning’s devotion to work numbers her among the few former child stars who continue to act as adults.

In her latest movie Teen Spirit, which hit US cinemas last month, Fanning plays a pop singer. Since she had no singing experience, Fanning had to work with Grammy-winning music producer Marius de Vries for three months before the filming started. “I would go to his apartment and sing through all the songs every day,” she said. “He videoed me and recorded me singing everything and made me watch it back again and again to improve my skills.”

With such rich acting experience and devotion to her art, Fanning certainly was able to “represent a new class in film” at the Cannes Film Festival.

【解题导语】 21岁的艾丽·范宁成为戛纳电影节历史上年龄最小的评审团成员。凭借丰富的表演经验和对艺术的热爱,范宁无疑能够在戛纳电影节上“代表电影界的一个新阶层”。这告诉我们不要以年龄来评价电影明星。

1.What does the underlined word “veterans” probably mean? A.Shocked actresses. C.Experienced people.

B.Green hands. D.Music producers.

C 解析:词义猜测题。根据第三段第一句可知,范宁当选为戛纳电影节评审团成员招


2.In which film does Fanning play a pop singer? A.I AM Sam. C.We Bought a Zoo.

B.Super 8. D.Teen Spirit.

D 解析:细节理解题。根据第五段第一句“In her latest movie Teen Spirit...Fanning plays a pop singer.”可知,D项正确。

3.What does the writer think of Elle Fanning? A.Wealthy. C.Considerate.

B.Devoted. D.Friendly.

B 解析:推理判断题。根据第五段叙述的无唱歌经验的范宁为扮演一位流行音乐歌手所做的努力和尾段中的“With such rich acting experience and devotion to her art”可推知,作者认为范宁是一位对工作尽心尽力的演员,故B项正确。

4.What is the main idea of the text? A.Elle Fanning’s earning her honor. B.A person judged by appearance. C.Introducing some famous films.

D.Elle Fanning’s presenting in a new film.

A 解析:主旨大意题。根据第二段第一句“At just 21,Elle Fanning made history by becoming the youngest jury(评审团) member at the Cannes Film Festival.”并结合全文其他内容可知,本文主要讲述了21岁的艾丽·范宁成为戛纳电影节历史上年龄最小的评审团成员,并介绍了她的演艺经历,故A项正确。


(2020·太原高三模拟)Inside WeWork’s New York City headquarters on a Thursday morning, a handful of kids were selling carrots and peppers. The children are members of WeWork’s first school, WeGrow, where farming is part of the curriculum. They were interacting with WeGrow

employees browsing the goods. “How many carrots would you like?” one girl asked. “We take Apple Pay,” another shouted.

Founded in 2010, WeWork has made a name for itself as a global network of co-working spaces. WeGrow is WeWork’s newest enterprise(事业) and its first attempt in the education


WeGrow, a school which claims to grow “conscious leaders”, is inspired by the Montessori approach to learning that gives children the freedom to explore and choose their activities, so their nature of creativity and curiosity is preserved. But the goal is not to create next-generation CEOs. “Leadership is a bit of an exciting word for people,” said Rebekah, WeGrow’s founder and CEO. “We’ve seen children do such a thing forever—running a lemonade stand every time, that’s what that is.”

WeGrow opened in the fall last year. Currently, 46 kids are enrolled in classes from pre-kindergarten to fourth grade. The kids start every morning with live music, followed by yoga. They spend time in nature and choose to take either Hebrew or Mandarin courses. WeGrow students learn science, math, social studies and language arts. It also has a program for kids to connect with WeWork community members with careers in areas kids might be interested in. But the main concern is that standardized tests are not available to measure the students’ overall progress.

They want to create an environment where people can work to make a life and not just a living, but that’s part of a larger mission to raise the world’s awareness towards creating a world where people are happy and fulfilled and living in a sharing state.

【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了WeWork开设的第一所学校WeGrow的相关情况,包括其办校宗旨、学习内容等。

5.What do we know about WeGrow from the text? A.It was founded in 2010. B.It is intended for gifted kids. C.It aims to preserve kids’ nature. D.It got a lot of satisfaction from parents.

C 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句中的“that gives children the freedom to explore and choose their activities,so their nature of creativity and curiosity is preserved”可知,WeGrow给了孩子们探索和选择活动的自由,从而保护他们的创造力和好奇心的本性。故选C项。

6.Which of the following reflects the Montessori approach? A.All kids learn to run the lemonade stand.

B.Students are allowed to establish markets in the yard. C.The school committee arranges students’ activities. D.Students work hard academically to become CEOs.

B 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的第一、二句和第三段第一句中的“is inspired by the

2021版高考英语(人教版)一轮复习课后达标检测:必修4 3 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Word版含答案


