Unit 4 Creativity
Aims of Teaching Master some words
Leading students to think something about the creativity Key Points
Learning to employ the following key words and phrases into practice. (本课重点词汇与短语)
creativity dismiss sacrifice vital involve...in sacrifice…for… be up to appoint encounter firmly hesitation intervene mere rear tease withdraw find one’s way for the sake of not in the least on occasion time and again broadly cultivation desirable discern enhance expressive illuminate incident reliance subsequent date back to feed back to the point in the hope of proceed to Helping students to understand the importance of creativity. Master the important grammar Methods of Teaching
Using multi-media teaching equipment Group-Discussion Analyze the text. Time Arrangement
1 Preparation 2-3 4 5
Unit 4 Creativity
I. Preparation
1. What is creativity
The definition of creativity.
----Being creative means one can think of things that others cannot. ----Being creative means one can solve problems in a simple and original(独创的,新颖的) way. ----Being creative means one can think and do things in an usual way.
---Being creative is not limited to scientists or artists. Actually, ordinary people also do creative work in their lives. It is carried on all the time by amateur inventors who find new and more convenient ways of doing everyday things. For example, the paper clip(纸夹) was invented by a man who kept losing his paperwork. Thanks to his own invention, he’s now very well organized.
In-Class Reading After-Class Reading Exercises 2. Do you parents ever let you make decisions when you were young What do you think of your parents’ practice
----No. They made the decisions and I obeyed. If I did not obey, I would be punished. They meant well and wanted to teach me the right moral values and not to make mistakes. But sometimes, I think they should have let me discover things by myself. I think that children are very clever and should be encouraged to make decisions by themselves.
3. Did your parents allow you to speak to guests who came to your house How did you feel if you were not allowed to
----Yes. I could talk freely with the guests of our family. If I had not been allowed to speak to them, I would have felt like a little a child or an outsider(局外人) even though I was not really young, and I would not have felt like part of the family.
4. Which should be emphasized in education, knowledge or creativity
----Both are equally important, and no system should only emphasize one. Knowledge involves facts and skills which are essential, but creativity allows you to do original things with your knowledge. If I had to emphasize one, I would choose creativity since it is more important than facts and figures that will be forgotten.
can schools encourage creativity in students
----Reduce the amount of memory work. Memorizing things does not encourage thinking. If students are told to memorize, they are not encouraged to solve problems in an original way, but just to obtain or give back information.
----Encourage students’ curiosity. If students are curious, they will explore more and become more interested.
----Give homework that tests students’ ideas and theories rather than piles of work that require them to repeat what their teachers do in class.
----Stop thinking that children are stupid and that they must always be told what to do and how to do it.
----Offer more classes on art and music.
----Leave students more time so that they can go out and observe nature.
----Provide more chances for students to visit exhibitions and have discussions.
----Let students talk about their interests and realize the importance of their interests. II. Reading-Centered Activities
The Case for Creativity ---Encouraging Children to Think 1. Pre-reading
Directions: Wok in pairs to discuss the following two questions.
1) Did your parents ever let you make decisions when you were young What do you think of your parents’ practice
2) Did your parents allow you to speak to guests who came to your house Hoe did you feel if you were not allowed to II. Language Points 1. key
1) an instrument, usu. made of metal, for locking or unlocking (a door) or starting and stopping
( a car engine) 2) any one of the parts in a musical instrument, or in a machine, that is pressed down to
produce the desired sound or other result: the keys of a piano
3) something that explains, answers, or helps you to understand: a key to the grammar
exercise 4) someone or something that is very important; that is necessary for success: He is a very
important man with a key position in the firm. 2. a number of: some
a. A number of people came to the meeting. 3. beyond: prep
1) on or to the further side of: What lies beyond the mountains 2) (of time) later than; past; after
a. Don’t stay there beyond midnight. 3) out of reach of ,outside the limits of
a. The book was beyond my reach. 4. tend to: 趋向
a. Janet tends to get very angry if you annoy her.
5. emphasis (on ,upon): special force given to certain words, ideas or details, in speaking, writing,
drawing, etc. to show that they are particularly important
a. This dictionary places a special emphasis on grammar. 6. instead of : prep in place of
a. If I had not got cold I’d be working rather than lying here in bed. 7. even if: conj. Though (即使)
a. Even if you don’t like wine, try a glass of this! 8. create v.
a. A novelist creates characters and a plot.
b. His shabby appearance creates a bad impression. (他那寒酸的样子给人留下不好的印象。)
c. The outrageous book created a sensation. (那部耸人听闻的书曾轰动一时。) creation n. 1) 创造,产生
a. Economic conditions may be responsible for the creation of social unrest. (经济状况不佳可能是造成社会动乱的根源。)
2) thing made, esp by means of skill or intelligence创造物
a. The chef had produced one of his most spectacular creations, a whole roasted swan. (这位厨师做出了他最拿手的好菜:一整只烤天鹅。) creative adj. of or involving creation
a. The writer described the creative process. (叙述了创作过程) b. She’s very creative; she writes and paints. creativity n.
a. What we need badly is someone with creativity. b. Students’ creativity should be encouraged.
9. vital essential to life, the existence, success, etc. 与生命有关的,必不 可少的,极其重
a. The police perform a vital role in our society.
b. It is absolutely vital that the matter is kept secret. 10. practically adv. 1) almost, virtually
a. It rained practically every day.
b. His work is practically unknown here.
2) in a practical manner a. She solved the problem very practically. 11. mask n.
(surgeon’s) mask (口罩 respirator)antigas mask breathing mask dust mask facial mask美容面具
a. a child wearing a gorilla mask
b. a bank robber wearing a stocking mask
c. We all wore masks at the party and no one knew who we were. v.
a. the thief masked his face with a stocking. (a masked robber) b. She masked her fear by a show of confidence. (掩饰)
c. This perfume won’t mask the unpleasant smell. (遮盖) 12. approach = begin to tackle (a problem, task) 着手处理
a. He tries to approach different problems cautiously.
b. Before trying to solve the puzzle, let us consider the best way to approach it. c. The time is approaching when we must think about buying a new house. d. I find him difficult to approach.
13. original newly created or form, fresh; creative
a. His designs are highly original. (独树一帜)
b. Benjamin Franklin is an original thinker. (有创建的思想家)
c. The Indians were the original inhabitants of North America. (最早的居民) 14. sacrifice … for / to.… give one’s life for
a. Many people sacrificed themselves for a new China. b. He sacrificed his life to save the drowning child. c. She sacrificed her career to marry him.
d. The car’s designers have sacrificed comfort to economy. (降低造价) f. I’m not sacrificing my day off just to go shopping with Jane. 15. apply put to practice
a. In this way they can better apply theory to practice. b. What I have said applies only to some of you.
c. The results of this research can be applied to new developments in technology. 究成果能应用于新的技术开发方面。)
16. be up to be left for sb. to decide
a. Whether he took it or not was up to him.
b. Whether you learn or not is entirely up to you.
be up to sb. to do sth. = be the duty or responsibility of sb.
a. It’s up to parents and teachers to help students develop creativity. b. It’s up to him to decide whether we should go on or stop. 17. involve … in … = cause sb. to take part in
a. Don’t involve me in your affairs.
b. He is likely to involve others in a lot of trouble (expense).
c. Parents should involve their children in solving their family problems. 18. nature 1) 自然
(这项研 a. Man is engaged in a constant struggle with nature.
2) typical qualities and characteristics of a person or an animal 天性; 本性 a. It’s human nature that parents should be fond of their children. b. It’s his nature to be generous.
c. She has a very sweet nature. 3) the main character of something 特性; 性质
a. What is the nature of Jim’s business
b. Motor-racing is by nature a dangerous sport.
19. boundary “边界线”、“分界线”,常指分隔两国的天然山脉、河流等界线。
a. The Yalu River forms a boundary between China and Korea.
b. Negotiations about fixing the boundary line between the two countries are still going on. border “边界”,“边境”,常指沿两国边界的地区。
a. She has been working in a border region since her graduation. b. Do you need a passport to cross the Scottish border frontier “边疆”,“国境”,指一个国家的边界,指“领域”时用复数。
a. The soldiers guarded the frontiers of the country.
b. a frontier zone 边境地带 c. a frontier town 边疆城镇
d. frontier disputes 边境争端 III. Post-Reading Activities Difficult sentences:
L3: …had listened to …might not have … 混合时态虚抑语气 L4: masking tape: 遮保胶带
L16. Nor is it… 倒装:nor 在句首。 L24: story problems: 数学应用题 L47: in its purest form: 最地道
L56: to make order out of confusion: 使杂乱无章的事物变得井然有序 Translation
I think it is up to him to finish the work no matter how long it will take. We decided to sacrifice a trip for a new car.
He tried not to involve his wife in the management of the company. The education of young people is vital to the future of our country. The key to this problem is better planning.
I am very tired. I don’t want to pursue that question now. He won first prize for his original design.
Through all his life he has made efforts to promote the mutual understanding between the two countries.
IV. Further Development Case Study
Directions: You live in a pleasant neighborhood, outside a town. Soon a prison has been built just opposite the bungalows where you live. It is surrounded by high concrete walls. No view of the countryside any more! You and your neighbors get together for this. Now discuss with your neighbors ( group members) to solve the problem in a creative way. Write down your solution and report it to the class, which will decide on the best solution.
新编大学英语教案 第四册 Unit4