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A、sun B、clouds C、vapour水蒸气 ( )21. Can I have_____ orange juice please?

A、some B、an C、a

( )22. In China, drivers drive on the______ side of the road

A、right B、left C、middle

( )23. If you feel______, you must see the doctor

A、happy B、bored C、sick

( )24. The cinema is north of the hospital. So the hospital is___ of the cinema A、east B、south C、west

( )25. The killer whale has 40 teeth, each____20 cm long.

A、up to B、has C、are ( )26. _______are running in the park

A、Jack and Jim B、Mr. Blank C、Amy’s mother ( )27. My ruler is 5 cm_______ than yours.

A、taller B、smaller C、longer ( )28. She’s super! She can jump______ than others.

A higher B、high C、tall

( )29. We_____ to Guangzhou at 8:00 last night.

A、get B、got C. go

( )30. Wu Yifan doesn’t_______ to school by subway.

A、goes B、went C、go 情景对话,单选题。

( )1、---I often go to work by bus . What about you? ---__________. A、Me too B、I don’t know C、I’m sorry ( )2、---What’s your hobby? ----___________

A、 I’m a teacher B、I like swimming C、I’m Jack ( )3、---Mary, your English is very good. ---- _________.

A、No, I don’t B、You’re right C、Thank you ( )4、----_________. ----It’s sunny and warm.

A、What’s the matter with you? B、What’s the weather like in Kunming? C、 What’s the date today?

( )5、----_________. ----She’s a TV reporter.

A、What does your sister like doing? B、What’s your sister going to do? C、 What does your sister do?

( )6、----_________. ----I wear size 20. A、How big are your feet? B、How long are your feet? C、How bigger are your feet? ( )7、Excuse me where is the bank please?________

A、I don’t want to tell you. B、Sorry, I don’t know. C、Here you are. ( )8、你想知道John上周末干了什么,你应该问他:

A、What did you do last weekend John? B、Where did you go last weekend John? C、How did you go there last weekend John?

( )9、你不小心把同学的书弄脏了,你应该对他说:

A、Excuse me B、I ’m very sorry C、I ’m very sorry to hear that ( )10、你告诉妈妈你比Mike高,你应该对妈妈说:

A、I ’m tall than Mike B、Mike is taller than me C、I ’m taller than Mike. 三、完形填空

Jim is 1 eight-year-old boy . He is a good boy .He does 2 in all his lessons . He likes school and he is always active (积极)in class . Every time the teacher asks a question, Jim always 3 his hand quickly. Sometimes his answer is 4 , but the teacher always smiles and says, “Good, Jim. But 5 a better answer to my question ?”

One day ,the teacher asks the boys and girls a question . “Swallows大雁 fly to the south 6 winter comes ,” he says. “But why don’t cats and dogs do 7 ?” Jim puts up his 8 as usual (像平常一样). “Yes ,Jim?” says the teacher 9 . Jim stands up and says ,“ 10 they have no wings (翅膀).”

( )1.A. a B.an C. the D./ ( )2.A good B happy C well D bad ( )3.A gets up B puts on C gets on D puts up ( )4.A.right B. wrong C. easy D. hard ( )5.A.has B.is there C .are there D. have ( )6.A.before B .after C .until D .if ( )7.A.different B these C the same D .those ( )8.A. hand B. head C. foot D. eye ( )9.A carefully B .sadly C happily D angrily ( )10.A Why B. Because C. How D. Where


One day there was an argument (争论) between the wind and the sun. “ I’m much __1__?than you, ”said the wind. “No, I don’t agree with you!” said the sun. While they were arguing, they saw a man___2___along the road. He is wearing a heavy coat. The sun said to the wind, “Now, let ___3____see who can make the man take__4___his coat. Then we will know who is stronger.”

First the wind tried. It began to blow very hard. It blew___5___hard that the man pulled (拉)his coat around him. The wind was___6___with the man. Then it said to the sun,“Now, it’s your___7___. ” The sun started to___8___on the man. Soon it got very___9___! The man took off his coat. The argument was over. We know the___10___was stronger now.? ( )1.A. strong B. strongly C. stronger ( )2.A. walking B. walk C. walks ( )3.A. we B. our C. us ( )4.A. up B. on C. off ( )5.A. not B. so C. such ( )6.A. sad B. happy C. angry ( )7.A. way B. turn C. turns ( )8.A. shines B. shine C. shining ( )9.A. hot B. hotter C. hottest ( )10.A. wind B. sun C. Man


There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter. In spring, the weather is warm. It is a good season for (1)___________ (hike). This is a (2)___________ (hope)season. Summer (3)___________(come)after spring. It is very hot. The children like to go

(4)__________(swim). It often rains and sometimes it rains (5)__________ (heavy). In fall it is cool. It’s a good time (6)_________(go)hiking. The farmers are busy (7)_________(harvest). The (8)__________(leaf)fall from the trees. Winter is a very cold season in the year. The wind blows (9)__________(strong). Sometimes it snows, and we can make (10)___________(snowman). 四、阅读理解。


This is a picture of a family. The father‘s name is Rex. He is forty-eight. The mother’s name is Linda. She is forty-five. They have a son of fifteen and a daughter of sixteen. They are Ned and Rose. They are students in No.1 Middle School. Linda is a teacher. Rex is a doctor. ( )1.What picture is it? It‘s a picture of a_______.

A. father B. bedroom C. classroom D. family ( )2.How old is the mother? A.45. B. 46. C. 47. D.48.

( )3.What’s the father? He‘s a_______. A. worker B. student C. doctor D. teacher ( )4.How old is Rose? A. Fifteen. B. Sixteen. C. Seventeen. D. Eighteen. ( )5.How many people are there in the family?

A. Three . B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.


Mr and Mrs Green come from Australia .They are in Beijing now .Mr Green is a teacher in a high school . He teaches English. He likes reading and running. He isn’t good at cooking. His son, Jim, is a student. He is on the school football team. He likes playing football very much. He is the best football player in his class. He likes school, too. He does his homework every day. Mrs Green is a teacher, too. She can speak a little Chinese. She likes Chinese food. She doesn’t like doing housework at all, but she likes cooking. They all like China a lot. ( )1The Greens come from_________.

A .Canada B .America C .Australia D. England ( )2. likes running

A . Mrs Green B Mr Green C Jim D Tim ( )3. can speak a little Chinese A Mr Green B Mrs Green C Jim D They ( )4.Mrs. Green doesn’t like ____ at all.

A. Chinese food B. teaching C. singing D. doing housework ( )5. They all like ____ very much.

A. China B. running C. singing and dancing D. drawing


One day little Mike’s mother went to the river to do some washing. Before she left, she said to him, “Mike, while I am away, stay near the door and watch it all the time!” She said this because she was afraid of the thieves. Mike sat down beside the door. After an hour, one of his uncles came. He asked Mike, “Where is your mother? ” “She has gone to the river to do some washing.” Mike answered. “Well,” said his uncle, “now it is a quarter to two. Three hours later we are going to visit your family. Go and tell your mother. For I’m busy, I have to go now.”

After his uncle had gone away, Mike began to think. “Mother had asked me to watch the door all the time and my uncle told me to go and tell my mother. What shall I do?” He thought and thought. Finally he pulled down the door, put it on his back and went to the river with it. ( )1.What did Mike’s mother ask him to do while she was away? A.To wait for her. B.To watch the house. C.To look after the door. D.To wait for his uncle. ( )2.How many uncles did Mike have?

A.One B.Two C.Three D.We don’t know ( )3.What time did Mike’s mother go to the river?

A.1:15 B.2:15 C.12:45 D.1:45 ( )4.When would Mike’s uncle come to visit them?

A.In the evening. B.In the morning. C.In the afternoon. D.At night. ( )5.What should Mike do?

A.He should lock the door before he went to the river. B.He should make a telephone call to his mother. C.He should go to the river with the door. D.He should ask his uncle to go to the river .


One day a Chinese student went to study English in England. His family name is Sun. It is the same as the word “sun”. England is a country with bad weather. It is often cloudy or misty, and it rains now and again. So the people there don’t get much sunshine in the whole year. When the Chinese student went to London, a tall English policeman with a large face opened his passport to examine(检查) it. The policeman was interested to find the Chinese name “sun” in the passport. He thought it was pronounced just like the English word “sun”,so he said to the Chinese student, “ I see your name is sun. You are wanted here.”

The Chinese student was greatly surprised. But after a moment the policeman began to smile, “Mr. Sun, you’ve brought sunshine to England! So we don’t want you to go away.” 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)?

( )1.The Chinese student’s family name is pronounced just like the English word “sun”. ( )2.London, the capital of England, is called “The misty city”.

( )3.In London, a tall Englishman with large eyes examined the Chinese student’s passport. ( )4.The policeman in London was interested in the Chinese name “sun”. ( )5.Mr. Sun was really to bring sunshine to England.


Kathy:Hello, 2833847. This is Kathy speaking. Jacky:Hello, Kathy. May I speak to Mike? Kathy:Sorry, Mike isn’t here.

Jacky:That’s OK. Please leave a message for me. Ask Mike to call me at seven this evening. My telephone number is 8765432. Thanks Kathy:You’re welcome

Dear __________, ____________ called you this morning, he asked you to call him at _________ this _____________. His telephone number is _________. Yours, _________________. 五、选词填空,每词只能填一次

on off red green did didn’t policeman It was Saturday morning. Mary wanted to go to the park with her friend, Amy at 8:00. But she got up at 8:00. It was very late. She rode her bike very quickly(快) . At the traffic lights, the light was ________. Mary didn’t stop. A_________ stopped her and said. “Please get_______ your bike. Did you see the red light?”---Yes, I _______. But I_________ see you. ” 六、完成对话,每空一词 A:(1)_______________ me! B:Yes?

A:(2)_______________are the two girls? B:(3)__________(4)_________Lucy and Lily. A:I think they (5)_______________the same.

B:Yes,you’ re (6)_______________,they‘re (7)_______________. A:(8)_______________(9)_______________ are they? B:Twelve. And I’m (10)_______________ ,too. 七、句子配对,相关的答句连起来

1.Is she Chinese or Japanese? A.They are Tom and Mike. 2.Who’s on duty today? B. Yes,it is. 3.Are those oranges? C. That is Mr Wang. 4.Can you see the bird? D. He is Japanese. 5.Is it a car? E. It‘s on the desk.

6.Who are they? F. No,they aren’t. They are pears. 7.Who‘s that? G. Yes,I can.

8.Where is the map? H. Lily is on duty today. 八、A、中译英,每格只填一个单词。

1、我非常喜欢阅读杂志。I like____________ magazines very much. 2、我们应该努力学习。 We____________ study hard. 3、爬山是我的爱好。 ________ _________ is my hobby.

4、昨天你买礼物了吗? Did you_______ ________yesterday?


