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4-2018届高中英语阅读理解专题 之事实细节题(教师版)

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解题原则:忠实于原文原句及全篇的逻辑关系,绝不能主观臆断。 解题技巧三步走: Step1:在题干中选定关键词(定位词); Step2:用定位词(1到2个)去文中寻找依据;

Step3:仔细阅读找到的信息句及上下句,对照选项,选出正确答案。 阅读细节题技巧一:语意转换。

细节理解题设题时为了避免出现原文中所用的词汇,常常使用一些同义词、近义词或反义词(双重否定)。因而在解题时要注意语意转换。 1. achieve satisfaction--realize their dreams--reach one’s goal 2. identify =insure=make sure 3. function

4. play an increasingly important role in

5. the poor quality of online education =The low standard of educational websites 6.Adjust the policies constantly=continue revising policies the most balanced and objective view 解题技巧二:提问原因

这种题的答案在原文通常有一些表示因果关系的词汇手段提示:reason--caused by,result, reason;result in(结果),result from(由于)base…on…(以……为基础),be due to (由于);because, for, why;as a result, consequently等。阅读时对这些提示词应该予以注意。原文相关句出现的格式都是先说原因,后说结果,而在题干中通常给出结果,就其原因提问。 the main cause of the flooding--- regular floods caused by overflow 解题技巧三:是非题出题形式

a.三正一误:Which of the following is Not true? b.三误一正:Which of the following is true?

这种问题的正确选项所包含的信息通常连续出现在同一段,而且往往无列举标志 词,如first,second,third等。做题时只需阅读有关段落,根据一个选项中的关键词在其前后找其他两个正确先项,剩下一个原文中未提到的,为正确答案。


解题技巧四: 简单的计算来做有关数字考法的阅读细节题


解题技巧五:比较: 比较考点的表现形式主要有: a.比较级与含有比较意义的词汇手段和句型结构;

b.表示绝对意义的字眼:first(第一),least(最不),most(最)等; c.表示惟一性的词汇:only, unique等;

阅读最好能圈出表示最高级、惟一性和绝对意义的词汇,便于做题时回原文定位。 the most difficult thing --Our biggest challenge 解题技巧六:例证题

例子为高考阅读理解的常见考点之一,基本结构为:The author provides in line…(或Paragraph…)an example in order to…意思是问文中举出某现象或例子的目的。文章中举出一些例子是为了说明一定的道理。这个例子之前或之后不远处通常都有一句总结说明性的话,这句话就是答案,即举例的目的。如果例子与全文主题有关,则例证主题,答案为主题句。如果例子与段落主题有关,就例证段落主题,则答案为段落主题句;此外,答案为例子前后总结说明性的话。

A wave is a pattern of motion. When you look at a wave, it may appear as simply water moving across the surface of the ocean. In fact, this is false. The water is actually not moving in the same direction as the wave. While the wave itself—the pattern of motion—is moving across the surface of the ocean, the water is actually moving in a circular motion, which brings the water molecules back to their original position. The water merely gives the appearance of moving forward.

If this is confusing, think of the kind of wave you do at a baseball stadium. Viewed from a distance, the wave is clearly moving across the stadium. But the thing that makes up the wave—the people—are not moving across the stadium, they’re just moving up and down in their seats. This is just like the water in an ocean wave. A lot of water is moving up and down, which gives water the appearance of moving along with the wave.

29. The author gives an example of wave people do in the stadium in order to___________.

A. illustrate how excited people are in a basketball stadium


B. clear the confusion over measuring the wave's amplitude C. explain why the water appears to move along the waves D. demonstrate how to make waves in a basketball stadium 30. The last paragraph gives us the impression that ________________.

A. the wave’s amplitude may vary, but its wavelength remain the same B. the amplitude of a wave depends on the direction the water moves forward C. the more powerful the ships’ engines are, the higher the waves they generate D. measuring the amplitude and wavelength of waves is not quite easy

One example of this phenomenon at work, the authors say, is the housefly and its ability to avoid being hit. The research showed flies “observe motion in a shorter time than our own eyes can achieve,” which allows them to avoid being hit. Professor Graeme Ruxton of the University of St Andrews in Scotland, who worked jointly on the research project, said in a statement, “Having eyes that send updates to the brain at much higher frequencies than our eyes do is of no value if the brain cannot process that information equally quickly. Thus, this work highlights the impressive abilities of even the smallest animal brains. Flies might not be deep thinkers, but they can make good decisions very quickly. ”

In comparison, the tiger beetle (虎甲虫)runs faster than its eyes can keep up, basically becoming blind, which requires it to stop periodically to re-evaluate its prey’s (猎物)position.

Our results suggest that time perception offers an as yet unstudied dimension along which animals can specialize and there is considerable range to study this system in more detail.

34. Why can houseflies avoid being hit?

A. They can think very deeply before they act. B. They can fly much faster than their eyes can keep up. C. They can process the information as quickly as they receive it. D. They can send information to brain more quickly than to their eyes.




4-2018届高中英语阅读理解专题 之事实细节题(教师版)


