医学英语资料汇总 鸣谢:王宇轩 钟京谕
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Embryonic Cytology Leukocyte Granulocyte Chromosome Poliomyelitis Celioscope Cholecystalgia Neurogenic Neuritis Osteoporosis Macrophage Proteolipid Amylase Psychiatrist Pharynx Larynx Oesophagus Diaphragm Strabismus Amblyopia Optometrist Hepatocirrhosis Blood
coagulation Thrombus Phlebostenosis Prostate Erythrocyte Interleukin Ophthalmoscope Retina Electrocardiogram Adduction Abduction Cartilage Cornea Epithelium Pancreas Endocrine Hormone Organelle Geneticist Arteriostenosis Myelorrhagia Osteoblast cardiovascular myocardial arteriosclerosis collagen bundles osteoarthropathy tachyrhythmia Anemia Eosinophil
胚胎的 细胞学 白细胞 粒细胞 染色体 脊髓灰质炎 腹腔镜 胆绞痛 神经原的 神经炎 骨质疏松 巨噬细胞 蛋白脂 淀粉酶 精神科医生 咽 喉 食管 膈肌 斜视 弱视 验光师 肝硬化 凝血 血栓 静脉狭窄 前列腺 红细胞 白介素 眼底镜 视网膜 心电图 内收 外展 软骨 角膜 上皮 胰
腺 内分泌的 激素 细胞器 遗传学家 动脉狭窄 脊髓出血 成骨细胞 心血管的 心肌的 动脉硬化 胶原蛋白束 骨关节病 心动过速 贫血 嗜酸性粒细胞
In normal tissue,cell proliferation is regulated so that the number of cells actively dividing is equivalent to the number dying or being shed.
As the embryonic cells increase in number,they engage in an orderly process of differentiation that is necessary for the development of all the various organs of the body.
In the blood,there are many red blood cells that work as vehicles for oxygen transportation.
Apart from neurons,there are other well-differentiated cells that can’t divide. As fluid moves out of capillaries,stagnation of flow and clotting of blood in the small capillaries occurs at the site of injury.
随着液体流出毛细血管,损伤部位会发生小毛细血管流动阻滞和血液凝固。 随着体温上升,身体受到刺激而产生更多的白细胞。
The body is stimulated as the temperature rises,and more leukocytes are therefore produced.
As your body produces antibodies,exposing to the same kind of disease is no longer worrying thereafter.
Symptoms are often present for a considerable period of time before a diagnosis is made.
在作出诊断之前,症状通常会持续存在相当长的一段时间。 一旦激素活动失去平衡,整个身体将处于不良状态。
The whole body will be in a poor state once the hormone activity loses balance.
This disease is often aggravated unconsciously;Generally,patients,don’t go to a doctor until their appearances change obviously.
There is a danger that adhesions will develop in areas where tendons pass through fibrous channels,such as in the distal palm of the hands,rendering the tendon useless.
像手掌末端这种地方,有在肌腱通过的纤维管道处发生粘连的危险,这会导致肌腱无力。 最经常发生肌肉拉伤的部位是下腰和脊柱的颈胸段。
The most common sites where muscle strains occur are the low back and the cervical region of the spine.
Formation of the long collagen bundles begins within 4-5 days,and although tensile strength increases steadily thereafter,it is not sufficient to permit strong tendon pulls for 4-5 weeks.
A cast is usually applies for those sprains that are not severe enough to warrant surgical repair.
对那些程度严重而需做手术修补的扭伤,通常用石膏固定。 三分钟左右的准备活动不足以保护肌肉或关节免受伤害。