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第一节. 情景反应(每小题1.5分,共9分)


( ) 1. A. It’s great. B. It doesn’t work. C. It’s red. ( ) 2. A. Please do it at once. B. All right. C. See you. ( ) 3. A. Ever since last week. B. So far. C. Two days ago. ( ) 4. A. He is at home. B. He has a cold. C. He works it out. ( ) 5. A. You make a mistake. B. Please try it on. C. Thank you. ( ) 6. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I didn’t. C. Sure.



( ) 7. A. Too long. B. Boring. C. Wonderful. ( ) 8. A. For two years. B. Since three years ago. C. Since one year ago. ( ) 9. A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Wednesday. ( ) 10. A. A dog. B. A mouse. C. A cat.

( ) 11. A. Japanese. B. English. C. English and French. ( ) 12. A. Two months. B. Three months. C. Five months.




( ) 13. After many years, Helen’s voice got _________.

A. better B. worse C. louder ( ) 14. Her teacher decided to stop the lesson because __________. A. Helen was lazy

B. Helen wasn’t good at music and she had so many difficulties

C. her teacher didn’t like her

( ) 15. Helen gave a concert and asked her __________ to come. A. mother B. father C. teacher ( ) 16. What her teacher said at last means __________. A. Helen did well in the concert

B. Helen will be a good singer in the future C. Helen was not a good singer at all


( ) 17. How did the two boys go home that day?

A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot. ( ) 18. Who went home with them?

A. Their grandma. B. Their father. C. Their mother. ( ) 19. Why did Bob want to go to the shop? A. To buy something for himself.

B. To buy a birthday present. C. To have a look.

( ) 20. Whose birthdays are on the same day?

A. Allen’s and Bob’s. B. Richard’s and Bob’s. C. Allen’s and Richard’s.



( ) 21. Mrs. Green usually goes shopping with _____ umbrella in ______ summer. A. a; the B. an; / C. the; a D. / ; / ( ) 22. Boys, don’t touch the machine, or you may hurt _________. A. yourself B. themselves C. himself D. yourselves ( ) 23. – When did the terrible earthquake in Wenchuan happen? -- It happened _________ the afternoon of May 12, 2008. A. on B. at C. in D. / ( ) 24. He had ________ money, so he asked his mother for some. A. a few B. a little C. few D. little ( ) 25. This bookstore __________ for ten years.

A. has been open B. has opened C. has open D. has been opened ( ) 26. I think you need more ________ before the competition, if you want to win. A. practice B. project C. program D. present

( ) 27. The teacher don’t know why _________ many students made _________ careless

mistakes just now.

A. so; so B. such; such C. so; such D. such; so

( ) 28. – Dad, please tell me when mum ________. I miss her very much.

-- She will return when she _________ her task. And she will bring a nice present for


A. returns; finishes B. will return; finishes

C. returns; will finish D. will return; will finish ( ) 29. – Must I stay here with you?

-- No, you ______. You may go home, but you _____ go to the net bar(网吧). A. mustn’t; needn’t B. needn’t; mustn’t C. must; need D. need; must ( ) 30. 16-year-old students in England should understand fifteen _______ words. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of ( ) 31. Some of my classmates are singing, _______ are dancing. A. other B. another C. others D. the other

( ) 32. I _____ the newspaper while my mother _____ TV plays yesterday evening.

A. was reading; was watching B. was reading; watched C. read; was watching D. read; would watch ( ) 33. -- ________ will you come back from the library, Linda?

-- In an hour.

A. What time B. How often C. How soon D. How long ( ) 34. Hurry up, Mike. You must get to the airport an hour before the plane _____.

A. gets off B. turns off C. takes off D. puts off ( ) 35. It’s a rule in my class that our classroom ______ before 6:00 p.m. every day.

A. be able to clean B. should be cleaning C. must clean D. must be cleaned

( ) 36. – Tom wants to know if you _________ a picnic next Sunday. -- Yes. But if it ________, we’ll visit the museum instead.

A. will have; will rain B. have; rains C. have; will rain D. will have; rains ( ) 37. Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me _______?

A. where is the bank nearest B. where is the nearest bank C. where the nearest bank is D. the nearest bank is where

( ) 38. There are shops on ________ side of the street. _______ of them don’t close until 12 at


A. both; All B. every; None C. either; Some D. other; many ( ) 39. Miss Zhou is one of ________ in our school.

A. the more popular girl teacher B. the most popular women teachers C. the most popular girls teachers D. more popular women teacher ( ) 40. – Would you mind looking after my dog while I’m on holiday?

-- _______.

A. Of course not B. Yes. I’d be happy to



