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Madame President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,


On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to express warm congratulations on the opening of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development and my sincere thanks to the Brazilian government for hosting this conference.


Since the Industrial Revolution, mankind has created more material wealth than in several thousand years before it. But we also face major challenges such as population explosion, imbalances in development, resources depletion and environmental degradation. The UN Conference on Environment and Development held here 20 years ago ushered in a new era of sustainable development for mankind. We are heartened to see that in the past 20 years, the concept of sustainable development has been widely accepted, and major progress has been made in meeting the Millennium Development Goals. On the other hand, the global process of sustainable development is not balanced. The gap between the North and the South is widening. Resources and environment related issues remain acute. Sustainable development faces new and grave challenges posed by the international financial crisis, climate change, energy and food security and local conflicts. In the world today, with no new continent or oasis to be discovered, preserving resources and the environment to achieve sustainable development is the only choice we have. Looking ahead, what we should have is a green and prosperous world. In this world, there is no poverty or ignorance, no discrimination or oppression, and no excessive exploitation and human destruction of the nature. In this world, there is a right balance among economic development, social equity and sound environment. In this world, the progress of modern civilization benefits all the people and their posterity. Such a world should be the ultimate goal we should pursue as we work together to advance the global process of sustainable development.


To jointly promote sustainable development, we should take a fair, just, open and inclusive approach. We must face up to the common responsibility of protecting our Mother Planet while recognizing that countries are at different stages and levels of development. We should continue to work as partners, adhere to the Rio Principles, especially the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, promote global sustainable development and ensure equal right to development for all countries. Developing countries should adopt and implement sustainable development strategies on the basis of their national conditions and continue to prioritize poverty alleviation. Developed countries, on their part, should honor their commitment, abandon unsustainable models of production and consumption, reduce excessive consumption of global resources, and help developing countries enhance capacity for sustainable development. Diversity is a defining feature of today's world. The international community should be open and inclusive and respect the independent choice of path of sustainable development

made by countries with different histories, cultures, religious beliefs and social systems.


To jointly promote sustainable development, we should explore effective models of growing green economy. Green economy has been growing rapidly in response to the international financial crisis. However, there are no uniform standards or models for green economy. Green economy should be pursued in keeping with the actual conditions of a country. We should support countries in making their own decisions as to what path to take in promoting green economy. In the course of growing green economy, we should create more jobs, alleviate poverty and improve living standards. We should advance science, technology and education, develop green technologies and create new models of technology transfer. We should raise returns on investment made in growing green economy and reduce costs and risks associated with transition to a green economy. We should cultivate green production and consumption models and develop markets for green products. We should seek win-win progress and refrain from practising

protectionism under the pretext of pursuing green economy. In short, we should pursue green economy as an effective way of promoting sustainable development in all countries and advancing global economic recovery.


To jointly promote sustainable development, we should improve the mechanism of global governance. Sustainable development requires the concerted efforts of all countries. The international community needs to increase cooperation, build consensus and enhance mutual trust. The United Nations should play a leading role in developing an effective institutional framework of sustainable development. Its capacity for guidance, coordination and implementation should be enhanced so that it can better integrate the three pillars of economic growth, social progress and environmental protection. Developing countries should have more voice and decision-making power, and efforts should be made to resolve difficulties they face in funding, technology and capacity building. We should build a new type of partnership for sustainable development with the participation of international agencies, governments and the public. We should also set targets that



