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some people hold that teenagers should focus on all school subjects while others believe that they should just concerntrate on the subjects that they are better at or interested in? what's your opinion?

总评:此题探讨的是学生应该学生什么:全学还是选学自己擅长和感兴趣的科目。属于我们总结题库时教育类的第二个话题。难度不大。 参考题目:

1)In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a wide range of subjects, while in others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to particular careers. Which education system according to your opinion is more appropriate for today’s world? 2)High school students should study general subjects before they are 17 years old, and it is too early for them to study specialist subjects before that age. Agree or disagree 3)University students now focus on a special subject. Some people believe that universities should encourage their students to study a whole range of subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 注意事项:

此题虽与以前题目相似,但不是同样的题目,尤其是我看到有的同学把它等同于应该generalist or specialist,就偏题了。 题目:

Reading is more important for developing imaginations and language skills than television. Do you agree or disagree? 总评:

此题是我们日常生活中经常讨论的话题,不难构思。 从题库的角度来看,以前考察过的“电视对于人的creativity,communication的影响”都可以加以利用。 构思:


no denying that reading is important. in the long history of human beings, it has been the major way to acquire one's mohter tongue as well as a second language.for example, read WAR AND PEACE, or the Bible, ...... however, it can be not ignored there is defect regarding vividness and images. ...

some may claim that tv is damaging imagination and language skills of people today, because audiences accept information passively, and not enough mental stimulation in many programmes, such as some sit-com, ? however, this viewpoint is somewhat oversimplistic. ..

Overall, no clear evidence shows television is less important or reading is more. ? 注意:

此题目需要把电视和阅读对想象力和语言能力的影响都要讨论一下,再对比中得出结论。结论有三种:电视更好;阅读更好;两个都利弊参半,无法简单下结论说哪个更好。 题目:

A hundred years ago, people think that human race is steadily improving in every area of life.now it seems this is not certain in that situation.

In which areas do you think we have made important progress nowadays? In which areas do you think we still need to make progress? 总评:

此题要求我们谈论现代社会哪些领域比以前进步了,哪些还有待提高。 此题使用我们讲的“一个中心三个基本点”的技巧构思会显得非常简单。 构思:

已经取得:科技,比如电脑网络,电视,基因科学;对待动物;男女平等; 有待改进:科技带来的问题;道德滑坡; 环境;能源 ; 注意:


People are optimistic about 21st century. Many people think it is a good opportunity to find positive change in future. How do you think of the optimism? What changes would you like to be made in the new century.


No one could avoid the tremendous influence of going oversea, more or less. And it is naturally that this topic has arisen a heated discussion now and then. Some a certain expert claimed that it is dangerous for the youth to take the task. Personally, both sides of the issue ought to take into consideration.

To begin with, in educational aspect, it is important for the youth to improve themselves with the great help of the first-rate educational system outside. Besides, they would also benefit from the sounded language atmosphere in the alien countries. However, the study reveals that more than 70% of the oversea students in the U.K. encountered with the serious language barriers in the first half year, which may lead to misunderstanding and other issues.

Furthermore, in economical aspect, a reputable university’s diploma is a must for an ideal profession, which is equivalent to a sufficient wage; in addition, it brings about qualified social welfare as insurance for the rest of your life. In spite of this, the expensive and unreasonable tuition fee would keep countless students away from the secondary education who live in undeveloped areas. And it is impossible for them to participate in the part-time jobs, for this would disturb their routines sharply.

To be concluded, in cultural aspect, the multi-cultural society enables people to enlarge their horizon day by day. Naturally, it would boost the international links among countries. Then one will have a fully awareness of the globalization. Nevertheless, not every student or individual can bear the cultural shock when they are aboard. In terms of that, the discrimination gives rise to the some psychological issue at the same time such as loneliness and homesickness. All in all, my point of view on this issue is manifest. And going oversea has more advantages than disadvantages for sure.



