The 21st Caves Books English Language Teaching Seminars
1. 每年敦煌英语教学讲座邀请英语教学界知名讲者与老师们齐聚一堂,提供最新英语教学之专业经验与大家共同分享,希望透过专业级讲师的讲座及推荐,提昇国内英语老师之教学专业,并透过教学实务经验交流成长。 2. 今年主题『教学教案的全方位搭配与延伸』,课程规划着重於教案设计与辅助教材(如读本)之搭配。课程区分为专题趋势讲座与教学推荐讲座:每天上午第二场之专题趋势讲座偏重如口语测验、英语听说唱演等英语学习潮流;教学推荐讲座内容包含教学策略,教案编写,教学技巧,课程衔接,教材选择与运用搭配等等,精心规划为英文老师全方位教学教案提供完整的解决方案与建议。
1. 敦煌书局英语教学之专业形象。 2. 提供英文老师经验交流与进修管道。 3. 敦煌书局教材活用之教学示范。
四、活动日期:2006年3月8日 ~ 3月23日 五、活动对象
●Day One ★Day Two ■Day Three 场次 / 3/4 日期 新竹场 桃园场 花莲场 宜兰场 台中场 嘉义场 台南场 2006 TELTC 六 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/8 3/9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3/13/13/13/13/13/13/13/13/13/13/23/23/2日 一 二 三 ● 四 ★ ● 五 ■ ★ 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 ■ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ★ ● ■ ★ ● ■ ★ ■ 高雄场 台北场 ● ★ ■ ● ★ 七、讲座地点与联络报名窗口
场次 活动日期 活动 负责人 黄舜宜 报名 窗口 王贞闵 报名 电话 03-5422698 活 动 场 地 建 议 新竹市文化局2楼习斋 招收名额 活动场地址 /新竹场 3/8、3/9、3/10 3/9、3/10、3/11 3/11、3/12 80 新竹市东大路二03-531桃园场 蔡昀桀 谢佳琪 03-4384630 桃园县妇女馆101会议室 90 桃园市延平 03-36花莲场 黄康语 许慧絜 03-8345075 敦煌书局 花莲营业所2F 60 花莲市林森03-834宜兰场 3/12、3/13 3/15、3/16、3/17 3/16、3/17、3/18 3/17、3/18、3/19 3/18、3/19、3/20 3/21、3/22、3/23 郑雅芳 简孟恬 03-9323259 04- 分机506 05-2785798 敦煌书局 宜兰营业所4F 70 宜兰市中山路03-932台中场 许美珠 陈冠桦 台中新天地餐厅 200 台中市北屯区崇嘉义场 李茜芬 陈宥諠 敦煌书局 嘉义营业所4F 成功大学国际会议厅 第二演讲厅 高雄工商展览中心6F 凯旋厅 双连教会7F小礼拜堂 70 嘉义市民权05-278台南场 黄金琼 谢佳芳 06-2296347 160 台南市东区大06-275高雄场 张琳丽 侯莹秀 07-3800627 02- 分机308 160 高雄市盐埕区中台北场 蔡佩芸 蔡佩芸 160 台北市中山北路二02[注] 各场次器材需求:投影机、投影布幕、麦克风、白板、白板笔、课桌椅
【台北 / 新竹 / 桃园 / 台中 / 嘉义 / 台南 / 高雄 讲场】---3天场次
Day 1 时 间 09:00 ~10:00 讲 题 Essential Testing Skills in Your Coursebook 讲 师 Sandra Wu 尤菊芳 Tim Budden Clyde Fowle新竹、桃园 14:20 ~ 15:20 Synergy in the Classroom Patrick Hafenstein台中、嘉义、台南、高雄、台北 10:20 ~ 11:40 口语测验的危机与转机 13:00 ~ 14:00 Building Reading Skills for Young Learners 15:40 ~16:40 Teaching Grammar through Variable Strategies Make the Best of Your Grammar Textbooks Day 2 林群峰 新竹、桃园、高雄、台北 王福祥 台中、嘉义、台南 时 间 09:00 ~10:00 讲 题 Smart Start – 全美教学出奇招 讲 师 John D. Smith 10:20 ~ 11:40 13:00 ~ 14:00 Finger Play Fun:动动手指谣 小五、小六的写作怎麽教 The key to language proficiency is the well structured, 张世欣 温朝炯 14:20 ~ 15:20 incremental introduction and reinforcement of language---LET’S GO 3rd Edition is here to show you how to guide Craig Wright your students to language proficiency 15:40 ~16:40 Reading is the foundation on which all the other language skills are built Day 2 时 间 09:00 ~10:00 10:20 ~ 11:40 13:00 ~ 14:00 14:20 ~ 15:20 No Subject Left Behind 美语戏剧教学实例--初阶版 讲 题 讲 师 Eric Verspecht 张若慈 Richard Walker The Effective ways to teach children English The Inclusive Model of Literacy --- the latest approach to Shu-Yi Schulstad teach reading Understanding and Implementing Effective Activities for ESL Bob Chau Learners 15:40 ~16:40 【宜兰、花莲讲场】---2天场次
Day 1 时 间 09:00 ~10:00 10:20 ~ 11:40 13:00 ~ 14:00 14:20 ~ 15:20 15:40 ~16:40 讲 题 Essential Testing Skills in Your Coursebook Finger Play Fun:动动手指谣 Building Reading Skills for Young Learners 小五、小六的写作怎麽教 Teaching Grammar through Variable Strategies Day 2 时 间 09:00 ~10:00 10:20 ~ 11:40 讲 题 The Effective ways to teach children English 美语戏剧教学实例--初阶版 The key to language proficiency is the well structured, 13:00 ~ 14:00 incremental introduction and reinforcement of Craig Wright language---LET’S GO 3rd Edition is here to show you how to guide your students to language proficiency 讲 师 Sandra Wu 张世欣 Tim Budden 温朝炯 林群峰 讲 师 Richard Walker 张若慈 14:20 ~ 15:20 The Inclusive Model of Literacy --- the latest approach to Shu-Yi Schulstad teach reading Understanding and Implementing Effective Activities for ESL Bob Chau Learners 15:40 ~16:40 九、讲师阵容
讲 师 姓 名 讲 师 简 介 Harcourt representative and educational consultant since Jan. 2003. Mr. Bob Chau Bob Chau has over 6000 hours of elementary level in-class teaching experience in Taiwan. He has taught business English to management level employees at Sinphar Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Clyde Fowle is Regional Consultant / Trainer for Macmillan Education, East Asia. He has 15 years’ experience of teaching English, managing language programmes Clyde Fowle and teacher training in Asia. He holds an MA in TESOL from Sheffield Hallam University and has published several articles in the field of ELT. He is co-author of Synergy a new 4 level integrated skills course for Asia published by Macmillan. Craig Wright is a graduate of the University of South Africa Department of Communications and has over 16 years experience teaching English in Taiwan. Craig is an author and the series editor of the new children’s reader series for Oxford Craig Wright University Press, called Dolphin Readers. He has been a presenter, teacher trainer and materials developer for OUP for 7 years and has also conducted teacher-training seminars in Japan, Vietnam, Thailand and China. Craig teaches his own language school in central Taiwan, which he has established 15 years ago. Eric Verspecht studied Germanic Philology (English-Dutch) at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. He holds a diploma in TEFL (Teaching English as Eric Verspecht a Foreign Language) and has been involved in teaching and teacher training at all levels for more than ten years. Eric was the English coordinator of a bilingual school in Mexico City and has given workshops and seminars in Latin America, the Middle East and Asia. 纽约州立大学英语教学硕士 John D. Smith 曾任敦煌书局专任作者 在台教学经验超过十年 Patrick Hafenstein is the Director of Studies at two language schools in Taiwan. A veteran ELT teacher for 10 years in both Australia, where he was the Director Patrick Hafenstein of Studies at the second largest language school, and Taiwan, his wealth of knowledge extends to consultancy, publishing and school management. He is a certified TOEIC Proctor, IELTS examiner and KET and PET Oral Examiner. Richard Walker has been involved in ELT through teaching and teacher training for over 15 years. He has taught English in the UK, Spain and Japan. He was Vice Principal of a large private language school in Hiroshima, western Japan, and has Richard Walker presented many times at seminars, local and national conferences throughout Asia, especially Taiwan, Korea and Japan. Formerly Vice Principal of David English House, a large private language school in western Japan, Richard is currently ELT Commissioning Editor for Cambridge University Press, based in Singapore. He holds an MA in TESL (Linguistics) from the University of Surrey, UK. Sandra Wu is the ELT Marketing Manager for Macmillan Education in Taipei. She has Sandra Wu been involved in ELT for 10 years. Her experience includes teaching children English and teacher training. She holds an MA in ELT and Linguistics from University of Leeds and an MA in Learning and Teaching of English and Literacy from Institute of Education, University of London. Tim Budden has over 15 years experience in teaching, training, and materials development in Asia and the UK. As a certified Tutor Trainer for the South Tim Budden Australian Education Department he has presented numerous workshops on a range English language teaching topics. He is also the author of numerous textbooks for young learners focusing on the communicative approach to learning. Tim Budden is currently the ESL Head of Department at Taipei British School in Taiwan. . & .外语教学 University of Texas at Austin 德州大学奥斯汀校区正音课程结业(Dept. of Speech Communication) POEC 正音师培训结业 (Proficiency in Oral English Communication: An Assessment of Accented Speech) 尤菊芳 ACTFL口语评量师培训结业 (American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages) 东海大学外文系曁英语教学研究所 助理教授 昱泉国际股份有限公司合作「英语语音辨识评量准确度评估」研发顾问 敦煌英语教学杂志前总编辑 敦煌书局Phone Pass英语口语能力测验前技术总监 美国密西根州大学 语言学硕士 现任教於南台科技大学 王福祥 教育部远距教学「实用生活美语」计画主持人 教育部多媒体教材制作竞赛特优奖 多本字典编辑 师德企管顾问公司资深师训讲师 Shu-Yi Schulstad (王淑仪) has been teaching English as a second / foreign language, Japanese and Mandarin in London, Taipei and Sydney for 18 years. She has taught learners of all ages and of different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. In 王淑仪 recent years, she has been involved with TESOL teacher training and language education research in Sydney, Australia. She is the Director of GMS Education Pty. Ltd., an ELT and international education consulting and training company in Sydney. She has a . in Japanese and Language Education, a Graduate Diploma in TESOL and a M. A. in Applied Linguistics. 美国Saint Michael’s College 英语教学硕士 林群峰 敦煌书局/科见美语师资培训讲师 曾任薇阁小学/育才小学英语教师 现任私立及人小学英语教师 纽约大学音乐与表演艺术学系 教育剧场组 硕士 戏胞美语剧团、教室 总监 张若慈 艺术与人文 师训课程 专业讲师 TVBS-G儿童英语教学节目『ABC Bakery』主要角色 Woolala 美国学校\讲师 演出作品 — 鞋子儿童剧团「门神报到」、「小尾巴与胖胖」、「快乐 A GO GO」、「老鼠娶亲」、「弹珠巫婆魔法国」、「年兽来了」……等数百场 MA in TESOL, Indiana University of PA 大卫美语主任 温朝炯 Megazone员工教育训练师 海豚美语负责人(1家直营校,19家海豚鸟加盟校,持续增加中) 中原大学讲师 十、活动联络人
敦煌书局股份有限公司 Caves Books
114 台北市内湖区堤顶大道一段207号 行销企划科专员
李宪昌 Dominic Lee (专案负责) TEL:02-分机 457 FAX:02- E-Mail:
林荣凯 Daniel Lin (公关活动 / 教务联系 / 研习时数申请 ) TEL:02-分机 494 FAX:02- E-Mail:
第二十一届敦煌英语教学讲座企划书 - 图文