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Knowledge: sth that can be learned

Skills: sth that only can be gained through practice or training, Language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication。

Views on language",1、Structural view ",language competence", —The founder", Saussure

—The structural view of language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various

subsystems",1、the sound system",phonology", 2、sound combinations",morphology",

3、 meaning for communication",syntax",

—Learning the language is to learn the structural items",study the inner structure and rule of

language",ignore the social functions of the language。 2 、Functional view

— Representative", Johnson、marrow、swain canal (the core: grammar)

—The function view not only sees language as a linguistic system but also a means for doing things

—Learners learn a language in order to be able to doing things with it

Use the linguistic structure to express functions 3、Interactional view ",communicative competence", — Emphasis",appropriateness

— Language is a communicative tool",which main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people

—Learners need to know the rules for using the language in certain context

—The structural view limits knowing a language to knowing its structural rules and vocabulary

Language teacher qualifications",

1、a good command of spoken and written language 2、formulate theory presupposition 3、language background and experience 4、know how languages are learnt

5、the ability to use methods in various situations 6、deep understanding of cultural background 7、understanding the principles of teaching

These elements can be categorized into three groups",ethic devotion", professional qualities and personal styles

View on language learning

1. Psycholinguistic: the relationship between language and thinking. 1) Thinking in language

2) Language is necessary for thought. 3) Language acquisition(语言习得)

4) Learners in their earlier years acquire control over essential structure of their language

without special teaching and learning in a effortless and almost an unconscious way (like the

formation of a habit) people prefer first language acquisition to first language learning.

2. Cognitive theory: the rule for people to aware to cognize sth. Cognitive processes:

Process: input----absorb----output

Language learning is not just stimulate-reflection, but the using of our subjective capabilities,

the using of our cognitive ability to think the language and studying it actively.

3. Constructivist theory: learning is a process of meaning construction based on learner ?s own knowledge and experience. S ----------AT------------R (刺激) (反应)

Stimulus: assimilation ① and accommodation② ① 把外部知识纳入自身

② 纳入自身后也不相符",就要对原有知识进行改变",也就是一种原有知道和外部知识 保持联系的创新的过程。

1. CLT",交际英语教学",: it is an approach that considers the functional and social factors in

language, emphasizes that the aim of language teaching is to help the learners acquire

communicative ability. It offers an effective way to learn language through language use.

The basis: the theory of sociology and sociolinguistic.

2. Language has two functions: A. the transactional function→to express the context B.

the interactional(相互影响的) function→to show social relations and personal attitude

Language is used to perform certain communication functions; use all skills: A. Receptive skill:

listening and reading B. Productive skill: speaking and writing; used in a certain social context:

teach the part of language in real life rather than all the language students develop all the language skills.

3. Traditional pedagogy (传统教学法): focus on the forms of language.

4. Traditional class VS. CLT

Listening: to the teacher, to the tape →sth.unpredictable, sth.authentic, sth.meaningful

Reading: learning language →get information, exact meaning, different skills

Speaking: repeating, answering, retelling →sth.creating, express oneself

Writing: composition, translation →write to express oneself, one?s feeling, one?s thought; write what people write in the way people write. 5. Linguistic Competence (= language com.)

Chomsky: tacit knowledge of language structures and the ability to use the knowledge to

understand and produce language. 6. Communicative Competence

Both knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language in

communicative situation appropriately. 7. Features of CLT:

1.focus on developing communicative competence 2.Focus on useful and necessary language 3.Pay attention to the communicative task 4.Place importance on students' being fluent 5.Encourage students to take part in activities 6.Understand the students are of different stand 7.Aware that there is not just one kind of English 8. Merits of CLT:

1.likely to give the students all skills 2.More relevant

3.Less waste of time and effort 9. Demerit of CLT:

1.make great demands upon the professional training and skills of the teacher

2.Difficult to cheek what student have leart 3.Don't offer the teacher the security of the textbook 1. The role of pronunciation ① 2 views:

a. pronunciation will take care of itself needn?t teach pronunciation

b. poor pronunciation is a great hindrance in language learning ② For Chinese: pronunciation is important depend on a. Chinese is different from English b. Chinese have little exposure to English 2. The goal of teaching pronunciation

① We can never get the native-like pronunciation a. Critical Period Hypothesis b. the amount of exposure

c. biological and physiological differences

② our realistic goal of teaching pronunciation (P93) a. Consistency b. Intelligibility c. Communicative efficiency 3. Aspects of pronunciation

① focus on sounds, stress and intonation, these change the meaning of a sentence

② The ways of teach pronunciation:

Step1. Giving model Step2. Imitating Step3. Checking (explaining) Step4. Giving examples Step5. Comparing Step6. Meaningful practice

1. What is teaching?

Teaching means ensuring that the students have learnt or mastered what is being taught through a

proper sequence of steps, so the teacher should carefully prepare the lessons, arrange the steps,

made full use of every second in class. 2. Principles for good lesson planning

A. Aim B. Variety C. Flexibility D. learning ability E. linkage 3. Macro planning involves the following: A. the analysis of the school

B. the analysis of the students (information, background)

C. the analysis of the syllables (教学大纲).",principle, purpose, requirement",

D. the analysis of the textbook (教材分析)

E",the teaching methods and reform(教学方法及其改革) F",the teaching objective and arrangement(整体教学目标及安排) 4. Components of a lesson plan: A. Background information B Teaching aims

C. Language contents and skills D. stages and procedures E. Teaching aids F. End of lesson summary

G.. Optional activities and assignments H. After lesson reflection

5. How to make a micro plan.

A. The teaching aims and demands (ability, knowledge) B. The teaching contents a. vocabulary , phrase b. structure c. grammar d. skills

C. The teaching important and difficult points D. The teaching methods and aims E. The teaching procedure a. stage 1: warm-up activities

b. stage 2:( step1: presentation -------step 2: pratice-------step3: production)

c .stage 3: lesson summary

d. stage 4: assignments/optional activities e. stage 5: after class reflection Unit 7

1 There are different ways of presenting grammar in classroom: The deductive method, the

inductive method, and the discovery method.

2 Pennington proposes a synthesis approach to grammatical pedagogy. She emphasized that

grammar teaching should be “ collocational, constructive, contextual and contrast” ( 4 C )

3 Grammar practice is usually divided into two categories, mechanical practice and

meaningful/communicative practice The deductive method:

Step: 1 presentation of the grammar rules 2 study of the examples 3 conclusion 4 drills

The guided discovery method:

Step: 1 presentation of contextualized scenarios illustrating a specific structure

2 induce students to find the rules structures 3 teach/learn the new rules structures 4 drills

The role of Grammar

1) Grammar competence is one component of communicative copentence

2) Grammar makes expression formal, accuracy

3) Instructive learns are found to outperform uninstructed learners

Unit 5

Ⅰ. The role of the teacher (based on the function of the teacher): 1. Controller: control the pace, the time, the target language, the student.

2. Assessor: two things

a. as corrector: correct the mistakes, organizing feed back the learners

b. as evaluator: to create a success-oriented learning, atmosphere, more praise, less criticism

3. Organizer : task based on teaching to design tasks and to organize

4. Prompter: to give appropriate prompts hints 5. Participant: to take part in the activities 6. Resource-provide: as a walking dictionary Ⅱ. Rules for making instructions effective: 1. simple 2. natural 3. target language/body language 4. give time to get used to listening to English

5. Model the tasks/activities before doing them clear instructions Ⅲ. The common student groupings are:

a. whole class work; b. pair work; c. group work; d. individual study

Ⅳ. Discipline refers to a code of conduct which binds a teacher and a group of students together so that learning can be more effective 哪些因素影响学生纪律",

1.teacher?s behavior a . choice of methodology

b. teacher?s preparation for the learners c. interpersonal relationship with the learners 2. motivation/ purpose/ desire/ surrounding Ⅴ. How to maintain the discipline: 1. create a code of behavior 2. be consistent in applying the rules 3. be friendly and talk to students 4. immediately action

5. be fair to everyone deal with problems impersonally

Ⅵ. Measures for indisciplined acts and badly behaving students:",P81", 1. act immediately 2. stop the class 3. rearrange the seats 4. change the activities 5. talk to students after class 6. create a code of bahaviour

Ⅶ. Advice about problems on class: (P81) 1. deal with it quietly

2. don?t take things personally 3. don?t use threats Ⅷ. Question in the class Purpose:

1. to focus on the students? attention;

2. to invite thinking and imagination; to check the understanding; 3. to simulate the students to recall information; 4. to challenge students; 5. to assess learning Types of question (P83)

1. close question- only one answer 2. open question- many different answer …

Ⅸ. Dealing with errors

1. Mistake----- with nothing to do with language competence (caused by carelessness → self-correction)

2. Error----- has sth to do with the language competence (caused by lacking of knowledge→be

dealt with the help of the teacher and other classmates) 3. Dealing with spoken errors a. fluency activity ----after the activity b. accuracy activity ----while the activity 4. How to correct

a. indirect teacher correction b. direct teacher correction c. self-correction d. peer- correction

Unit 8

1. Item of vocabulary:words, compounds, phrases, idioms

A: passive/receptive words :words that can be recognized or compared in reading and listening

but can not be used automatically in speaking and writing. B: active/productive words: words that can be recognized and also be used in speech and writing by learners.

2. Aspects of learning a word: A: pronounciation (stress+sound) B: form ( spelling+grammatical properties)

C: meaning (denotative meaning +connotative meaning) D: usage (collocation,synonyms,antonyms,hyponyms) 3. Ways to show meaning:

A:using visuals(real object,pictures,drawings.etc.) B:giving examples

C:using the learnier' on language 4. Implications for teaching vocabulary: A:both denotative and connotative meanings B:in contexts

C:in groups of reflected words

D:word formation is useful in developing E:vocabulary

F:difference between passive and active ways 5.Some concepts:

A:denotative meaning of a word refers to that we use to label things as regards real objects.

B:connotative meaning of a word refers to the attitude or emotions of a language user.

C:collocation:refers to words that concur with high frequency and have been accepted as ways for the use of words .

6. Way of presenting vocabulary

1)provide a visual or physical demonstration whenever possible 2)provide a verbal context to demonstrate meaning 3)use synonyms or antonyms to explain meaning

4)use lexical sets or by ponyms to show relation of words and meanings.

5)translate and examplify 6)use word formation.etc. Unit 9

1. Why do listening come first?

A. students→ impossible to produce a sound doesn?t exist in their mother tongue.

B. students→ impossible to produce a sound with the right stress, rhythm, intonation without providing them a model. 2. The essence of listening

It is perfectly possible to hear, but here “hear” is not listening, similarly it is possible to listen, but

not understand, listening means comprehend what you hear.

3. Why does listening seem so difficult? The difficulties:

A, quickly forget what is heard B, don?t recognize the words you know

C, understand the words but not the intended message D, while thinking about the meaning, neglect the next part E, can?t form the mental representation Unit10

Speaking is the skill that the students will be judge upon most in real-life situation Speaking is to

express oneself㈠the feeling of oneself ㈡ the experience of oneself

Type of speaking tasks conclude (pre-communicative activities) and (Communicative activities)

Designing speaking tasks conclude maximum foreign talk, even participation. high motivation . right language level

The feature of speaking is spontaneous and time-constraint



