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01. Days later she was found by two soldiers. They stared at each other, wondering what to do with this little orphan girl.

几天后,两名士兵发现了她。他们看着对方,不知道如何处理这个孤儿。 02. Mary felt her spirits sink even lower. 玛丽觉得她的情绪更低落了。 03. Mary felt her cheeks flush. 玛丽感到面颊发红。 04. Mary awoke the next morning to the sound of loud scraping. She sat up in her bed and looked around.


05. One morning Mary woke to find bright sunshine flooding her room. she dressed quickly and ran outside.

一天早晨,玛丽醒来阳光洒满房间。她很快就穿好衣服跑出去了。 06. She stood very still, listening to its song until it finished and flew away. 她一动不动地站着,听着它的歌声,直到它唱完,飞走了。

07. Then something caught her eye. A rusty object was poking out of the soil. Mary leaned forward and tugged at it, her heart thudding.


08. He looked up at me with a scowl. 他脸色阴沉,抬眼看了看我。

09. He scowled[ska?l], and slammed the door behind him. 他怒气冲冲,摔门而去。 10. The rain began again that night. It beat against the window, waking Mary up. She

listened as the wind howled around the house and down the chimney. She tried but could not get back to sleep. \


11. Mary couldn't stop thinking about the secret garden.


12. What happened next was pure magic. A strong gust of wind lifted the ivy, parting it like a curtain.


13. She fumbled[?f?mbl] for the key, her heart beating faster than a galloping horse.


14. Taking a deep breath, Mary pushed open the door and stepped inside.


15. As she approached, he put his fingers to his lips to warn her to be quiet.


16. There was a pause and then her uncle said,\停顿了一下,然后她叔叔说。

17. She swallowed hard and stepped into a huge room. 她使劲咽了一下口水,走进一个大房间。

18. When he saw the light from Mary's candle, his eyes widened even further, but the crying stopped.


19. A glimmer of light spilled into the corridor. 一缕微光洒入走廊。 20. She couldn't wait to see Colin and tell him about her morning. 她迫不及待地想见科林,告诉他她早上的事。

21. Mary felt a wave of anger sweep over her. 玛丽感到一阵愤怒。

22. She put her hands over her ears, but it didn't stop the noise from getting through.她双手捂住耳朵,但还是能听到声音。

23. There was a moment's silence as they looked at each other.他们默默地看着彼此。 24. Just then he heard sounds coming from inside the garden--sounds of running and laughter. 就在这时,他听到了花园里传来的声音——奔跑声和笑声。 25. feel one's heart race感到心跳加速 26. full of excitement兴奋不已 27. fly into a rage 勃然大怒 28. give sb a grin冲某人咧嘴笑了笑 29. stare at ...in wonder惊奇地盯着……看 30. ask in astonishment吃惊地问道 31. chew her lip 咬她的嘴唇

32. sigh with disappointment/relief失望地/宽慰地叹了口气 33. \她不以为然地说。 34. \生气地说 35. \她气喘吁吁地说。 36. \她满面笑容地说。 37. \她怒吼道。

38. \她大声叫道。

39. \男孩声音颤抖地问道。 40. Finally, with a proud look on her face, she said, ... 最后,她脸上露出骄傲的神情说道... 41. hold one's head high 昂着头

42. for the first time in months几个月来,第一次 43. for the rest of...余下的...(时间) 44. sure enough 果不其然

45. gallop out of the room冲出房间 46. tiptoe out of bed蹑手蹑脚地下床

47. shoot sb a meaning/grateful look向某人投去意味深长的/感激的目光 48. shiver with nerves紧张得发抖

49. wipe the tears from his eyes擦去他眼中的泪水 50. pace up and down踱来踱去;走来走去 51. stride up to sb 大步向某人走过去 52. leave with a shake of her head摇头离开 53. sb be lost for words不知说什么好

54. with a proud grin on his face脸上带着骄傲的笑容 55. Exhausted, he flopped[fl?p] down into a chair. 他筋疲力尽,一屁股坐到椅子上。



