Robust visual tracking based on scale invariance
and deep learning
Nan REN;Junping DU;Suguo ZHU;Linghui LI;Dan FAN;JangMyung LEE
【期刊名称】《中国高等学校学术文摘·计算机科学》 【年(卷),期】2017(011)002
【摘要】Visual tracking is a popular research area in computer vision,which is very difficult to actualize because of challenges such as changes
occlusion.Consequently,the focus in this research area is to make tracking algorithms adapt to these changes,so as to implement stable and accurate visual tracking.This paper proposes a visual tracking algorithm that integrates the scale invariance of SURF feature with deep learning to enhance the tracking robustness when the size of the object to be tracked changes significantly.Particle filter is used for motion estimation.The confidence of each particle is computed via a deep neural network,and the result of particle filter is verified and corrected by mean shift because of its computational efficiency and insensitivity to external interference.Both qualitative and quantitative evaluations on challenging benchmark sequences demonstrate that the proposed tracking algorithm performs favorably against several state-of-the-art methods throughout the challenging factors in visual tracking,especially for scale variation.
Robust visual tracking based on scale invariance and deep learning