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Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 76. 假定你是明启中学的高中生李华。某电视台线上学习节目打算增设两个栏目。初步拟定从 “Reading for Fun”、 “Textbook Learning”、 “Homework Guidance”、 “Online Listening”以及”Questions and Answers”五个栏目中选取两个,特此向所有在线学习者征求意见。请你给电视台写封邮件,推荐两个栏目。邮件内容须包括:

1.你推荐的两个栏目; 2.你推荐这两个栏目的理由。 【【【【【【 一、写前阶段:


第一部分:推荐的两个栏目分别是什么; 第二部分:为什么推荐这两个节目; 第三部分:总结全文。 提纲明确了写作的三部分,




从作文内容,语言和结构评分标准看来,在写前阶段审题,辨文体和列提纲后,能够拿到内容和结构的基本分数.但是,想要拿到高分,谋篇布局之外,语言和内容也很关键,优美贴切语言能够准确表达作者的意图,而立意深刻角度新颖的内容,更是彰显语言的重要性。 Dear Tv Producer

Hearing that your programmes wants to add two concepts and is asking for every online learners’ advice, from my point of view, online listening and questions and answers will be good choices.


For one thing, online listening is very suitable for the online studying programme. Not only can it improve listener’s listening skills, but also can help listeners maintain a long term practice. As we all know, everyone is busy in his or her daily life and long term study is hard for them to keep. If the online listening programme is added, out of question listeners can lay a solid foundation for their English listening.

For another thing, question and answers concept can evolve a more lively and interesting study air. In this

concept, learners can ask others about their problems and then can be solved. What’s more, this programme can motivate learners to communicate with others and broaden their horizons.

(((((((((((((((((((((for one thing, for another thing(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((not...only,but also((((if((((((

In short, as a fan of your programme, I wholeheartedly hope that these two concepts can be added in the coming programme.




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Zhang Hua


Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


● 你建议图书馆添置的设备及理由 (三选一); ● 你建议图书馆购买的装饰物品及理由 (两件) 。 【【【【【【 一、写前阶段:


第一部分:简要自我介绍(避免透漏详细的个人信息),简述背景(学校图书馆改造,学生会对于添置设备和装饰品向大家征求建议),表明写邮件的目的(基于这个背景,给学生会提出自己的建议); 第二部分:针对添置设备三选一和装饰品选二这两个方面,提出自己观点,然后分述2-3点理由; 第三部分:对自己的建议观点进行总结,希望对方采纳或者考虑建议,表达对学校图书馆建设的祝愿,以及致谢。





从作文内容,语言和结构评分标准看来,在写前阶段审题,辨文体和列提纲后,能够拿到内容和结构的基本分数.但是,想要拿到高分,谋篇布局之外,语言和内容也很关键,优美贴切语言能够准确表达作者的意图,而立意深刻角度新颖的内容,更是彰显语言的重要性。 Dear Student Union,

I’m Wang Jia, learning that our school is intended to make some improvement in the school library, and coincidentally, you are now gathering public’s suggestions on its upgrading, I am desperate to share some of my humble opinions out of my concern for our school.


When it comes to choosing a typing machine, a scanner or a coffee machine to add to the library, I will definitely recommend a coffee machine. Compared with adding the typing machine and the scanner, a coffee machine has evident advantages over them. On the one hand, there is a lack of coffee machine, to provide alternative drinks except pure water. For coffee can help us to be our sharpest and most creative when we are reading, we will be more productive due to this little machine. On the other, a typing machine and a scanner can be easily accessible to us in our teachers’ office and printing room, it is totally a waste to add the same facilities.

In terms of the inner decorations, without any doubt, green plants and paintings from our students and teachers can beautify our reading rooms. For one thing, green plants can provide fresh air during the day and create a comfortable corner to relax ourselves for a while. After a long time reading, we can also protect our eyes by taking a look at those lovely plants. For another, paintings from our students and teachers showing our positive spiritual features, will enhance our artistic appreciation.

(((((((((((((((((((((in terms of ,for the one hand, for the other,for one thing, for the other(((((((((((((针对添置设备三选一和装饰品选二这两个方面,提出自己观点,然后分述2-3点理由。同时,使用了when it comes to, compared with, 动名词作主语等亮点词组语法。)

By all accounts above, adding a coffee machine, some plants and paintings is a better choice for our library. I hope you can consider my advice seriously and I firmly believe our school library will be a more comfortable and appealing place for us to study. Thank you for sparing your time for reading my letter.

(分析:末段,以信件的固定格式结尾。对自己的建议观点进行总结,希望对方采纳或者考虑建议,表达对学校图书馆建设的祝愿,以及致谢。) 三、写后阶段:

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