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Chapter One Introduction to Mass Communication ?Key Terms

communication 传播,交通:mass communication, be in communication with, feedback 反馈: asked the students for feedback on the new curriculum. interpersonal communication 人际传播:interpersonal relationships encoding 编码: audio encoding, hybrid encoding decoding 解码: adaptive decoding public relations 公共关系

noise 噪音,响声,无用数据,吸引注意的言行 medium 媒介(media),手段,

mass medium 大众媒介,大众传播工具,影响大量观众的一种公众媒介 mass communication 大众传播,大众传播工具 inferential feedback 推断性反馈 reciprocal messages 交互讯息:(reciprocal互惠的,彼此相反的) cultural definition of communication 传播的文化定义 dominant culture (mainstream culture)主流文化 bounded culture (co-culture) 亚文化: bounded function

technological determinism 技术决定论: (determinism决定论,宿命论) visual communication 视觉传播 third participant 第三方:(participant 参与者,参与的) concentration of ownership 所有权集中 convergence 融合,会合点,集中,收敛

conglomeration 集团化,混合物,凝聚:The state of being conglomerated economies of scale 规模经济;因经营规模扩大而得到的经营节约 oligopoly 寡头式的垄断,求过于供的市场情况(oligopolies) globalization 全球化:globalize audience fragmentation 受众分析:(audience:听众,观众,读者。fragmentation: 分裂,破碎) narrowcasting 窄带广播

niche marketing 分众营销:By definition, then, a business that focuses on a niche market is addressing a need for a product or service that is not being addressed by mainstream targeting 瞄准目标

taste publics 对某媒体内容有共同兴趣的人群

literate culture 书面文化 (literate 学者,有文化的)

oral culture 口头文化(oral 口头的,口腔的 oral surgery) Production values 制作标准 ?Mass Communication

Communication: transmission of a message from a source to a receiver. ?Basic elements of communication Who?

Says what?

Through which channel? To Whom?

With what effect?

?Conditions of communication Sharing (correspondence) Feedback

The process of creating shared meaning ?Important Clause:

The media so fully saturate our everyday lives that we are often unconscious of their presence, not to mention

their influence.

Media often reduce us to mere commodities for sale to the highest bidder.

A fundamental theme of this book is that media do none of this alone. They do it with us as well as to us through mass communication, and they do it as a central—many critics and scholars say the central –cultural force in our society.

There is no clear identifiable source or receiver.

All the participants, or interpreters are working to create meaning by encoding and decoding messages.

Mass communication is the process of creating shared meaning between the mass media and their audiences. Encoded messages are carried by a media, that is, the means of sending information. When the medium is a technology that carries messages to a large number of people---we call it a mass media. ?Definition of Culture

The learned behavior of members of a given social group. Contents of Culture

Patterned, repetitive ways of thinking, feeling, and acting Functions of Culture Guide of life style Limitation of Culture

Unwilling or unable to move past patterned, repetitive ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. ?Mass Communication and Culture

We are everyone involved in creating and maintaining the culture that defines us. We are the people involved in mass media industries and the people who compose their audiences.

A culture’s values and beliefs reside in the stories it tells. Our stories help define our realities, shaping the ways we think, feel, and act.

Mass communication has become a primary forum for the debate about our culture. The most powerful voices in the forum have the most power to shape our definitions and understandings. ?Scope and Nature of Mass Media

No matter how we choose to view the process of mass communication, it is impossible to deny that an enormous portion of our lives is spent in interaction with mass media.

Despite the pervasiveness of mass media in our lives, many of us are dissatisfied with or critical of the media industries’ performance and much of the content provided. ?The role of technology

To some thinkers, it is machines and their development that drive economic and cultural change. This idea is related to as technological determinism.

But others see technology as more neutral and claim that the way people use technology is what gives it significance.

Technology can be our best friend, and technology can also be the biggest party pooper of our lives.

Technology does have an impact on communication. What technology does not do is relieve us of our obligation to use mass communication responsible and wisely. ?The role of money

Some observers think the money on mass communication was a devastatingly bad development, not only in the history of mass communication but in the history of democracy. It robbed people of their voice, or at least made the voices of the advertisers more powerful.

Others think it was a huge advance for both mass communication and democracy because it vastly expanded the media.

?Chinese to English:




Translation Practice English to Chinese:

Culture is the learned behavior of members of a given social group. Many writers and thinkers have offered interesting expansions of this definition.

Creation and maintenance of a more or les common culture occurs through communication, including mass communication. When we talk to our friends; when a parent raises a child; when religious leaders instruct their followers; when teachers teach; when grandparents pass on recipes.

A culture’s learner traditions and values can be seen as patterned, repetitive ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. Culture limits our options and provides useful guidelines for behavior.

Chapter Two Books ?Key Words

linotype 莱诺机械排版,莱诺排版机

offset lithography 胶版印刷(offset 偏移,平版印刷,胶印;lithography 平版印刷术) dime novels 廉价小说(dime 一角硬币;novel 新奇的) pulp novels 低俗小说(pulp 纸浆,果肉) paperback books 平装本,纸面本 pocket books 口袋书

hardcover 精装本,精装的

audience reach 受众面(reach 延伸,区域) censorship 审查制度,审查机构

mail order books 邮购书(order 定购,定单) trade book 普及版图书,普及版 publishing houses 出版社

remainders 滞销书(残余物,剩余的,廉价出售) e-publishing 电子出版

print on demand (POD)按需印制 d-books 网上下载图书 e-books 电子图书

personal digital assistants (PDAs) 个人数字助理 priority 优先,优先权

refinement 改进,精致,文雅 concentrate on 集中,全神贯注于 literacy 有文化,有教养

magnitude 大小,数量,巨大,广大 commercialization 商品化 ?History of books

In addition, books and reading were regarded as symbols of wealth and status and therefore not priorities for people who considered themselves to be pioneers, servants of the lord, or anti-English colonists.

After the War of Independence, printing became even more central to political, intellectual, and cultural life in major cities.

The 1800s saw a series of important refinements to the process of printing.

These dime novels were inexpensive, and because they concentrated on frontier and adventure stories, they attracted growing numbers of readers.

The combination of technically improved, lower-cost printing and widespread literacy produced the flowering of



