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本试卷包括四道大题,共 8页,满分95分,考试时间为100分钟。考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项:

1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将条形码准确粘 贴在条形码区域内。

2. 答题时,考生务必按照考试要求在答题卡上的指定区域内作答,在草稿纸、试卷 上答题无效。




to go to school.

to speak loudly in public.

in painting whe n he was young and he could paint very well.

of her.

makes many mistakes like others.


1. My little sister is 7 years old. She's old 2. It is not 3. Jack was

4. Hele n won the first prize in the En glish speech competiti on. Her pare nts were 5. Bob does homework so carefully that he

II. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 (5分) 6. All the stude nts (rush) out of the classroom after the bell rang. 7. Alice is (sleep) now because she did n't rest well last ni ght. 8. Tell us (exact) where he lives. 9. Tea pla nts are (grow) on the sides of mountains in China. 10. The man keeps the problem to ____ (him). III. 单项选择。(15分)

从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 ( )11.To find the result. He has to go up to sec ond floor sec ond time.

A. the; a B. the; the C. a; the D. a ; a

( )12. When they went into the park, they saw some one ______ Chin ese Kung fu.

A. plays B. played C. to play D. play ing

( )13.The restaura nt is known ______ its good service.

A. as B. for C. of D. to

( )14. --- Paul has fini shed his homework, has n't he?

---Yes. He it two hours ago.

A. fini shed B. fini shes C. has fini shes D. will finish

( )15. The gover nment provides homeless people nice houses.

A. with B. for C. to D. of

( )16. ---The photo makesme think of trip to Shan ghailast year.

---Yeah, we had great time there. A. a; / B. an; the C. the ; a D. the ;the

( )17. In In dia, about of people in cities now.

A. three fifths; lives B. third fifth; lives C. third fifths; live D. three fifths; live

( )18. It's n ecessary for her exercise every day.

A. taki ng B. to take C. take D. takes

( )19. What can we do the environment?

A. protect ing B. protected C. to protect D. protects

( )20. This is the most beautiful park she has visited.

A. ever B.yet C. never D. been

( )21. Don't give up, we will n ever succeed.

A. and B. but C. or D. though

( )22. — David has made great progress recen tly.

— ,and . A. So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so you have

()23. Could you tell me how long the tennis club?

A. you have joined B. have you joined C. you have bee n in D. have you bee n in

( )24. ______ They're sisters, they don't look the same.

A. If B. When C. but D. Though

()25. — Where are Mary and Lucy?

—They En gla nd. They A. have bee n to; have bee n in C. have gone to; have bee n

there for five days.

B. have gone to; have bee n in D. have bee n to; have bee n


IV.根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。 Hele n: David, you look tired. Hele n: What?




David: I stayed up late last ni ght. I only slept for about five hours. David: An old friend came over and we had a talk un til late last ni ght. Hele n: Why did n 'you stay in bed a little Ion ger this morning? David:


Hele n: But I 've read a report. It says that if you don 'get eno ugh sleep after you study, you may forget 30% of

what you ve learned.

David: Forget 30%? ______ 29

Helen: Yes. I've also read that eating right can help you study.

David: Really? ______ 30

Hele n: Don't you thi nk so? And some foods can help you stay well. I think the best foods are

fish, eggs, milk and so on.

David: I see. Thanks for tell ing me. A. That sounds terrible. C. I had to study for my En glish test. E. How did you kn ow that? B. I've n ever heard of that. D. Why did you go to bed so late? F. What'the matter? 三、阅读(共45分)


Mike's pare nts used to tell him how importa nt school was for him, but he did n He paid little atte nti on to it. But one thing let him fin ally 31 what his pare nts meant.

One day, whe n he 32 a mobile phone store, he saw an advertiseme nt on its door. It was hiri ng new workers!

“ Sir, are you hiring people? ” 3e wente store and asked. “ Yes, but youustho

be the man who we need, ” the manager answered. He looked at him for a few 34 from head to foot. “ Do you have a high school dipl文m凭()? ” work experie nee? ”

He felt so ashamed and 36 that he didn ' know what to say, so he just turned around and left. He could not fall asleep that ni ght, and he thought a lot about his 37 . \I must go to school or I can ' t do anything without a good educatio38 to himself ” he silently. He never went back to the store again 39 he finished his study and got a diploma.

40 looked the same when he returned to the store: the same people and the same desig n. However,

compared with last time, he had more 41 . The man ager told him they n eeded new 42 . So it was a great cha nee for him.

He 43 his diploma to the man ager. He looked at it and said, “ Great, you are in.

Now he is still worki ng in the same store. With this experie nee, he always 44 people to attend school. Education helps you have a bright future. Now he is not worried about his future because he is still 45 in his spare time.

35 he, “ Or do you have any

() () () () () () () () () () ()

31.A.realize 32.A.went through 33. A.out of 34.A.days 35.A.c ontinued 36.A.u ncomfortable 37.A.hobbies 38. A.shouted 39.A.whe n 40.A.Noth ing 41.A.grade

B. remember B. left for B. into B. hours B. an swered B. impolite B. future B. liste ned B. while B. Everyth ing B. luck

C. won der C. stepped into C. with C. minu tes C. warned C. unkind C. pare nts C. said C. after C. Nobody

C. con fide nee

D. imagi ne D. walked past D. onto D.seconds D. reported D. impatie nt D. man ager D. cried D. before D. Everybody D. pleasure

() ()

42.A.volu nteers 43.A.sold

B. teachers B. showed

C. stude nts C. sent

D. workers D.shook



