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abdominal cavity 腹腔

abdominal ????????????????腹部的?

cavity ?????????????????????腔,(空)洞

accessory hemiazygos vein 副半奇静脉

accessory ???????????副的,附属的 hemiazygos

vein ???????n.血管, 静脉, 情绪

accessory nerve 副神经

accessory pancreatic duct 副胰管


duct ???????????????????管,导管?

accessory phrenic nerve 副膈神经

phrenic ????????????膈的?

accessory spleen 副脾

spleen ?????????????脾脏,脾?

adductor canal 收肌管

adductor ?????????收肌,内收肌?canal ????????沟,管,道?

adductor tendinous opening 收肌腱裂孔

tendinous ????????????腱的?

opening ???????????洞,孔,缝,开口,口?

ansa cervicalis 颈袢

ansa ?????????袢?

cervicalis ????????????????颈的?

anterior axillary line 腋前线

anterior ???????????前(方,面,端,部,肘)的?axillary???????????腋前线 ?

anterior cervical lymph nodes 颈前淋巴结

lymph ????????淋巴,浆,苗?nodes

anterior cranial fossa 颅前窝

cranial ???????????颅的?fossa ???????(拉)窝,凹 ?

anterior esophageal plexus 食管前丛

esophageal ?????????????????????????????????????食管的?plexus ?????????(拉)丛?

anterior interventricular branch 前室间支

interventricular ???????????????????(心)室间的 branch????????????????n.树枝, 支店; 分料, 部门;


英 中 文 名 词 索 引 anterior interventricular groove 前室间沟

anterior jugular vein 颈前静脉

anterior median line 前正中线

anterior mediastinum 前纵隔

anterior spinal artery 脊髓前动脉

anterior vagal trunk 迷走神经前干

anterior/posterior superior

pancreaticoduodenal artery 胰十二指肠上前、后动脉

anterior cutaneous branches of

femoral nerve 股神经前皮支

anterior talofibular ligament 距腓前韧带

anterior tibial artery 胫前动脉

anterior tibial veins 胫前静脉

anteroinferior sinus of pericardium 心包前下窦

anus 肛门

aortic arch 主动脉弓

aortic hiatus 主动脉裂孔

aortic isthmus 主动脉峡

apex of lung 肺尖

appendicular artery 阑尾动脉

arch of foot 足弓

arch of thoracic duct 胸导管弓

arcuate line 弓状线

areola of breast 乳晕

arteria thyroidea ima 甲状腺最下动脉

arterial ligament 动脉韧带

artery of penis 阴茎动脉

ascending colon 升结肠

atlantoaxial joint 寰枢关节

auriculotemporal nerve 耳颞神经


axillary fossa 腋窝

axillary lymph nodes 腋淋巴结

axillary nerve 腋神经

axillary vein 腋静脉

azygos vein 奇静脉

=================================================== bare area of liver 肝裸区

base of lung 肺底

basilic vein 贵要静脉

bicipital aponeurosis 肱二头肌腱膜

bifurcation of trachea 气管杈

brachial artery 肱动脉

brachial plexus 臂丛

brachial veins 肱静脉

brachiocephalic trunk 头臂干

brachiocephalic vein 头臂静脉

breast 乳房

broad ligament of uterus 子宫阔韧带

bronchial artery 支气管动脉

bronchial vein 支气管静脉

bronchopulmonary lymph node 支气管肺淋巴结

bronchopulmonary segment 支气管肺段

buccal artery 颊动脉

buccal branches 颊支

buccal nerve 颊神经

buccopharyngeal fascia 颊咽筋膜

bulb of vestibule 前庭球

bulbo-urethral gland 尿道球腺


calcaneofibular ligament 跟腓韧带

capsule of prostate 前列腺囊


cardiac apex 心尖

cardiac base 心底

cardinal ligament of uterus 子宫主韧带

carina of trachea 气管隆嵴

carotid sheath 颈动脉鞘

carotid glomus 颈动脉小球

carotid sinus 颈动脉窦

carotid triangle 颈动脉三角

carotid tubercle 颈动脉结节

carpal canal 腕管

cauda equina 马尾

cavernous sinus 海绵窦

cecum 盲肠

celiac trunk 腹腔干 central tendon 中心腱

cephalic vein 头静脉

cerebe11omedu11ary cistern 小脑延髓池

cervical branch of facial nerve 面神经颈支

cervical fascia 颈筋膜

cervical part of esophagus 食管颈部

cervical part of sympathetic trunk 颈交感干

cervical part of trachea 气管颈部

cervical plexus 颈丛

cervicothoracic ganglion 颈胸神经节

circumflex branch 旋支

cisterna chyli 乳糜池

clavicle 锁骨

clavipectoral fascia 锁胸筋膜

coccygeus 尾骨肌

coccyx 尾骨

common carotid artery 颈总动脉

common flexor sheath 屈肌总腱鞘


common bile duct 胆总管

common hepatic duct 肝总管

common iliac lymph nodes髂总淋巴结

common peroneal nerve 腓总神经

compartment of abductor pollicis 拇收肌鞘

conjoined tendon 联合腱

coracoid process 喙突

coronary groove 冠状沟

coronary ligament 冠状韧带

coronary sinus 冠状窦

costal arch 肋弓

costal pleura 肋胸膜

costocervical trunk 肋颈干

costodiaphragmatic recess 肋膈隐窝

costomediastinal recess 肋纵隔隐窝

cremaster 提睾肌

cricoid cartilage 环状软骨

cruciform ligament of atlas 寰椎十字韧带

cubital fossa 肘窝

cupula pleurae 胸膜顶

cutaneous branches of obturator nerve

cystic artery 胆囊动脉


dartos coat 肉膜

deep anterior cervical lymph node颈前深淋巴结

deep brachial artery 肱深动脉

deep branch of radial nerve 桡神经深支

deep branch of ulnar nerve 尺神经深支

deep branch of plantar artery 足底深支

deep cardiac plexus 心深丛





