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八年级英语讲学稿(审校 五中 张凤芝)

课题:8A Unit1 Friends Comic strip & Welcome to the unit Period 1: 主备人:李春梅



a.学会下列生单词nothing bowl honest secret joy problem magazine good-looking

b.掌握下列短语:keep secrets, make me happy, share my joy c..会使用下列日常交际用语:

There’s nothing else in the fridge. Maybe we can share it.

What makes your friend so special?

Do you talk to him/her when you are happy/sad have problem? Can you talk to him/her about anything? Do you believe what he/she said? 预习准备:


Can I have ________ ________ food? 2.你想要喝些牛奶吗?

Would you like _______ milk? 3.你想要来一些吗? Do you want ________?

4. Can I have __________ ________ ________? 我能要些喝的东西吗? 二、课堂合作探究

Comic strip


What does Eddie give Hobo?

Is there anything else in the fridge? What does Hobo want?


Are Eddie and Hobo good friends? Who do you like more? Why? 1.阅读Welcome to the unit

part A,理解语境,完成练习,然后校对答案,纠正错误。。


3.朗读part B中所列单词,检查词义理解情况。区别quite important和very important。

4.请同学思考What qualities of a good friend are important to you?




there anything ________(其他的)left in the classroom? usually ________(分享)their joy with us.

old man often tells the children ________(有趣的) stories. brother is very ________(help) to me.

is a ________(care) girl and she is good at Maths.

四、课后拓展练习: of the girls are___________(好看的),but very

few are

don’t want to have __________(特殊的) treatment.

father often reads newspapers and m_________ after supper. can’t find her pet dog,so she feels s_____________. need _________(更多的) computers in our office. b.按要求改写句子。

is nothing else in the fridge.(同义句)There ________ ________ else in the fridge.

do you think of the T-shirt in the show window? (同上) ________ ________ the T-shirt in the show window?

’t tell others my secrets, will you? (同上)____ _____ ___, will you? ’s sunny today. Let’s fly kites. (同上)

It’s ________ today. ________ ________ ________ kites。


1.错题警报 2.错因分析 3.矫正补救


八年级英语讲学稿(审校 五中 张凤芝)

课题:8A Unit1 Friends Reading Part A Period 2 主备人:丁汉军 一、课前预习导学


复习描述人物外表和性格的形容词,运用形容词描述人物的相貌和性格,了解比较级和最高级的用法。略读课文掌握大意,跳读课文查找细节,能根据关键词和语境猜测大意。 2.预习导学:

a.注意培养阅读技巧,抓住关键词,逻辑判断。 b.识记词表中相关的生词,阅读理解课文。 c.语言点: 二、课堂合作探究:

Step 1 . 通过和学生谈论亲戚朋友,复习主要词汇。

Step 2. 全班分成三组,独立阅读课文,每组一篇,并划出其中生词。 Step 3. 板书Appearance 和 Personality两个标题,学生再看课文一遍,找


Step 4. 听录音朗读课文。 Step 5.课堂操练,互相问答:

What does he/she look like ? (For appearance) What kind of person is he/she ? (For personality)

What does he/she do or want to do in the future ? (For future plans)



1. Is she short ? 2. What is she like ?

3. I think I know her . She always wears a red T-shirt and black


4. No, she is tall . 5. Yes , that`s her . 6. Do you know Nancy .

7. She has a round face and bright smiling eyes .



是一个慷慨大方的人,他总是乐于助人。 长大后想周游世界。 很有幽默感。


四、课后拓展练习 (一) 选择填空:

1. The foreign teacher is telling us ________ his wonderful trip .

A. off B. on C. about D. in

2. Mark can run as ________ as I can .

A. faster B. on C. fastest D. more fast

3. Jenny is so kind that she often ________her chocdolate bar with her

friends .

A. shows B. gives C. brings D. shares

4. It`s nearly eight o`clock . I am ready ________ .

A. working B. work C. works D. to work

5. A: What are you going to do when you ________ ?

B: I want to be an artist .

A. grow up B. in need C. grow into D. grow down

( 二) 词组翻译:

1. 诉某人某事____________________ 2. 像……..一样苗条________________ 5. 需要中的,困难中的 ___________ 6. 环球旅行 _______________________ 7. 使他看上去聪明________________ 8. 幽默感 _________________________ 9. 走过课桌______________________10.长大 ____________________________ 11. 弄翻我的书___________________12. 想起____________________________ 13.真正的朋友 ___________________14. 保守秘密________________________ 五、教学效果验收 1.错题警报 2.错因分析 3.矫正补救


八年级英语讲学稿(审校 五中 张凤芝)

课题:8A Unit1 Friends Reading Part B&C Period 3 主备人:韩梅 一 、课前预习导学 1.学习目标:

复习课文,通过Part B&C的练习,巩固与拓展上课时所学基础知识和技能。 2.预习导学:

解释Part B&C、,课前独立完成其中练习,记下所遇到的问题,准备课堂解决。 3.语言点:

fill in 填写、填上 ;fill in…with… 用…填…

get mixed up 属于系动词加表语结构。其中的get可以换为be或become,意思是“弄糊涂了”“搞乱”“卷入”“和…搅在一起” What are they saying ? say做及物动词

Vote for the best friend. 其中vote for意为“投…票”“投票赞成”。 反义词为vote against。 二、课堂合作探究:

Step 1. Part B1, 复习B1部分方框中的形容词和名词,并在Page 4中的文章中找出来。

Step 2. 检查自己答案,与同座校对,并完整读出句子。

Step 3. Part B2 , 解释语境,同座校对答案。同座合作学习,对每一张图片


Step 4. Part C1: 两张座位四人一组讨论校对答案,并将错误的句子纠正。全


Step 5. Part C2 : 请学生给出答案,并解释为什么要投某人的票。 Step 6. Vocabulary 朗读生词,检查掌握。

Step 7. Part A 同座校对,然后请几位学生在全班公布自己的答案。

Step 8. Part B 先看方框里的词,提示形容词适合的性别,通过校对答案来

检查词义的理解和用法。 三、课内练习巩固


( ) 1. Betty is as tall and thin as the first writer. ( ) 2. They were good friends long time ago.

( ) 3. Betty often gives her money or her things to others and help them

in trouble sometimes.

( ) 4. Betty studies as well as her friend, but she often helps the writer in study.

( ) 5. She always gives her seats to old people on the bus.



