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必修四 Module 1 Life in the FuturePart I Reading and Vocabulary

Teaching aims: (1) 阅读学习课文The City of the Future,能在阅读中识别新学词汇、短语并推断出其意义;能读懂课文,获取主要信息并能摘录要点。(2) 了解想象中的未来的生活或城市,了解可持续发展的必要性。(3) 学习掌握课文中的知识点。

Important language points:(1) Important words: prediction, certain, alternative, limit, attach (2) Important phrases: for sure, care for, run out, rely on/ upon, get rid of, load….with…, place orders, free of charge, carry out (3) Important sentence patterns:

① What does… look like?② Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live.③---with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic独立主格结构.

The City of the Future

【课文理解】1. Read the passage and say if these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1) Police will arrest criminals by guns. ()2) Smoking will be allowed in the city. ( )3) People have to pay for recreation. ( )4) People will keep their telephone number for life. ( )

2. Summary Fill in the blanks:

What will the city of the future ________ ________? No one knows ________ _______. In the future, _______ ________ the environment will become very important ________ earth’s natural resources ________ ________. We will _________ _________ alternative energy. We will ________ huge spaceships ________ waste materials and _________ _________ online. 【课文学习】1. What will the city of the future look like?

What does… look like? 用于询问某人外表看起来如何,侧重其外表 如:What does the building look like? 这座楼看起来如何?这人看起来什么样? What does the man ______ ________ ?

2. No one knows for sure, and making predictions is a risky business. 没有人确切地知道,而且预测是一件冒险的事。

(1) for sure 肯定地 = for certain e. g. We will win; that’s for sure. 我们会赢,这是一定的。 No one knows ___ sure what will happen in the future. 没有人确切地知道明天会发生什么. (2) prediction n. 预测 predict vt. 预言,预告,预报 predictor n. 预言者,预报者 make a prediction 预测,预料 predict ___________ ____________ 预报明天天气 He predicted that I would be a very rich man in the future.他预言我将来会成为一个很富有的人。Is it possible to predict when one will die? 有可能预言人的死期吗?

令人吃惊的是--他的预测最终成真了. It is surprising that his ____________ came true finally.

3. But one thing is certain — they are going to get bigger before they get smaller. certain adj.

(1) “肯定的,确切的”,用作表语

be certain that------ 确信----- 我确信他看见我了。 I am certain that he saw me.

be certain to do sth. 必定会做------ 他确信可以赢得比赛。He is certain ______ winning the game. be certain of------ 确信------- 他一定会来。He is certain ________ __________. (2) “ 某个,某些,一定的” , 用作定语。 a certain Mr. Jones 某位琼斯先生 a certain distance 一定的距离(3) for certain 确切地,确定地

我不能确定他什么时候将到。 I can’t say for certain when he will arrive. 4. In the future , care for the environment will become very important as earth’s natural resources run out.(1) care for 爱护,关心 care在此处用作不可数名词

常用短语: take care 小心;保重; take care of 照料;照顾;注意; care about 关注,在乎 (2) run out 用完,用光.是不及物动词词组,没有被动语态.run out of---- 用完,用光. 主语必须是人.e.g. He __________________(花光了钱)that his mother gave


yesterday. When water ___________(用光了), he stood there helpless. 5. We will also have to rely on alternative energy, such as solar and wind power.

(1) rely on/upon 信任;依赖 rely on (sb.) doing 指望,依靠;相信(某人)会……

rely on sb. to do sth. 指望,依靠;相信某人会……rely on it that… 相信(某事会……) e. g. You may not rely on the weather report. 天气预报不足为信。

你可以依靠我帮助你。 You can rely on me ________ __________ you.

You may rely on it that he will do a good job of it. 放心好了,他会做好这件事的。 (2) alternative adj. 替换的;其他的;供选择的 n. 选择;供选择的东西 _______________ energy 替代性能源 alternative lifestyle 另类生活方式

他知道他必须努力工作,别无选择。 He knew he had to work hard; there was no alternative. 6. To get rid of garbage problems, the city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun, preventing landfill and environmental problems.

(1) to get rid of------是动词不定式短语做_____________语; preventing landfill and------是现在分词短语做________________语。

(2) get rid of 摆脱,除去,去掉 翻译:他还没有改掉抽烟这个坏习惯.He hasn’t _______ _______ ________the bad habit of smoking.

(3) load….with… 把…装上… load a truck /a ship / a train with goods

load …into /onto… 把…物装上/进…体中 Be careful loading the piano onto the truck. 7. No smoking will be allowed within a future city’s limits. 在未来市区内将不准吸烟。 limit n. 界限;限制(常用复数形式) vt. 限制;限定; limited adj. 有限的;不充分的; limitless adj. 无限制的;无限的; limitation n. 限定;限制a limit to / on 对于……的限制 set a limit on / to 限制…… within limits 适当地,有限度的 without limit 无限的,无限制的

e. g. 我能为你做的事是有限度的。 There is a limit _________ what I can do for you. 那个国家做出决定限制进口外国车辆。 The country made a decision to _______ imports of foreign cars.

8. In the future all shopping will be done online, and catalogues will have voice commands to place orders. place orders 订购 place an order for------- with------ 从-------订购------- e. g. Our school has placed a large order for Founder Computer. 我们学校已订购了大批方正电脑。

9. Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live. no matter where they live 是______________ 从句。

no matter +疑问词只能用来引导状语从句,特殊疑问词+ever既可以引导状语从句,也可以引导名词性从句。意为“不管-------,无论------”。

No matter when (Whenever) you come to our school, you are welcome. 无论你做什么,都要做好。 No matter ___________ you do, do it well.

10. All forms of recreation, such as cinemas, bowling, softball, concerts and others will be provided free of charge by the city. free of charge 免费

e. g. Your order will be delivered free of charge within a ten-mile limit.

你订购的产品在十英里范围内免费送货。 All the brochures are given away free of ___________. 所有的小册子都是免费赠送的。 拓展: for free 免费

11. Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles away, with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic. (1) carry out 执行;实施;完成(计划,实验等);履行(义务,职责等)

e. g. A survey is now being carried out nationwide. 一项调查正在全国范围内展开。 这并不是一项容易实施的计划。 It won’t be an easy plan to carry __________. 到上月底,我们厂已完成了今年的生产计划。

By the end of last month, our factory had _______ _______ its production plan for this year.


(2) with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic为独立主格结构,用作伴随状语。 其构成为:with + 宾语+ 宾补(现在分词,过去分词,不定式,形容词,副词,介词短语等) e. g. He lay still on the floor, with his dog sleeping beside him. 他静静地躺在地板上,他的狗睡在旁边。

The teacher entered the classroom with a group of students ______________(follow). He is used to sleeping with the windows __________ (开着).

He went out into the dark street with a stick ____________________(手里拿着). I went home with all the work ________________ (完成).

12. Senior citizens and people ------- using high- tech cameras attached to their head. attach vt. 系;贴;连接;归结于 常用搭配:attach sth. to sth.

e .g He attached a stamp to the envelope and mailed it. 他在信封上贴上邮票然后寄出去。 那只船被用绳子拴在树上。 The boat was attached __________ the tree with a rope.

be attached to 喜爱;依恋e. g. He is deeply attached to the old computer.他非常爱惜那台旧电脑。

13. 在短文中找出下面的短语:

(1)在将来______________________ (2)自然资源 ____________________(3)可回收材料____________________ (4)查明,找出____________________(5)环境问题______________________ (6)代替,而不是__________________(7)语音指令______________________ (8)电话号码______________________(9)出生时________________________ (10)太阳能_______________________(11)轻轻按一下开关_______________ (12)因(做)某事逮捕某人________________________(13)残疾人_______________________ (14)普通市民_____________________ 【当堂达标】一 用下面短语的正确形式填空:

rely on, get rid of, for sure, carry out, use up 1. No one knows _____________ what will happen in the future.

2. The people in the area have to ________________ the river for their water. 3. He _______________ all his strength to push the line.

4. How to _______________ the waste materials is a big problem to most countries.

5. By the end of the last month, our factory had _______________ its production plan for this year.

二 单项选择1. It is often easier to make plans than to ____________.

A. carry them on B. carry them out C. make them out D. turn them out 2. He has to make a living by himself because he doesn’t have parents to___________. A. keep on B. depend with C. rely on D. go to

3. With the winter here you can _____________ these skirts till you need them again next summer.A. do away with B. put away C. get rid of D. give away 4. Don’t ________all the soap. ___________ me some to wash with.

A. use out; leave B. use up; leave C. run out; leave D. run out of; give 5. China is very rich in natural ______________.

A. energies B. materials C. resources D. sources 6. Few people are able to _____ of the future but we can imagine it.

A. make a use B. make a decision C. make a promise D. make prediction 7. There sat an old man in a black coat, ___ his head in his hands thinking. A. put B. with C. and D. for 8. You can take as many as you like because they are free of____________. A. fare B. charge C. money D. pay 9. He__________ 200 pairs of shoes____________ that factory. A. placed an order for; with B. placed order for; with C. order; with D. ordered; to


10. _____________, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week. A. However the story is amusing B. No matter amusing the story is C. However amusing the story is D. No matter how the story is amusing

Part II Grammar

Teaching aims: 复习动词的一般将来时和将来进行时并能根据语境正确使用。 Important points: 一般将来时和将来进行时的表达形式和用法。 【模块语法知识讲解】 一般将来时和将来进行时 一 一般将来时的用法

(1)由“will / shall + 动词原形”构成。表示单纯的将来事实,表示将来存在的状态,将要发生的动作或将来的经常性习惯性动作,常与表示将来的时间状语tomorrow, next month, in the three days, after Sunday等连用. shall用于第一人称I和we,will可用于各人称。而在美式英语中所有人称都用will。如: We shall have a lot of rain next month. 下个月将下很多雨。 I think she will pass the exam. 我想他考试会及格的。

(2)用“be going to+动词原形”主要表示近期的打算和预测。如:

We are not going to stay there long. 我们不准备在那里久待。(表打算) I’m afraid they’re going to lose the game. 恐怕他们会赛输。(表预测) Look, it’s going to rain. 瞧,要下雨了。(表预见)

(3)用“be to+动词原形”主要表示按计划或安排即将要发生的动作;有时也表示命令、禁止或可能性。如: He is to leave for Beijing tomorrow. 他决定明天去北京。 Tell him he’s not to be back late. 告诉他不准迟回。 (4)用“be about to+动词原形”主要表示即将要发生的事。【注】该结构通常不与具体的时间状语连用。

如: He is about to leave. 他即将要离开。

(5)用现在进行时(即be+现在分词)主要表示按计划或安排要发生的事。【注】该用法有时表示即将发生的动作。如: The students are leaving on Sunday. 学生们星期日出发。 We’re having a party next week. 我们下星期将开一个晚会。 I’m leaving. 我走了。 (6)用一般现在时表示按规定或时间表预计要发生的事。如:

The train leaves at 7:25 this evening. 火车今晚7:25分开。 Tomorrow is Wednesday. 明天是星期三。

二 将来进行时的用法

(1). 表示在将来某一时间段内正在进行的动作。常与at 7 o’clock tonight, next year, by this time tomorrow等时间状语连用。有时没有明确的时间状语。

e. g. I will be studying in America next year. 我明年将在美国学习。

By this time tomorrow, I will be lying on the beach. 明天这个时间,我会正躺在沙滩上。 (2) 表已经决定或安排好要发生的动作或事情。

e. g. We shall be meeting in Carrifour at 6 o’clock this afternoon. 我们定于今天下午六点在家乐福见面。 (3) 预测将来会发生的事情,表将来的某种可能性。 e. g. If we keep working hard like this, we will be making a miracle. 如果我们继续这样努力工作的话,我们会创造奇迹的。

(4) 将来进行时除表示未来以外,还可表示亲切或委婉的语气。 e. g. I shall be thinking of you. 我会想你的。 辨析:现在进行时/将来进行时 两者都可以用来表将来的动作。但现在进行时通常用于表示不远的将来的动作,而且有确定的时间,而将来进行时则可以和确定的时间状语连用,也可以不用,既可以表示不远的将来的动作,也可以表示较远的将来的动作。

e. g. We are meeting him tomorrow/ We will be meeting him tomorrow.我们明天将会见到他。 We will be meeting him next year. 我们明年将会见到他。(注意此句不可用进行时,因为明年是较远的将来时间)


【语法练习】单项选择:1. There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.

A. will be going to B. will going to be C. is going to be D. will go to be 2. ------________ you ________ free tomorrow? – --- No. I ________ free the day after tomorrow.

A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will

C. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be

3. If they come, we ________ a meeting.A. have B. will have C. had D. would have

4. At this time tomorrow ___________ over the Atlantic. A. we’re going to fly B. we’ll be flying C. we’ll fly D. we’re to fly 5. ---- - What is your plan for tomorrow?

----- I __________ football with my friends at this time and then I will go for a dinner with them. A. will be playing B. will play C. am playing D. will have played 6. The car __________ at the present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountain at about ten o’clock tonight. A. would go B. went C. will be going D. goes 7. —--- Can I join the club,Dad?—--- You can when you ____________ a bit older. A.get B.will get C.are getting D.will have got 8.—-- Sorry,I forgot to post the letter for you.

—--- Never mind, ___________ it myself tonight.

A.I’m going to post B.I’d better to post C.I’ll post D.I’d rather post 9. ---- What are you going to do this afternoon?

-----I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film ________quite early, so we _______ to the bookstore after that.

A. finished, are going B. finished, go C. finishes, are going D. finishes, go 10. The sky is very dark now. I’m afraid it _________.

A. will rain B. is going to rain C. is about raining D. it would rain

Part III Cultural CornerFamous Last Words

Teaching aims: 通过阅读Famous Last Words 帮助学生了解人们以前对未来世界的种种预测,并掌握文中的一些语言点。

Important points: (1) Not all predications comes true. 部分否定句; (2) in progress;on the way out

【知识点】1. Not all predications comes true.

not 与all ,every, both等连用时,表示部分否定,翻译为:并非都...e.g. Not all animals hibernate in winter. = All animals do not hibernate in winter. = some animals hibernate in winter.

翻译:不是所有的学生都已经通过了最终的考试._______ ________ the students have passed the final exam.2. Work is now in progress on …..

in progress 在进行中e.g. The building of the new gymnasium in our school is in progress. 翻译:___________________________

拓展: make progress 取得进步e.g. 你的英语进步了。 You have made progress with your English. 3. on the way out 即将过时,即将灭亡. 例句: This kind of hairstyle is on the way out.

Part IV 模块综合练习

一 单词拼写:The earthquake has been p____________ several months before. 1. I offered the a_______________ suggestions of spending the vacation in the mountain or by the sea. 2. Nowadays we r ___ increasingly on computers for help. 3. Gardening is a form of r ____ . 4. America is rich in natural r _____ .




