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3) a real airhead

4) a real couch potato。 to his parents' house 5) hit the sack。 ready for it Part 3 Passage 1 I. CADAC II. FFTFT Passage 2 I. BDCBA

II. 1) tidy and orderly

2) one of the curtains。 out of place 3) had forgotten to close it 4) picked up。 set about 5) to climb through a window Passage 3 I. DBCAA II. TFTTF Part 4 I. 1) A bad workman always blames his tools. 2) All cats are gray in the dark. 3) As you sow, so shall you reap. 4) All are not thieves that dogs bark at. 5) A burnt child dreads the fire.

6) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

7) The apples on the other side of the wall are the sweetest. 8) The bull must be taken by the thorns.

9) Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 10) The best is often the enemy of the good. II. 1) impatient and tired of waiting 2) very easy 3) at the last minute 4) be without money 5) be out of patience 6) very busy 7) be traveling

8) be ready to use 9) exhausted。 very tired 10) avoid giving a direct answer Part 5I. 1-5 DABDC 6-10 DDADD II. Passage 1 CBDDA Passage 2 FTFFT Passage 3 ACCBB

Unit 16

Part 1 1-5 ABAAB 6-10 AABAB Part 2 Dialogue 1 I. BCDBA II. TTFTT Dialogue 2 I.CDABB

II. 1) short or just trimmed 2) rather dry, a bit thin 3) rather rough 4) the parting to be made 5) make an appointment

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Dialogue 3 I. BDDDB

II. 1) celebration 2) restaurant 3) cocktail 4) menu 5) right away 6) make up her mind 7) seafood 8) roast duck 9) main course 10) salad 11) French 12) celebration 13) white wine

14) champagne 15) cheese 16) enjoyable 17) delicious

Part 3 Passage 1 I. CDABD

II.1. he means while you are unconscious of the fact that it is sinking in

2. by living in an English– speaking world, and by speaking them, hearing them, and mostly by reading them in the way everyone learns their mother tongue. 3. to misunderstand is to understand- but incorrectly

4. some of the misunderstandings may live with all our lives, without ever knowing what we got them wrong.

5. this method of guessing in second language learning does not work. It may succeed in many cases, but results in hundreds or thousands of wrongly guessed meanings of worlds. Passage 2 I. ADDBC II. (略) Passage 3 I. DBACA

II.1. in order to make its meaning clear

2. using his arms, hands and fingers。 his face 3. all these carefully learnt words and actions

4. his act to the needs of his students。 invent it as he goes along

5. who were fine actors in class。 take part in a stage play。 keep discipline. Part 4 I. 1) The best fish swim near the bottom. 2) Barking dogs seldom bite. 3) The best of friends must part 4) Cross the stream where it is shallowest. 5) clothes do not make the man 6) A cat has nine lives.

7) Cut your coat according to your cloth. 8) Children should be seen and not heard. 9) The course of true love never did run smooth. 10) Conscience does make cowards of us all. II. 1) say unkind, unflattering things about someone 2) be eager to hear what someone has to say

3) become extremely angry 4) and much more besides 5) a lot of money 6) be very expensive

7) uncertain。 taking too much of a chance 8) depressed。 blue 9) Be very careful!10) be confused or mistaken about something Part 5 I. 1-5 CBAAA 6-10 CABAB

II. Passage 1 DADBB Passage 2 DBCAD Passage 3 DABCC

Unit 17

Part 1 1-5 BABBB 6-10 ABAAB

Part 2 Dialogue 1 I. BCBAB II. YYNNY Dialogue 2 I.ACCBC II. FTFTT Dialogue 3 I.BCBAC

II. 1) simply didn't work 2) return the defective item

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3) could not find another 4) with a higher price 5) take his money back Part 3 Passage 1I. DCBAC

II.1. kept looking 2. came on 3. in darkness 4. was not on anyone 5. caught hold of

Passage 2 I. BACDC

II.1.because he wished to be in his won house before night 2. let it be wanting, I am in a hurry

3. he got down at an inn and had his horse fed in the afternoon 4. the stable-boy suggested taking the horse to the blacksmith 5. that unlucky nail has made all this trouble. Passage 3 I. BCCAD II. TFFFT

Part 4 I. 1) some people cannot see the forest for the trees

2) absence make the heart grow fonder 3) no man can serve two masters 4) ignorance is bliss 5) like mother, like daughter

6) do as I say, and not as I do 7) he that is master of himself will soon be master of others. 8) they that dance must pay the fiddler. 9) a stitch in time saves nine. 10) a friend in need is a friend indeed.

II. 1) someone who has a bad effect on a whole group or system 2) very important to him and he loves her very much 3) typically or completely American

4) can't see well because of his / her very bad eyesight 5) produce an unexpected result 6) don't have money

7) leave quickly 8) do as much as I can to help or please her 9) very nervous or excited before doing something important

10) show or offer something very helpful or valuable to someone who do not understand or appreciate it.

Part 5 I. 1-5 DCBDB 6-10 DDCBD II. Passage 1 DCADB

Passage 2 1. he used to fly there to see his parents 2. he has felt frightened only once.

3. she asked them to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly when it touched down.

4. there was a very important person on board and the police had been told that a bomb had been placed on the plane.

5. after they had landed, the plane was searched thoroughly Passage 3

1. she would let them have three wishes 2. because he was still hungry.

3. a house full of wonderful food 4. the pancake stuck to the nose of the husband 5.none of this had ever happened.

Unit 18

Part 1 1-5 BAAAB 6-10 ABABA Part 2 Dialogue 1 I.DACCC II. FFTFT Dialogue 2 I.DCBCD

II. expensive one。 at about 2:30。 a purse with two hundred pounds cash and her car keys and her driving license。 to the record department。 in the coffee shop。 25 King Street,

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Dialogue 3 I. 1-5 BDCBC II. 1-5 TFFFT

Part 3 Passage 1 I.DABCB

II.1. a big difference between “being a writer” and writing

2. are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hours alone at a typewriter 3. that it was cold and had no bathroom 4. a break and began to doubt myself 5. who die wondering. What if? Passage 2 I.1-5 BBDAB

II.1-5 TFFTT Passage 3 I.1-5 DCDCD

II. 1. with honesty, judged roughly, at the expense of a friend 2. some mysterious moral feeling, out of balance, regret is expressed 3. with a variety of signs

4. some hesitation, executor of his father's will, of his inheritance 5. heartfelt apology, a damaged relationship

Part 4 I. 1) a liar is not believed when he tells the truth 2) the last straw breaks the camel's back 3) lend your money, and lose your friend. 4) life is short and time is swift 5) idle people never have any leisure.

6) it is too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen 7) it takes two to make a quarrel 8) it never rains but it pours

9) it is the unexpected that always happens. 10) do not put new wine into old bottles. II. 1) be realistic / Don't be na?ve

2) anger。 animosity。 bitter feelings3) be extremely busy 4) severely criticize / find fault with someone 5) do something before it is time to do it

6) decide something quickly and without thinking about it or considering all the facts. 7) absolutely not 8) a big disappointment 9) decide what to do 10) absolutely / definitely not Part 5 I. 1-5 ABACA 6-10 BBBDB

II. Passage 1 BAADA Passage 2 CDBAB Passage 3 TFTTT

Unit 19

Part 1 1-5 ABAAA 6-10 BBABA Part 2 Dialogue 1 I.BBCDA II. FTFTF Dialogue 2 I.ABDCD II.FTFTF Dialogue 3 I. 1-5 BCADA II. 1-5 FFFTT

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Part 3Passage 1I. 1-5 BDCADII.1-5 FFTFT Passage 2 I.1-5 CBDAC

II.1. with the development of the cigarette manufacturing machines 2. regardless of sex differences

3. in determining a person's smoking habits 4. from upper-income, well-educated families 5. if one or both of their parents smoke Passage 3 I.1-5 CDCBC II. 1. could be combined 2. lies in their associations 3. the glad and sad events 4. our minds and emotions

5. choose our words。 silly and vulgar

Part 4 I. 1) a dwarf on a giant's shoulders sees the farther of the two 2) a drowning man will clutch at a straw 3) don't cut the bough you are standing on 4) a door must be either shut or open 5) every horse thinks its own pack heaviest 6) an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth 7) every family has a skeleton in the cupboard 8) everybody's business is nobody's business 9) the golden age was never the present age 10) a good name is sooner lost than won.

II. 1) in a situation that is too much。 too difficult for one to manage 2) with the inner part on the outside and the outer part on the inside 3) in supply and available to buy/ sell 4) profitable。 not showing a financial loss 5) unprofitable。 showing a financial loss

6) unsolicited mail( usually advertisements for sth you're not interested in) 7) check something regularly 8) watch for

9) remain brave and confident in a difficult situation。 don't despair or worry too much 10) stay diligent。 steadily work hard, without breaks or an uneven pace Part 5 I. 1-5 DAAAB 6-10 BBCCD

II. Passage 1 CBDCA Passage 2 TFFFT Passage 3 AADBC

Unit 20

Part 1 1-5 BABAB 6-10 BABAA Part 2 Dialogue 1 I.ADDBB II. TFFTT Dialogue 2 I.BADBC II.FTFTT Dialogue 3 I. 1-5 ABDDD II. 1-5 FTFTF

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Part 3 Passage 1I. 1-5 BCBAC II.1-5 TFTFT



