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Unit 1

Part 1 1-5 ABAAB 6-10 BAABA

Part 2 Dialogue 1 1) BCACB 2) TFFFF

Dialogue 2 1) AACDB 2) would have guessed。 indirectly affected。 almost。 sweetheart。 were supposed。 the wedding。 instead。 forgave Dialogue 3 1) ABACC 2) FFTFF

Part 3 Passage 1 1) CBBAC 2)①almost every part of the world。 hundreds of different kinds of

②several hundred types of apples ③pears, apples, grapes, plums and berries ④acids, salts, and vitamins ⑤Nutrition

Passage 2 1) CCDBD 2) FTFFT Passage 3 1) BCCCD 2) FTFFF Part 4 1. 1) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 2) There is a time and a place for everything. 3) The best go first. 4) Look before you leap. 5) Never speak ill of the dead. 6) Give credit where credit is due.

7) Old soldiers never die。 they simply fade away. 8) Nothing succeeds like success. 9) Man cannot live by bread alone. 10) Every man has his price.

2. 1) stubborn。 inflexible 2) study/ work all night or until very, very late at night 3) very tired。 exhausted 4) barely succeed in doing something

5) stop work for the day 6) can't understand something at all。 find something confusing and illogical

7) attract one's attention/ interest 8) sleep for a while。 take a nap 9) cowardly 10) eat Part 5 1. 1-5 BABCD 6-10 ABCCA

Passage 1 ADBAC Passage 2 ABCBD Passage 3 1) In the south of the Philippines.

2) Because of the thick jungles and mountains. 3) Wild plants.

4) They have learned to trap animals. 5) They lived like those of the Old Stone Age.

Unit 2 1 / 24

Part 1 1-5 ABABB 6-10 AABBA Part 2 Dialogue 1 ADCAA

have a look。 simple。 used to。 long gone。 early this year。 take in Dialogue 2 DCBDC

on reserve。 course。 make use of。 semester。 take it out of Dialogue 3 DACAD FFFTF Part 3 Passage 1 ACABC

1) a fisherman。 go fishing 2) reaching。 laid down

3) the hooks。 come out of。 the hooks。 holding the links of 4) With money。 with an engine 5) so greedy。 what was happening Passage 2 CBCBD

1) agricultural researcher。 in the future 2) survive。 above freezing 3) regular rainfall 4) the leaves。 vegetable 5) short and fat。 long and thin。 hard。 soft Passage 3 CBABD FFTFT

Part 4 1. 1) Don't cut off your nose to spite your face. 2) A man is known by the company he keeps.

3) Faith will move mountains. 4) No man is indispensable. 5) There is safety in numbers. 6) All good things must come to an end. 7) Honesty is the best policy. 8) One good turn deserves another. 9) Spare the rod and spoil the child. 10) Curiosity killed the cat.

2. 1) neat, special, wonderful 2) calm down

3) someone who spends too much time watching TV 4) try to learn as much as possible in a very short time

5) short course designed to give a lot of knowledge/ information in a very short time 6) stop doing something (that's annoying) 7) skip class/ play hooky

8) do a very good job。 do very well in something 9) write to someone

10) delay。 take longer than necessary to do something Part 5 1. 1-5 ABDCC 6-10 DABCB Passage 1 ADBBC

Passage 2 1) They expect its population to become a little bigger. 2) American and Russian scientists.

3) Siberian crane is white and stands one and half meters tall. The spread of its wings

can be as much as two and half meters.

4) In summer these birds live in remote areas of Siberia in northeastern Russia.


winter they fly south to China and southwest to India, Pakistan, Iran and


5) Because people in Iran hunt and kill them. Passage 3 FFTFT

Unit 3 2 / 24

Part 1 1-5 ABBAA 6-10 AAAAA Part 2 Dialogue1 ACBAA NNNYN Dialogue2 BBABC

standing and barking outside。 belonged to。 no longer in service。 put ads in newspaper。 owner

Dialogue 3 CABAB TFFTF Part 3 Passage 1 CBBCB

1) the importance of telling the differences between right and wrong 2) some young boys standing around a small cat 3) what was happening

4) a contest。 who tells the biggest one will get to keep the cat 5) teach the boys a lesson。 I've never told any lie in my life Passage 2 BBBAB

1) He was in poor physical condition.2) He eats a lot and exercises a lot. 3) His keepers don't want people to watch him.

4) Because his keepers want him to be fit for the ocean. 5) To inform his readers of the current situation of the whale. Passage 3 CDCDB FFFTT

Part 4 1. 1) Do not wear out your welcome.2) Something is better than nothing. 3) Rats desert a sinking ship. 4) Never too late to repent.

5) The more you get, the more you want. 6) United we stand, divided we fall. 7) There's no fool like an old fool. 8) Marriages are made in heaven. 9) Christmas comes but once a year. 10) There are two sides to every question.

2. 1) It should have happened earlier than it actually happened. 2) die

3) do something that is not very useful to keep yourself busy while you are waiting for something

to happen

4) tell someone some information 5) feel very happy。 look very attractive 6) not seem reasonable or correct

7) cannot remember something such as a word or the name of a person although you think you

know it

8) rarely。 almost never 9) suddenly and unexpectedly 10) make the situation worse Part 5 1-5 CBDBC 6-10 AACAC Passage 1 CAACB

Passage 2 1) He lives with a dog.

2) He played tennis and came back.

3) The dog refused to get into the same car with George. 4) Because he was in a wrong car.

5) Sometimes a dog has a keener sense than a human. Passage 3 1) infection。 inside 2) another medical checkup 3) set him free 4) by himself 5) Gangs of。 attack

Unit 4 3 / 24

Part 1 1-5 AABBA 6-10 BAABA Part 2 Dialogue 1 I. CBACB

II. the best season。 neither hot nor cold。 wind。 breeze。 hardly noticeable。 not severe。 cold weather。 lovely white snow。 skating Dialogue 2 I. DBABC II. FTFTF Dialogue 3 I. BCBDA II. NNYNN Part 3 Passage 1 I. CDBDA

II. 1) messages。 one another。 just three words 2) over a weekend。 these words

3) unless。 in any circumstances 4) “Maybe you're right”。 go out of business 5) from experience。 disarming。 argument Passage 2 I. ADACD

II. 1) useful and faithful animal in the world

2) wouldn't eat what was caught without permission 3) protect themselves against attacks from animals

4) protect。 robbery 5) their real children have grown up Passage 3 I. DDDCB

II. 1) They can be made to work in nuclear power center, deep under the oceans and in

outer space.

2) John Marrit, a psychologist in WilliamsburgMassachusetts.

3) He will be given the feeling of being in the same place as the machine. 4) By using an electronic control.

5) Because people are expected to do many dangerous jobs without staying in

dangerous places in the future.

Part 4 I. 1) A creaking gate hangs long. 2) The devil takes the hindmost. 3) Circumstances alter cases. 4) Cowards die many times before their deaths. 5) A constant guest is never welcome. 6) Call no man happy till he is dead. 7) Dying is as natural as living. 8) Distance lends enchantment to the view. 9) Do not halloo till you are out of the woods. 10) The darkest hour is that before the dawn. II. 1) a person who is always willing to volunteer or do extra work 2) a very intelligent person 3) hard work。 effort 4) difficult to accept。 difficult to believe 5) feel sad and depressed 6) dismiss someone from a job because of poor performance 7) feel unwell or ill 8) automobile accident 9) leave 10) understand something (often negative)

Part 5 I. 1-5 BBABB 6-10 CBBCA

II. Passage 1 DCABA Passage 2 BCADD Passage 3 1) They desired to fly into the air.

2) They were ready to show how their balloon worked. 3) They had constructed a bag some thirty feet in diameter for the occasion.

4) Gradually the bag filled out until eight men were needed to hold it to the ground.

Then the ropes were cut, and it sailed up into the air.

5) Because there was little wind.

Unit 5

Part 1 1-5 ABAAB 6-10 BABAA

4 / 24

Part 2 Dialogue 1 I. CDBAD II. FFTTF Dialogue 2 I. BDACB

II. under a lot of pressure。 can't follow the professor。 compare notes with。 turn

the candle at both ends。 the fresh air and sunshine。 do a world of good

Dialogue 3 I. DBBAC II. NYYNY Part 3 Passage 1 I. ABCAD

II. 1) Before you leave home for a feast, have a small, low-fat snack. 2) Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables. 3) Drink a large glass of water before you eat. 4) Better not have high-fat foods.

5) Don't let exercise take a break during the holidays. Passage 2 I. BDCDC

II. 1) He must ask his neighbor's permission.

2) The emperor penguins are perhaps the best parents in the world. 3) The female penguins go away for two months. 4) The males hold them on their feet inside a fold of skin. 5) Sometimes the wind blows at 150 kilometers an hour. Passage 3 I. DDAAD

II. a long period of time。 four great glaciers。 cover almost all the upper half of North America。 melted away。 a thick sheet of ice and snow。 from a center near。 the cool summers were too short to melt much of the ice and snow。 to a thickness of two miles at its center Part 4 I. 1) Discontent is the first step in progress. 2) Dog does not eat dog. 3) East or west, home is best.

4) Everything comes to him who waits. 5) Experience is the teacher of fools.

6) Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies. 7) Don't meet trouble half way.

8) Don't make yourself a mouse, or the cat will eat you.



