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1. \

g ab Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. ( 25 points) out?\sorry. I haven't got_____slightest idea. \

A. / B. the C.a D. an

2. _____ .sympathy and love for the disabled child, nurses and doctors of the hospital donated money for his operation. ( )

A. For B. Apart from C. Out of D. In 3. His friends are looking forward to _____ him as soon as possible. ( ) A. be seen B. have seen C. see D. seeing

4. For a month she stayed in the hospital, never allowing her son to visit her, _____she might pass the infection to the child. ( )

A. for fear that B. in fear that C. so that D. in case

5. In form, style and theme, many of Carl Sandburg' s poems resemble _____ in Walt Whiiman's collection Leaves of Grass. ( )

A. these B. those C. this D. that

6. \A. the less expensive one B. the one most expensive

C. the least expensive one D. the most expensive one

7. I wish I _____ to repair my computer myself. I only made it worse. ( ) A. didn' t try B. wouldn' t try C. haven' t tried D. hadn' t tried

8. John' s parents thought that it would be good for his health if he____ out of school for the



rest of the year. ( ) A. stays B. stayed C. has stayed D. had stayed

9. Trade union leaders expressed concern about the two workers who had been sacked on the

construction site with no reason _____.( ) A. giving B. to give C. given. D. to be given

10. My golf isn' t just too good now. I' m out of practice, for I ____ terribly busy. ( ) A. am B. was C. have been D. had been 11.

12. Little_____about what others might think. ( ) A. cared he B. he cared C. he did care D. did he care

13. \think I need the exercise more. \A. Even though B. Now that C. No matter how D. In spite of

14. She is an experienced singer. She feels completely _____when singing before a large audience. ( ) A. for ease B. in ease C. at ease D. on ease

15. She is an experienced singer. She feels completely _____when singing before a large audience. ( ) A. for ease B. in ease C. at ease D. on ease

16. The idea that the earth was flat was_____centuries ago. ( ) A. denied B. refused C. rejected D. declined



17. His family has decided to tell him about the death of his wife. He is _____ find out about it sooner or later. ( ) A. bound to B. bound for C. bound in D. bound up

18. His family has decided to tell him about the death of his wife. He is _____ find out about it sooner or later. ( ) A. bound to B. bound for C. bound in D. bound up

19. Mary has carried____on the family tradition of giving plants. ( ) A. up B. over C. off D. away

20. Nowadays, more and more young couples are childless_____choice. ( ) A. with B. by C. out of D. because of

21.. As it is getting hot, I am_____to get the air-conditioner repaired. ( ) A. impatient B. anxious C. worried D. concerned

22. He knows that he will____a better chance of getting a well-paid job with a higher degree. ( )

A. acquire B. obtain C. stand D. make

23. He had lost track of his daughter for 24 hours--he was very concerned _____her safety. ( ) A. about B. in C. with D. into

24. A driver should always be on the watch ____pedestrians and unexpected hazards. ( ) A. from B. for C. with D. against

25. The police are appealing for witnesses _____ last night' s robbery of a jeweller' s. ( ) A. for B. at C. with D. to

26. A. degrees B. chances C. demands D. capabilities 27. A. unfortunate B. poor C. weak D. miserable



28. A. in that B. in which C. what D. where 29. A. pay B. give C. fix D. offer 30. A. half-done B. well-prepared C. home-delivered D. overcooked 31. A. However B. In addition C. Above all D. Therefore 32. A. entertain B. disappoint . C. please D. offend 33. A. in nature B. in person C. in time D. in order 34. A. originally B. finally C. suddenly D. consequently 35. A. curiosity B. contempt C. politeness D. humility 36. A. on B. at C. for D. in 37. A. scold B. praise C. offend D. defend 38. A. pleasing B. pleasant C. pleasurable D. pleased 39. A. prevented B. overcome C. formed D. strengthened 40. A. to B. in C. on D. at

41. It' s much braver to ask questions even when there' s a prospect of ridicule than to suppress your questions and become deadened to the world around you. ( ) A .never ask any more ridiculous questions. B.never listen to what people around you say. C.be silent on what is go'rag on around you. D..become indifferent to the .people around you.

42. But what makes some figures icons and others mere'celebrities? In part, their lives have the quality of a story . ( ) A. their lives are very unusuaL B.their lives are full of adventures. C.they have encountered extreme difficulties. D.they have experienced great joys and sorrows.

43. [ In the United States ] Time is treated as if it were something almost tangible. ( ) A. To Americans, time is like all material things they value. B. To Americans, time is precious though it is not gold.

C. Americans regard time as something that they can see and touch.



D. Americans treat time as if it were something they can control.

44. Then he [ Hughie] had tried selling dry sherry. That did not answer; the sherry was too dry. ( )

A. Hughie realized selling sherry wasn' t a profitable career. B. The sherry did not sell well for Hughie to make money.

C. It turned out that selling sherry wasn' t a suitable job for Hughie. D. Hughie couldn' t persuade people into buying the sherry.

45. But he could not shut the war out of the sheltered world he had built for himself and his family. ( )

A. It was impossible for his family to survive the war. B. It was impossible for him to protect his family from storms. C. He could not protect his family from being affected by the war. D. He could not shut his family in the house he had built for them.

46. The motto is, \A. If you want to live, you must allow others to live. B. Accept others and live peacefully with them. C. Do not interfere with other people' s affairs. D. Let other people live the way they choose.

47 ____ nor does it [ love ] mean that I run your life for you. ( ) A I help you plan your life. B I help you manage your life. C I decide what you do and don't. D I make you a slave for my sake.

48. Like ties of kinship, ties of friendsh.ips are meant to be absolutely binding. ( ) A friends must share everything. B friends are closely tied together. C friendship means utter devotion. D friendship implies obligations.

49. Her [ Doris' ] salesmanship was irresistible. Before the light changed half a dozen times




