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《新视野大学英语》预备级Unit 1教案

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Unit 1-Preband I


By the end of the unit, students will be better able to master the new words and phrases;

have an idea of the structure of biographic writings;

practice writing a paragraph that starts with a main event and goes on to describe

what led up to it;

get to know the makings of outstanding characters.

Alfred Nobel: A Man of Peace I. Warm-up Activities

How much do you know about Alfred Nobel? II. Text Instruction

i) Key words, Phrase and Structures 1.report vt. & n.

vt. write about sth. that has happened报道

---It was reported that the great artist would come to our city and give lectures in several colleges.

n. C sth. written for what has happened报告;报道 ---Did you read the newspaper reports about the accident? 2. call v. & n. v.

a. give a name to 命名;称呼 call + sb. +宾语补语 ---His name is Li Hua but we all call him A-hua. ---They called the baby Tom/

b. say or think that sb. or sth. is认为??是;把??称为 ---People called him a hero for what he did. c. telephone sb. 给某人打电话

---I’ll call you later. ---Who is calling? n.

a. cry 呼声,叫声

b. 通话(电话) ---a telephone call 3. continue v.

a. go on doing or happening连续;继续 ---We continued singing until 5 o’clock.


b. start again after a break(中断后)再开始

---Let’s have a rest now and continue the text next class. 4. remember vi. &vt.

a. keep sth. in one’s mind; call back to mind记得;想起

---I couldn’t remember ever seeing the singer on TV. b. think about with special respect or honor纪念 ---I want you to have it. Keep it to remember us both. c. send good wishes to sb.向??问好 ---Please remember me to your wife.

Note: remember doing sth. 记得做过某事;而remember to do

sth.指记得去做某事。类似的词还有forget, regret 5. spend vt.

a. use time for sth.花时间,度过

---He wanted to spend his holidays with her. ---Jay spent half a year on his new record. ---Jay spent half a year preparing his new record. c. give out money in payment花钱

---Girls always spend a lot of money on their clothes. 比较spend take cost

1)spend既可以指花时间,也可以指花钱,主语是人 2)take 可指花费,消耗时间、劳力等,主语一般是事情或it ---It took us two days to finish the work.

3) cost(cost, cost) 多指花钱,引申可以指花时间、精力等

---The bike/MP3 cost him 200/1000 yuan. ---The program/plan cost much time and patience. 6. save v.

a. take sb. away from danger救;挽救

---They tried their best to save the little boy from the river. b. keep sth., esp. money, to use later储蓄

---If you save now, you will be able to buy a new bike soon. c. use less of sth. 节省 ---This method will save us much time.


ii) Difficult Sentences

1. The newspaper ...who traded in death...(Para1) trade in: buy and sell

---They trade in food, drinks and many other things. trade v. & n. v. 1)互换,交易

2)做生意 ---China trades with many different countries n. 1) 贸易,买卖 2)行业 ---trade union 2. In fact, Alfred Nobel’s...(Para1) in fact: as a matter of fact实际上,其实

---In fact, it turned out to be much better than we had thought. 3. Alfred Nobel put down the newspaper sadly.(Para2) put down: place sth. down ---Put down your books please. 4. All the same, ...(Para2)

all the same: even so, still尽管如此,仍然

--None of them understand his words, but they nodded all the same. 5. He did not like that idea at all.(Para2)

not ... at all: not in any way 一点也不,丝毫也不 ---She doesn’t like the house at all.

Not at all. 回答对方表示感谢的客套话,“别客气”相当于You are welcome. 6. Many people of his day...(Para3)

of one’s day: of one’s age某人所处的时代 ---He was well-known among those artists of his day. 7. Nobel was worried about the way...(Para4)

be worried about: be anxious about 为......担心,为......发愁 ---She was worried about her mother’s health. 8. He wanted to think of the best way to...(Para4) think of 1)想到

---Please think of a word beginning with A.


2)思考,考虑/想,打算 ---I’m thinking of going to Beijing. think about考虑;仔细考虑;审查

---Please think about the suggestion and tell me your views tomorrow. think over仔细想,审慎思考 ---Think it over.

9. They were very surprised...learned of Alfred Nobel’s plan...(Para5) learn of: become informed of获悉,得知,了解 ---He will learn of his mother’s death at the end. 10. ...as a result finally...(Para6)

as a result: caused or produced by sth. else 作为结果,结果是

---It was raining cats and dogs yesterday. As a result, many students were absent from class.

as a result of sth. 作为......的结果,因为 because of

---Many students were absent from class as a result of the heavy rain. III Exercises

Section B

Marie Curie: A Twentieth-Century Woman

I. Reading Skills Reading in phrases (1) II. Text Instruction

i) Key Words, Phrases and Structures 1. care vi. Be worried or anxious ---I don’t care. ---Who cares?

care about: think sth. is important ---The only thing he cares is money. 2. realize vt.

1) know or understand

---When I got home, I realized that I had lost my key. 2) make sth. (hope, dream, purpose, etc.)real

---My worst fears were realized when I saw the exam questions. 3. discover vt.

1) find or learn sth. for the first time


---Columbus discovered America in 1492.

2) find out a fact, an answer, etc.弄明白,找到,发觉 ---We soon discovered the truth. 4. cause vt. be the reason for, lead to ---The fire was caused by a cigarette.

---Some inventions have caused great changes in our life. 5. prove v. proof n.

1) show to be true by means of facts, information, etc.证明,证实 ---The blood on his short proved that he was the killer. 2) turn out to be 表明,显示出来

---He proved himself to be a man of his word. ii) Difficult Sentences

1. ...Marya changed her name to the French form, Marie.(Para2) Meaning: ...Marya spelt her name in the French way, Marie. Change sth. to/into : make sth. become 使......变为

Later it became the Road of the Heroes and then was changed to the Road of Youth. 2. ...so she could study in peace.(Para2)

Meaning: ...so she might not be disturbed in her study. In peace: in a state of quietness 平静;安宁 Build our country and let’s live in peace.

3. ...but even among her difficult living conditions, she was happy.(Para2) Meaning: ...but in spite of her poor and hard life, she was always happy. 4. Marie and Pierre found that they had much in common.(Para3)

Meaning: Marie and Pierre shared many things: likes, interests, qualities, etc. 5. They didn’t care about money or about being comfortable.(Para3)

Meaning: They were not concerned about earning money or about living a comfortable life.

Care about: think sth. is important认为......重要;关心 The only thing he cares about is money.

6....and began to look for unknown elements that had such rays.

Meaning: ...and started to try to discover unknown chemical Elements that had such rays.

7.The Curies continued to work closely together until a terrible event



Meaning: Marie and Pierre Curie continued to work together up to the time when a serious accident took place.

8. Over the years, Marie’s constant work with radium continued to hurt her health.(Para7)

Meaning: During those years, Marie worked with radium all the Time, which continued to cause damage to her health.

9. She died on July 4, 1934, from an illness caused by her life’s work: radium.(P7) Meaning: On July 4, 1934, she died from an illness caused by her constant work with radium. iii) Assignments


《新视野大学英语》预备级Unit 1教案


