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课程名称:焊接专业英语 编写时间 :2009年1月20日 授课章节 Unit One Basic Knowledge of Welding Module 1 What Is Welding 目的要求 介绍焊接的定义及焊接的发展过程。通过本单元的学习,使学生了解与焊接相关的一些基本知识,掌握相关的专业词汇,提高学生阅读、理解科技英语的能力。 重点难点 Welding techniques, welding development 教案内容: 课程引入 define “welding.”? Welding techniques have become so versatile that it is difficult 至于很难给“焊接”下一定义。 Formerly welding was “the joining of metals by fusion,”that is,by melting,but this definition will no longer do.以前,焊接是指“通过熔化连接金属”,但这个定义不合适了。 Even though fusion methods are still the most common,they are not always used.即使熔化焊仍然是最常用的方法,但也有不通过熔化焊接的。 Welding was next defined as the“joining of metals by heat,” but this is no longer a proper definition either. 后来焊接被定义为“通过加热连接金属”,但这个定义也不合适, Not only metals can be welded,so can many of the plastics. 不仅能够焊接金属,许多塑料也可以被焊接。 Furthermore,several welding methods do not require heat,such as cold pressure welding.而且,许多焊接方法不再需要加热了,如冷压焊。 Besides,we can weld with sound and even with light from the famous laser.此外,可用声能焊接,甚至可用大家都知道的激光来焊接。 Faced with a diversity of welding methods that increase year by year,we must adopt the following definition of welding:“welding is the joining of metals and plastics by methods that do not employ fastening devices.” nowadays to define “welding.” 目前,焊接技术应用非常广泛,以 时间安排: 课程引入 5min New words 10min 课文讲解 40min 课堂练习 30min 本课总结 5min 第 1 次 第 1 页
面对逐年增加的各种各样的焊接方法,我们有必要采用下面的焊接定义:“焊接是不用紧固装置而连接金属和塑料的方法。” The joining of metals by methods that do not employ fastening 课堂提问 What’s welding? devices is an art as old as blacksmithing. 不需要紧固装置的金属连接方式锻焊是一项古老的艺术。 Nevertheless welding as a manufacturing process must be considered a development of the twentieth century. 不过,焊接作为一种制造方法则是在二十世纪发展起来的。 In the 1880’s carbon arc lamps were used for street lighting. 在十九世纪八十年代,碳弧灯被用于街道照明, At that time it was noted that the carbon arc lamp,like all lamps,produced more heat than light,and the first attempts were made to use this heat for welding metals. 当时,发现碳弧灯和所有灯一样能产生比光还多的热量,因此首次尝试将碳弧热用于焊接金属。 Thus the first welding method of those still in use was carbon arc welding,perfected about the turn of the last century. 所以说碳弧焊是现在使用的焊接方法的鼻祖,它在上个世纪初 得到了完善。 Stick electrodes and oxyacetylene welding also appeared about 1900. 大约在1900年出现了焊条和氧乙炔焊。 g Weldinis the of joining metals and plastics by methods that do not employ fastening devices. Welding was generally used only for repair and maintenance until the 1920’s. 在二十世纪二十年代以前,焊接只是用于维修。 X-ray examination of welds came soon afterward and did much to develop confidence in welded joints. 第 1 次 第 2 页
后来很快发明了焊缝的X射线探伤,增大了对焊接质量的信心。 The middle of the 20th century saw great development in welding as well as in other techniques. 课堂练习 Why shall we say that 在二十世纪中期,焊接技术也和其他技术一样有了很大发展, It also gave us,among other things,inert gas welding. 在其他技术发展的同时,也出现了惰性气体保护焊。 Since then welding has progressed at a tremendous rate. 从那时起,焊接就开始了飞速发展。 It helps develop science and technology,including the electronic technique. 焊接促进了科学技术的发展,包括电子技术。 同时,焊接技术包含了很广的范围。 Many electronic circuits are required to control the more intricate welding machines. 控制更复杂的焊机就需要许多的电路, induction brazing and the ultrasonic testing of welds. 即使高频技术在焊接中也有所应用、比如感应钎焊和焊缝的超声波探伤。 Photography is also drawn into the scope of welding for X-ray and γ-ray photography is used in the examination of welded joints. 焊接还使用摄影技术,用X射线和γ射线照相技术检验焊接接头的质量。 Welding has made important contributions to the modernization of our national defence industry,such as the making of nuclear reactors and manmade earth satellites,for both are weldments. the welding technology embraces a wide area? What characteristics At the same time,the technology of welding embraces a wide area. does the submerged arc welding Even radio frequencies have their applications in welding,in have? 第 1 次 第 3 页
焊接对我们现代的国防工业也做出了巨大的贡献,如核反应堆和人造地球卫星的制造,它们都是焊接件。 课堂练习 判断对错: On the other side of the coin,those products of the nuclear At the