Let me see some of these vehicles±US NAVY CURV IIIeOwned: US NAVYeBuilt: 1989eDepth Rating: 20,000 ft.eDeepest Dive: 20,501 ft.eWeight: 13,000 lbs.11Let me see some of these vehicles±US NAVY DEEP DRONE IIIeOwned: US NAVYeBuilt: 197?eDepth Rating: 7,200 ft.eDeepest Dive: 5,501 ft.eWeight: ? lbs.12Let me see some of these vehicles±OCEANEERING GEMINIeOwned: Oceaneering International Inc.eBuilt: 1989eDepth Rating: 20,000 ft.eDeepest Dive: 15,700 ft.eWeight: ? lbs.13Let me see some of these vehicles±OCEANEERING Magellan 725eOwned: Oceaneering International Inc.eBuilt: 1991eDepth Rating: 23,000 ft.eDeepest Dive: 12,000 ft.eWeight: 4,500 lbs.14Let me see some of these vehicles?Towed Search Vehicles±Typical salvage mission:eSearching large areas of the ocean floor.±Features:eOne or more fixed sonar arrays are located on each sideof the tow body.eDo not usually have the ability to maneuver under theirown power.15
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