Unit 1 KnOWing me, knowing you UnderStanding IdeaS
Dear AgOny Aunt,
I' m in a total mess here一hope you Can help me out!
Γ m 17, and a member Of OUr SChOOl basketball team? l' m CraZy about basketball, and Pretty good at it too, WhiCh is PrObabIy Why I WaS SO mad When We IOSt OUr IaSt match. We Playeel WeIlZ but I felt the team Were Iet down by One member; OUr POint guard? The POint guard is a key PIayerZ but it WaS Iike he WaSn , t even On the court! DiSaPPOinted by his behaviour; I Said all this to my best friend. I WaS just Ietting Off Stearn really, because I WaS SO angry, but then my friend Went and told everyone else What I, d SaiCI.
我今年17岁,是学校篮球队的一员。我酷爱打篮球,而且打得也挺好的, 也许正因如此,在我们队输掉了最近的比赛时我相当恼怒。我们打得不错,但我 感觉整个团队都被一个队友拖累了,那就是我们的控球后卫。控球后卫是队里的 关键球员,但他就像根本不在场上一样!我对他的行为感到失望,我把这些全部 告诉了我最好的朋友。我其实只是发泄一下怒气,因为我很生气,可我的朋友随 后却把我的话告诉了所有人。
ThiS is SO totally awkward? I' m really angry With my friend一What ShOUld I Say to him? And ShOUld I Say anything at all to my teammate?
这太让人尴尬了。我真的很生我朋友的气一一我应该对他说些什么呢?另 外,我是否应该对我的队友说点什么?
EmbarraSSed and ashamed, I Can, t COnCentrate On anything? PleaSe help!
AbSOlUte agony!
OUr AgOny AUnt answers your questions.
Dear Ben,
There is an Old AmeriCan saying, 4t LOOSe IiPS Sink ships.n ThiS means that 讦 you SPeak too much about SOmething, especially to PeOPIe WhO you don ' t know SO well, it' Il CaUSe all kinds Of trouble?
美国有一句老话:“口风不紧船舰沉(祸从口岀)。”意思是说如果你过多地 谈论某件事,尤其是跟你不太了解的人谈,会招来各种麻烦。
The SitUatiOn here is SO much WOrSe because the 4tIoose IiPS'' Were your best friend' s. Treated this way, you' re SUre to feel hurt一We ShOUld always be able to trust those CIOSeSt to us, and it hurts even more When We find We Can ' t?
现在的情况更糟糕,因为“口风不紧”的人是你最好的朋友。被这样对待, 你一定会觉得受到了伤害一一我们应该总是能够信任最亲近的人,当我们发现他 们不能信赖时,就更伤心了。
BUt I have to Say that it' S PartIy your fault, isn' t it? YOU admit that you Were
Ietting Off Steam M .It is UnderStandabIe in that SitUati on, but We ShOUld always think
before We SPeak?
不过我不得不说你也有一部分责任,不是吗?你承认了你在“宣泄情绪”。 在当时的情况下,这是可以理解的,但我们在说话前应该先想清楚。
Here* S What you need to do. FirStz apologise to your teammate? If you ever Want to Win any more basketball games (and I' m SUre you do!), you need to WOrk together; and that means COmmUniCating With each Other Clearly and resolving COnfliCtS? SO have a Chat With your teammate. TeIl him directly and honestly that you Were talking WithOUt thinking.
现在你应该这么做。首先,向你的队友道歉。如果你们想赢得更多的篮球比 赛(我肯定你们一定想赢!),你们就必须团结合作,这就意味着你们彼此间必 须沟通清楚,解决矛盾。所以,找你那位队友聊聊吧。坦诚地告诉他你当时的话 没有经过认真考虑。
Then, talk to your friend? FriendShiP ShOUld be One Of the greatest things in the world, but SOmetimeS it Can be difficult. Again, your Strategy is CIear COmmUnication. TeIl your friend you' re angry With him for repeating What you Said and making the SitUatiOn WOrSez but that you Want to move on. APPrOaChed in this way, your friendship WiIl SOOn be repaired?
然后,和你的朋友聊聊吧。友谊应该是世界上最好的事物之一了,但有时也 会有些麻烦。同样,你的策略是进行清楚明确的沟通。告诉你的朋友,他传话的 行为让情况更糟糕了,你对此很生气,但你想让事情就此过去。通过这种方式处 理,你们的友谊很快就会修复。
ThirdIyz and PerhaPS most importantl% think about your OWn behaviour. DOn' t Say too much When you' re angry! FiIled With anger; you tend to Say WhateVer COmeS to your mind? ThiS gives PeOPIe the WrOng SignaL Take a deep breath, CaIm down, and always remember: think first, SPeak later. If you feel One Of your teammates isn' t PUlling their WeightZ then raise your COnCerns in a PrOfeSSiOnal Way With your team coach.
第三,也许是最重要的一点,反思自己的行为。生气的时候别说太多话!满 腔怒
火的时候,你往往想到什么就说什么。这会给别人错误的信号。深呼吸,冷 静下来,并始终牢记:三思而后行。如果你觉得你的队友没有尽责,那你要以更 专业的方式向教练提出你的担心。
If you think about Other PeOPIe' S feelings as WeIl as your own, you,ll SOOn find everything WOrkS out.
如果你能在考虑自己感受的同时也考虑别人的感受,很快你就会发现一切都 好了。
GOOd luck!
AgOny AUnt
Unit 1 KnOWing me, knowing you DeVeIOPing IdeaS
LittIe White LieS
Written more than two hundred years ago, these IineS by WaIter SCOtt remain One Ofthe most well-known excerpts Of SCOttiSh poetry:
两百多年前,沃尔特?司各特写下的这儿行文字,如今依然是苏格兰诗歌中 最广为传诵的诗句之一:
Oh, What a tangled Web We WeaVez When first We PraCtiSe to deceive!
We all know that hon esty is an imports nt VaIUe and that Iying is wrong, but WhO Can honestly Say that they, Ve never told a lie? PerhaPS We COmfOrt OUrSeIVeS With the knoWledge that most Ofthe IieS We tell are \from the truth.
我们都知道诚实是一项重要品质,也知道说谎是不对的,但是谁乂能诚实地 说自己从未说过谎呢?也许我们会这样来安慰自己:我们所说的大部分谎言都是 “善意的谎言”一一我们为了保护他人免受真相伤害的小谎言。
We' Ve all SUrely had the experience Of SOmeOne COOking a meal for US that We don, t Iike? The majority Of US Of COUrSe don ' t tell the truth—We Iie and Say that the food is “delicious\
我们一定都有过这样的经历:别人为我们准备的饭菜不合我们的口味。我们 大多