【期刊名称】《计算机工程》 【年(卷),期】2011(037)008
【摘要】Signcryption is such a public key cryptographic primitive that simultaneously provides the functionality of signature and encryption within a single logic step. Ring signature allows a member in a group to anonymously leak a secret, namely anonymity. Combining the two notations of signcryption and ring signature together, it leads to a concept called ring signcryption. Ring signcryption is an important cryptographic primitive for private and authenticated communication. This paper proposes an efficient Short Ring Signcryption(SRSC) scheme based on bilinear pairings. In anonymous communications, the scheme allows the message sender to send the message anonymously, while the confidentiality and authenticity of the message are realized at the same time. It proves that the scheme is confidential and unforgeable in random oracle.%签密能在一个逻辑步骤内实现签名和加密2项功能.环签名允许一个群体内某成员匿名地泄露秘密.结合签密和环签名提出环签密概念.环签密既有保密性,又具认证功能.基于双线性对构造一个高效的短环签密方案.该方案允许发送者以匿名方式发送消息,使消息具有保密性和认证性.在随机预言模型下,证明该方案具有保密性和不可伪造性. 【总页数】4页(140-142,145)