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21.B。定位到第四段可以得出,在以前邀请别人吃饭而不请客是不符合当时的礼节的,故选B。 22.D。从第五段可以得知,这个Dutch这个词在英语里产生其他含义时与历史有关。后文提到英荷战争后,英语里所增加的关于荷兰的俗语基本都是负面的意思。以及在第六段的段末,“English saw the Dutch as a people with questionable morals.”同样可以得出Dutch在英语中的dishonorable的.

23.C。文章主旨题。本文主要说明了英语中一些俗语的起源。 B篇内容提要






26.C。该题为逻辑推断题。本篇文章主要描述了家长与孩子之间的关系是镜像的,家长对孩子的态度是正面的,那么家长自身的态度也会是正面的。反之,家长对孩子的态度是负面的,那家长自身的态度也会是负面的。在此题题干中,“good with emotions”表示母亲情绪良好,选项C是唯一指向情绪并正面的选项,意为“谢谢你包容我哭泣”,BD选项均为负面,故不选。


一名英国的父亲,Nick Herber, 发明了一款应用叫ReplyASAP,因为他13岁儿子基本不会回复他的电话或是短信。该应用程序可以控制智能手机屏幕,锁定手机并发出警报,在孩子恢复短信后才会解锁手机。出于安全原因,父母通常会为孩子购买手机。但是青少年有“其他重要事项”,有时候,他们对“无聊的成年人”关心的事情完全不感兴趣。手机长期以来一直被青少年作为与父母控制权抗争的道具,他们通常假装没看到父母的电话和短信。此时,父母便会考虑在孩子们的手机上安装“ReplyASAP”之类的应用程序。尽管人们对成人滥用ReplyASAP来控制伴侣之类的问题存在担忧,但制造商并不能为此行为承责任。作者认为父母需要知道自己的孩子是否安全,这比孩子拥有的隐私权要重要。

27.B。从文章的第一段的最后一句中可以得知,Herbert的儿子不回复父亲的信息,也就是Herbert不能通过手机联系到他的儿子。 28.D。从第三段的第一句话中可以看出青少年不接电话是因为他们有其他重要的事情要处理。 29.A。在末段的第三句话中可以得知有人担心这个软件会被一些成年人滥用来控制伴侣,故选A。 30.B。根据最后一段,作者认为父母需要知道自己的孩子是否安全,这比孩子拥有的隐私权要重要,故选B。本文讨论的并不是父母是否有权查看孩子们的手机,故A不可。C和D选项为

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33.D。此处填空位于第三段中间,需与此段的主题相符。前文说有英国剑桥大学学者调查了food hates,后文举了某个特定群体里对特定食物的厌恶,由此可见,这里需要插入一句某些英国人抗拒食物的类别,故选D。

34.F。此处填空位于段中,属于对前文的解释 。前文提到了 “tasters” ,指代一些特殊群体。在选项中有对tasters进行举例说明的只有F项,故选F。

35.A。此句处在倒数第二段段首,为topic sentence,因此需要对此段进行概括。后文提到了在伦敦巴西菜肴不受库尔德人的欢迎,说明了food也有cultural diversity,故选A。

第三部分 完形填空


36.B。联系前文,一战已经打响,所有的男人都应该是被应征送去了战场,所以可以得知选B。 37.C。战争中她在布鲁塞尔的医院被改成了红十字医院。Transported to多指交通运输方面,turned to多指人的转变,exposed to 意为暴露在……之下,故选C。 38.D。从care for 可以推测出这里应为战争的受害者,故选D。 39.A。Any表示任何一位,only表示只有,most表示大多数,same表示相同的。根据前文Edith女士决定要帮助战争的受害者来看,最符合原文意思的选项应为any, 任何一位来到他们医院的战士都可以得到救治。

40.B。In spite of 尽管,regardless of意为不论,在此最符合语境,for fear of 唯恐、以免,according to意为根据。故选B。

41.C。Advanced 有挺进之意,选C。Squeeze意为挤入,burst意为突然毫无预兆地进入,pioneered意为开拓,均与文意不符。

42.D。联系上下文,应该是帮助士兵逃往中立国,故选D。Help somebody move to多指帮助搬家,expand to意为扩张,immigrate to 意为移民,均不符合文意。

43.A。由前文荷兰是中立国,可以推测出当受伤的士兵到了荷兰之后他们就安全了。 44.A。通过后文sheltered,掩护,为……遮挡,可以得出这项活动应为秘密进行,故选A。 45.C。根据前文可以得知Edith女士在士兵康复之前一直掩护着他们。After意为在……之后,与原文意思相反。if 意为如果,since通常接一个过去的时间点,均与文意不符。 46.A。联系前后文可知士兵们会通过一个密道逃出,故A项underground地下的最符合文意。 47.C。通过后文 with a bit of money 可以得知应该选项意思应为提供, 故选C。


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49.A。Over time表示随着时间的推移,in time表及时,on time表准时,at time表在某一时刻。此处选A最恰当。


51.B。从后文比利时间谍发现了这条帮助士兵逃跑的秘密通道,可以得知这对Edith女士和她所帮助的士兵来说是一个灾难。Accident意为意外,problem意为问题,disorder意为紊乱。此处B项为最恰当项。 52.D。前文提到underground passage,由此可以推测出这条密道在医院的下面,故选beneath。 53.C。从后文她帮助了如此之多的同盟国的和德国的士兵,可以推测出人们希望当权者能够对Edith女士网开一面,故选mercy,仁慈,cruelty意为残忍,peace意为平静,favor意为喜欢,均不符合文意。




Text 1

M: What time does the school bus drop off your kids? W: Mine is 2:30.

M: I love it, because it is early enough to still do something after school.

Text 2

M: Sue, the report on my desk has to be finished today, but I’m sick and can’t come to the office. W: I see the report, Bill.I’ll finish it for you.

Text 3

M: Shall we go to the movie tonight to relax? You’ve been writing your paper so much lately. W: That sounds a good idea but it scares me when I think of the crowd.

Text 4

M: I’d like to have two of these pictures.Can I save money if I buy a pair?

W: Yes, there’s usually three dollars a piece.But you could have two for five dollars.

Text 5

M: Excuse me? I’m looking for Carol Milton.I’ve got a special delivery package for her. W: A package for me? I can’t believe it.

Text 6

W: Mr.Wilson, what can I do for you today?

M: I’d like to go on a business trip to Los Angeles.

W: To Los Angeles? When are you planning on traveling?

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M: I plan on traveling at the end of the month.Today is July 12 and I wish to travel on July 27. W: On July 27, let’s see.If you must leave on the 27th, the only advance purchase available would

be a 7-day advance purchase.The only rate available would be $175 in each direction, so that would make a total of … $350 round trip.Is that OK with you? M: It’s fine with me.

W: You said you wanted to leave on July 27 and what was your return date? M: August 12.

W: OK.Ticketing deadline is set for July 17.If you want a couple of days to think about it, we can

hold the reservation until then. M: No, I can complete immediately.

Text 7

M: You look unhappy this morning, Sharon.What’s wrong?

W: My parents are bossy.They always want me to do what they think is important.They expect me

to become something I will never be. M: What do you mean?

W: My father always wants me to go into business.He says making money is important.Mom is

even worse.As a little girl, she dreamed of becoming a lawyer or an international businesswoman.Now she wants me to live out her dreams. M: Sounds a little tricky.

W: That’s for sure.I don’t like lawyers, and I don’t want to be a businesswoman! I really hate

school.High school will be all over in six months.Then I want to be a flight attendant.Working for an international airline would be fun.I could travel around the world and meet new people all the time.

M: That sounds interesting.My Uncle Dan is a pilot.He says that flight attendants have to work

pretty hard.And you might get tired of it, too.

W: If I do, I’ll go back to school to become a nurse.But my parents are mad at me about my

plans.They do not realize that I am a grown-up.I have the right to make my own choices! They shouldn’t treat me like a baby.

Text 8

W: Hi, Neil.How’s your weekend? Did you go out for fun? M: Hi, Mary! Actually, I stayed in and watched TV. W: Football?

M: No, I watched this amazing program from Norway. W: Oh, one of those police dramas? They are great!

M: Actually, believe it or not, the entire film was just the view from the front of a train, all the way from one city to another.It was seven hours’ long.

W: Seven hours? No people or story? Just the view outside the train?

M: Just the view from the train.It was such a relaxing journey.They call it Slow TV. W: Ahh, yes.I’ve heard of that.Wasn’t there one on a boat too? Isn’t it a bit boring?

M: Well, it’s not for everyone.But my life is so busy.I just like to slow down now and again.

W: But I’m still not convinced.Anyway, I have a friend, whose company specializes in making slow TV.She says business is great right now!

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M: I recently discovered slow TV.My friends think it’s really dull, but I find it helps clear my head after a stressful day.

Text 9

W: Now, Dr.Adams.Tell us about the title of your book, Learning a Language over Eggs and


M: Well, one of the most important keys to learning another language is to establish a regular

study program, like planning a few minutes every morning around breakfast time.

W: Now, sorry for saying this, but your ideas may sound a little simple to our viewers.I mean I

took Spanish in high school for four years, and I didn’t become a fluent speaker of the language.

M: Well, I think there are many people that feel that way, and that’s just it.I’m not saying that we

can become fluent speakers in a matter of a few minutes here and there, but rather following a regular, consistent, and focused course of study can help us on the way to the promised land of language mastery, and remember there is a difference between native fluency and competence in a language, and I am talking about the latter. Text 10

Well, it is common in America for a person to belong to some kind of volunteer group.Donating one’s time and services is very much a part of the American way of life.The helping hand is extended to the poor, the homeless, and the handicapped.High school students are often encouraged to become volunteers and many school club activities center around volunteer services.Students may work with sick children during a summer program, or participate in a club activity which helps to bring meals to senior citizens who are shut-ins.With a spirit of goodwill students are often eager to donate their spare time.They see such activities as a way of becoming part of the community and the adult world.Social action for them becomes as important as their academic studies.Schools and community groups may respond to a recent earthquake in a foreign country, a flood somewhere within their own country, or another natural disaster which has left people homeless.They may organize drives to collect food, clothing and medicines to serve an immediate need.This call to assist those less fortunate than themselves may have arisen from the humble origins of the American nation.

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