- Use of outside scientific, analytical or other technical assistance in relation to manufacture and analysis;
- List of contract manufacturers and laboratories including the addresses and contact information and flow charts of supply-chains for outsourced manufacturing and Quality Control activities; e.g. sterilization of primary packaging material for aseptic processes, testing of starting raw materials etc, should be presented in Appendix 4;
- Brief overview of the responsibility sharing between the contract giver and acceptor with respect to compliance with the Marketing Authorisation (where not included under 2.2).
2.4 Quality Risk Management (QRM)
- Brief description of QRM methodologies used by the manufacturer; 简述企业质量风险管理方法
- Scope and focus of QRM including brief description of any activities which are performed at corporate level, and those which are performed locally. Any application of the QRM system to assess continuity of supply should be mentioned.
3. Personnel 人员
- Organisation chart showing the arrangements for quality management, production and quality control positions/titles in Appendix 5, including senior management and Authorised Person(s) / Qualified Person(s);
- Number of employees engaged in the quality management, production, quality control, storage and distribution respectively.
4. Premises and Equipment 厂房和设备
4.1 Premises
- Short description of plant; size of the site and list of buildings. If the production for different markets, i.e. for local, EU, USA, etc. takes place
in different buildings on the site, the buildings should be listed with destined markets identified (if not identified under 1.1);
简述生产工厂情况,包括场地面积和各建筑物名称等,如不同建筑物生产的 品种面向当地以及欧盟、美国等不同市场,应在特定市场的建筑物上注明(如 未在1.1明确)
- Simple plan or description of manufacturing areas with indication of scale (architectural or engineering drawings are not required); Lay outs and flow charts of the production areas (in Appendix 6) showing the room classification and pressure differentials between adjoining areas and indicating the production activities (i.e.compounding, filling, storage, packaging, etc.) in the rooms;
Lay-outs of warehouses and storage areas, with special areas for the storage and handling of highly toxic, hazardous and sensitising materials indicated, if applicable;
- Brief description of specific storage conditions if applicable, but not indicated on the lay-outs.
4.1.1 Brief description of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
- Principles for defining the air supply, temperature, humidity, pressure differentials and air change rates, policy of air recirculation (%).
4.1.2 Brief description of water systems
- Quality references of water produced; 水质设计标准
- Schematic drawings of the systems in Appendix 7. 水系统示意图附录7
4.1.3. Brief description of other relevant utilities, such as steam, compressed air,nitrogen,
4.2 Equipment
4.2.1 Listing of major production and control laboratory equipment with critical
pieces of equipment identified should be provided in Appendix 8. 列出生产和检验用主要仪器、设备附录8。 4.2.2 Cleaning and sanitation
- Brief description of cleaning and sanitation methods of product contactsurfaces (i.e.
manual cleaning, automatic Clean-in-Place, etc).
4.2.3 GMP critical computerised systems
- Description of GMP critical computerised systems (excluding equipment
specific Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)).
简述与药品生产质量相关的关键的计算机化系统情况(不包括逻辑编程器(PLCs))。 5. Documentation 文件
- Description of documentation system (i.e. electronic, manual); 描述企业的文件系统(例如电子、纸质);
- When documents and records are stored or archived off-site (including pharmacovigilance data, when applicable): List of types of documents/records; Name and address of storage site and an estimate of time required retrieving documents from the off-site archive.
6. Production 生产
6.1 Type of products
(references to Appendix 1 or 2 can be made): (可参考附件1或2):
- Type of products manufactured including 生产品种类型
? list of dosage forms of both human and veterinary products which are manufactured on the site
? list of dosage forms of investigational medicinal products (IMP) manufactured for any clinical trials on the site, and when different from the commercial manufacturing, information of production areas and personnel
- Toxic or hazardous substances handled (e.g. with high pharmacological activity and/or with sensitising properties);
- Product types manufactured in a dedicated facility or on a campaign basis, if applicable;
- Process Analytical Technology (PAT) applications, if applicable: general statement of the relevant technology, and associated computerised systems.
6.2 Process validation
- Brief description of general policy for process validation; 简要描述工艺验证的原则;
- Policy for reprocessing or reworking. 返工或重新加工的原则。
6.3 Material management and warehousing
- Arrangements for the handling of starting materials, packaging materials, bulk and finished products including sampling, quarantine, release and storage;
起始物料、包装材料、半成品与成品的处理,包括取样、待检、放行与储存; - Arrangements for the handling of rejected materials and products. 不合格物料和产品的处理
7. Quality Control (QC) 质量控制
- Description of the Quality Control activities carried out on the site in terms of physical, chemical, and microbiological and biological testing. 描述理化检验、微生物及生物学检验等质量控制活动。
8. Distribution, Complaints, Product Defects and Recalls 分销、投诉、产品缺陷与召回
8.1 Distribution(to the part under the responsibility of the manufacturer)
- Types (wholesale licence holders, manufacturing licence holders, etc) and
locations (EU/EEA, USA, etc.) of the companies to which the products are shipped from the site;
- -
Description of the system used to verify that each customer / recipient is legally entitled to receive medicinal products from the manufacturer;
描述用来确认顾客/接受者的系统,以证明顾客有合法资格接收药品; Brief description of the system to ensure appropriate environmental conditions during transit, e.g. temperature monitoring/ control;
简要描述产品在运输过程中确保其符合贮存条件要求的措施,例如: 温度监测/监控;
Arrangements for product distribution and methods by which product traceability is maintained;
-Measures taken to prevent manufacturers’ products to fall in the illegal supply chain
8.2 Complaints, product defects and recalls
- Brief description of the system for handling complains, product defects and recalls.
9. Self Inspections 自检
- Short description of the self inspection system with focus on criteria used for selection of the areas to be covered during planned inspections, practical arrangements and follow-up activities.
Appendix 1 Copy of valid manufacturing authorisation 附件1 有效的制造许可文件复印件
Appendix 2 List of dosage forms manufactured including the INN-names or common name (as available) of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) used
附件2 所有生产剂型目录,包括所用原料药的INN名称或通用名(如有)
Appendix 3 Copy of valid GMP Certificate 附件3 有效的GMP证书复印件