同学你好!今天,我们学习第4单元第3部分产品下单 placing an order。这节课我们学习的部分是 Thanks for the new order 感谢下单,cancel the order 取消下单, change the item 更换物品,gift for free 附送礼物,samples 寄送样品。 在本章节中,主要介绍买卖双方就成交订单进行的进一步沟通和交流。卖家为了提升店铺的客户体验,往往在接到订单时给客户发送感谢信,对客户的特殊订单要求如取消订单、更换物品等给出及时的答复和跟进。同时某些客户以样品为由要求卖家降价销售,往往需要卖家耐心跟进,发送样品,争取订单。 Tips温馨提示 1. Thank for the new orders as soon as possible to enhance the customer satisfaction.
感谢新订单,以提高客户的满意度。 2. If the goods are out of stock, try to recommend similar items or reach an agreement to cancel the order in a right way with the buyers. 如果缺货,试着推荐类似的商品,或达成协议以正确的方式与买方取消订单。 3. Try to meet the customers’ need for some reasonable change of the order.
满足客户合理改变订单的需求。 4. Give some small gift for free to show your appreciation. 赠送一些小礼物以表达你的感激。 1. 感谢下单 Thanks for the new order
跨境电商平台上的卖家之间竞争越来越激烈,除了产品质量过硬,产品价格具有竞争力之外,客户非常看重店家的提供的服务。未来的竞争将逐步从价格过度到客户体验。 案例1: 某店铺卖家在接到客户新订单的第一时间向其发送一封感谢信,卖家在感谢订单的同时,说明安排发货的时间及相关物流信息的更新查询事项,让客户感受到卖家对他的重视,良好的客户体验很容易带来回头客,培养忠实客户。 Dear X,
Thank you very much for your order No. xxxxxx. We will prepare the item and send the goods to you within 1-3 days by China Post Air Mail. Do not be hesitated to contact me if you have any questions. We will be always there for you. Have a good day! Sincerely, (Your name) 亲爱的X,
非常感谢您的订单 xxxxxxx !我们会及时 准备您的订单并在
1~3天内通过中邮小包发出。 如有任何疑问,请及时联系我们 , 我们将竭诚 为您服务。 祝您拥有愉快的一天! 诚挚的问候! (署名) 常用词汇与句型: 1.We appreciate your order No. XXXX. 感谢您的订单XXXX。 2.Thank for your confirmation with an order. 感谢你最终确认下单。 3. Thank you for support and trust in us. 谢谢您对我们的支持和信任。 4. We believe we can cooperate well and develop our friendly relationship for a long time.
我们相信我们之间会长久合作并建立友好关系。 5. We are grateful for your order. 我们非常感谢您的订单 2. 取消订单 Cancel the order
在速卖通平台上,由于卖家责任而取消的订单会计入买家不良体验订单,影响卖家服务等级,进而影响整体店铺的曝光。买家可能因各种原因提出取消订单,作为卖家应积极跟进,询问取消订单的原由,争取挽回订单。如若劝说无果,可引导买家正确选择取消订单理由,避免给自己店铺的卖家服务等级造成影响。 案例: 某店铺卖家由于某些原因,无法实现订单,希望客户能够取消订单,应耐心与买家解释引导其正确取消订单。 Dear X,
Thank you very much for your order. Sorry to tell you that we can’t send the goods for some reason. We will deeply appreciate you if you could cancel the order. You can cancel your paid order before we ship it. We’d like to reach an agreement to cancel the order with you. Would you please
choose the ?rst or second cause but not the others. Thanks for your kind understanding. Best regards! (Your name) 亲爱的X,
非常感谢您的订单!非常抱歉,由于某些 原因,我们无法安排
发货。如果您能取消订单我们将感激万分。您可以在我们发货前申请取 消订单。我们想与您达成取消订单协议。能否 请您在选择取消原因时选择第一或第二选项, 而非其他选项。十分感谢您对我们的理解。 诚挚的问候! (署名) 常用词汇与句型: 1.You can cancel your paid order before the supplier ships it. 您可以在卖家发货前申请取消订单 2.We’d like to reach an agreement to cancel the order with you. 我们想与您达成取消订单协议。 3. Click the Cancel Order button of your order 您可点击您订单中“取消订单”按钮。 4. request order cancellation 要求取消订单 3. 更换物品 Change the item
买家在下单后可能会提出更换颜色或尺码的要求,卖家应积极回复,跟进了解更换物品的库存情况,做出处理。 案例: 某店铺收到客户订单留言: “Dear friend, can you do me a favor please? Instead of the sky blue size L, is it possible that you change into a black size XL please? My aunt doesn’t like the sky blue and she is XL size not L. Please don’t forget about this when you ship the blouse. I would really appreciate it. Best regards.”。 这位买家希望卖家能够帮忙,将原来订单中天蓝色,L码的衬衫换成中意的黑色XL码,卖家积极回复,有技巧的进行回复,让买家感受到卖家的诚意。 Dear X,
Thanks for your order. The shipping company picked up the bag a few hours ago. We tried our best to get the blouse back. So lucky we are. We have changed the sky blue L one to the black XL one for you. Hope that your aunt would be satis?ed with our blouse. Best regards! (Your name) 亲爱的X,
非常感谢您的订单!货代公司几小时前刚 取走包裹。我们想方
设法追回了包裹。太幸运 了!我们已经将天蓝色 L 码换成了黑色 XL 码 的衬衫。希望您的阿姨会喜欢。 诚挚的问候! (署名) 常用词汇与句型: 1.We tried our best to get the blouse back. 我们想方设法追回了这件衬衫。 2.We have changed the item for you.