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牛津译林版7B Unit 3 知识点

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Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town


一、 重点词组

1.wait a minute 等一会儿 2.a tin of dog food 一听狗食 3.order a pizza 点一块比萨 4.exchange student 交换生

5.take them to the cinema 带他们去电影院 6. take them to the cinema 带他们去电影院 7. lots of things to do 有许多事情要做 8.by underground 乘地铁

9. some Western restaurants 一些西餐馆 10. look forward to meeting you 期待见到你 11.all over the place 到处都是 12.the golden throne 金銮宝座 13.works of art 艺术品 14.Chinese paintings 中国画 15.row a boat 划船

16.know each other 相互了解 17. raise cows 饲养奶牛 18. grow wheat 种植小麦 19.smell the flowers 闻花香

20.hear the birds sing 听鸟儿唱歌 21. on a farm在农场

二、 重要句型

1.Welcome to Sunshine Town.欢迎来到阳光镇。 1)“Welcome to +地点”表示“欢迎来到??!”如: Welcome to our school.欢迎到我们的学校来! 2) welcome后面如果接副词,则应省略介词to。如: Welcome home/back.欢迎回家/回来。 2. An old friend of mine is coming to visit me, Hobo.

is coming是现在进行时,表示将要发生的动作。在英语中一些位移动词,如come,go,leave等可用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作。如: 一Lingling! Supper is ready.—玲玲,晚饭准备好了。 -I?m coming,Mum. –我就来,妈妈。 3. Is it enough for a tin of dog food?

(1) be enough for意为“对??足够了”。如: It?s big enough for ten thousand people.

2) enough作形容词时,放在所修饰的名词前或后均可,置于名词前面语气较强,主要表示数量、分量。如:

There is enough food/food enough for everybody.食物够大家吃的。 ( 3) enough作副词时,用在所修饰的形容词、副词之后。如:

It is bright enough for read吨.挺亮的,可以看书了。 I? is warm enough today.今天相当暖和。 4) a tin of dog food意为“一听狗食”。可以用于“a+?+of+不可数名词”结构的名词还有piece, slice,cup, glass, bottle, bag等。如:

a piece of paper一张纸 a slice of bread一片面包(也可以用piece) a cup of tea一杯茶 a glass of milk一杯牛奶 a bottle of water一瓶水 a bag of rice一袋大米

4. Shall we take them to the cinema? 咱们带他们去看电影吗? Shall we do sth?“我们做某事吧?”是表示建议的句型。如:

Shall we play basketball together after school?放学后咱们一起去打篮球吧? [拓展]


① let?s do sth“让我们做某事吧。”如:

Let?s go to the cinema tonight.我们今天晚上一起去看电影吧! ② Why not do. . .?“为什么不??呢?”如: Why not go swimming with me?

③ You?d better do/not do sth“你最好做/不做某事。” You?d better ask your parents first.你最好先问问你父母。 ④ sb should do sth“某人应该做某事。”如: You should go right now.你应该马上去。 ⑤ How/What about…?“??怎么样?”如:

How/What about going shopping?去购物怎么样? ⑥ Why don?t you??“为什么不??呢?”如:

Why don?t you go swimming with me?你为什么不和我一起去游泳呢? 5. Shall we invite them to have dinner with us?

(1)“invite sb to do sth”意为“邀请某人做某事”。如: He invited me to go camping.他邀请我去露营。 Miss Green wants to invite Miss Gao to join the party.

2)“invite sb to +地点/场合”意为“邀请某人去某处或某个场合”。如: I?d like to invite you to my school.我想邀请你到我的学校。 6. There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town, 动词不定式to do在句中作things的定语,动词不定式在句中作定语且修饰名词或代词时,必须后置。如:

There are many good places to visit in our city.

7. It takes only 40 minutes by underground.乘地铁只需要40分钟。

是一个省略句,补全应是It takes only 40 minutes to get there by underground. It takes +( sb) some time + to do sth是英语上一重要句型,意“做某事需要花多少时间”。如:

It takes me about two hours to drive from my home to Nanjing. 从我家开车去南京大约要两个小时。

8.Beijing duck is very famous.北京烤鸭很有名。 famous作形容词,意为“著名的,出名的”。如:

The place is famous for its oil.该地以盛产石油著称。 [拓展]


① be famous for表示“以??而闻名/著称”,表示某人以某种知识、技能、作品或征而出名,相当于be well known for。如: China is famous for its china.中国以它的瓷器而出名。 ②be famous as意为“作为??而著名”。如:

Lang Lang is famous as a great pianist.朗朗作为杰出的钢琴家而出名。 9. If you do not like Chinese food,there are some estern restaurants too.如你不喜欢中餐,也有一些西餐馆。

句是一个含有if条件状语从句的复合句,主句为here are some Western restaurants too,从句为 if you do not like Chinese food如: We do not have to call him if you are here.

If we stay at home, my mother will be surprised. 注意:在if引导的条件状语从句中,如果主句是将来态或含情态动词的句子,则从句要使用一般现在时。如:

We will go on a picnic if it doesn?t rain tomorrow. 10. We are looking forward to meeting you soon. look forward to意为“期待;期望”,后跟名词、代词或词的-ing形式,表示说话者十分希望实现某种愿望、目的。如:

All the children look forward to the Spring Festival.所有的孩子都盼望过春节。 I?m looking forward to seeing you soon.我盼望早日见到你。 Il. Mr Wu is asking Amy which things belong to which people.吴老师正在问艾米哪些东西是属于哪些人的。 belong to意为“属于??”,后接某人或人称代词宾。如: This key ring belongs to me.这个钥匙圈是我的。

China belongs to the third world.中国属于第三世界。

注意:belong to后不能使用名词所有格或物主代词,且 belong to不可用于进行时。如: 这车属于她。

错:The car belongs to hers.

错:The car is belonging to her. 正 :The car belongs to her.

12. There are many things to see here.

To see是动词不定式,在这里修饰名词things作定语。如: I have much homework to do today.

He has an article to write.他有一篇文章要写. I think this park is a wonderful place to play. 13. I can smell the flowers and hear the birds. ( l ) smell动词,意为“闻;嗅”,后接名词作宾语。如: Smell it and tell me what it is.你闻闻看,告诉我是什么。 (2) smell还可用连系动词,后常接形容词作表语。如: Do these flowers smell sweet?这些花闻起来香吗? (3) hear sb do sth意为“听见某人做了某事”。如:

I often hear her sing in the room.

(4) hear sb doing意为“听见某人在做(一个正在进行的动作)”。如: I heard someone laughing in the next room. 14...don?t miss the opera shows there.??不要错过那儿的戏剧演出。 miss及物动词,意为“错过,未看到,未赶上”,后接名词、代词或动名词。 Bob loves football. He never misses any football game. 鲍勃喜欢足球。他从不错过任何足球比赛。

I don?t want to miss watching the TV play.我不想错过看那部电视剧。 【拓展】①miss及物动词,意为“想念,思念,留恋”,后接名词、代词或动


He misses her mother very much.她非常想念她的妈妈。

I miss studying in the middle school.我留恋在中学学习的时光。 ②Miss表示“小姐”之意时,应该大写首字母M。

Miss Wang is not in the office now.王小姐现在不在办公室里。

15. I am talking about a bookshop, not another kind of shop. Another意为“另一个,再一个”,后接可数名词单数,通常用于指三者或三者以上人或物中的另一个。

This pair of shoes is too small for me. Please show me another pair.双鞋我穿太小了。请再给我一双。Mum,I would like to eat another cake.妈妈,我想再吃块蛋糕。【拓展】①another+数词+名词复数=数词+more+名词复数,意为“再来??”。 We need another five desks/five more desks.我们还需要5张课桌。 ②the other指两者中的“另一个”:有特定的数量范围,不是任意的“另一个”。: There are two rulers. One is short, and the other is long. 这儿有两把尺予。一把短,另一把长。

三、 核心语法



名词所有格一般是在名词后面加上“?s”,意为“某某人的??”,为所属关系。名词所有格有“?s”,“of”和“双重所有格”。 1. “?s”结构

1) –般情况下,是在单数名词的词尾直接加???s”。 2)以-s结尾的复词,只能在词尾加“?”。



5) –些表示日期、时间、距离、国家名称盼的无生命名词,也可加“?s”构成所有格。

6)如果“?s”后的名词是商店、住宅等地点时,后面的名词常常要省略。 2. “of”结构,“of”表示无生命的所属关系。 the windows of the house房屋的窗户

3. 双重所有格,“双重所有格”形式,就是既含有“?s”结构,含有“of”短

语,组合成了“of +?s”结构。“双重所有格”主要有两种用法:一种表


the English book of your brother?s 你哥哥的英语书



一、 单项选择

( )1. ---What do you want to eat for supper?

---I want to some delicious food in the restaurant near

our house.

A.order B.take C.ordering D.taking ( ) 2. –How many computers are there in this room? --______.They are moved to another room.

A.Nothing B. None C. No D. No one ( )3. There are not many tall in this new city. A.built B. build C.building D. buildings ( )4. ---You always ride a bike to go to school. Why?

---_______I can do some exercise and it makes less_______.

A. So; pollution B. Because; polluting C. So ; polluting D. Because; pollution

( )5. ---How do your parents go to work? -They take the______.

A. underground B. bike C.walk D. plane ( )6. This ring ______.

A. is belong to me B. belongs to me C. belongs to mine D. is belongs to me ( )7. –What can I do for you,sir? -I want a of cola.

A. tin B.box C. bag D.piece ( )8. --- go walking with us? ---That sounds great.

A. What about B.Why don?t C.Why not D.Why not you ( )9. Be quick! Don?t______ last bus.

A. stop B. miss C.pass D. leave ( )10. –When do you for Beijing. -Maybe tomorrow.

A.stay B. be leaving C.leave D. Be staying 二、 完形填空

Mr Wang teaches English in a middle school. He likes his work very much. He wanted l a teacher even when he was a young boy.

Here are six classes in a school day at Mr Wang?s middle school. Mr Wang teachers five of these six classes. 2 his “free” hour from 2 to 3 in the afternoon, Mr Wang 3 meet with parents, check students? homework and 4

many other things. So Mr Wang works hard from the moment he gets to school early in the morning until he leaves for home late in the afternoon, and his “free” hour is not free at all.

In his English lesson, Mr Wang sometimes teaches poems(诗). He likes poems very much, and he likes LiBai?s poems 5 of all.

In his fifth class today, Mr Wang taught a poem. He wrote the poem on the blackboard and read it. As soon as he finished 6 the poem, the students began to ask questions. He answered all the questions. Then he asked his students to talk about the poem. 7 one wanted to stop when the bell rang. 8 home, Mr Wang thought about the fifth class. He was happy about what he did as a teacher. Every one of his students 9 the poem. When they started to talk,they forgot about the time. He did not have to make them 10 . He only had to answer their questions and help them understand the poem. ( ) 1. A. was B.being C. to be D. be ( ) 2.A. In B. At C. To D. On ( )3.A.has to B.has C.able to D. will

( )4. A. take care for B. care of C. take care of D. be careful of ( )5.A.better B.good C. well D. best ( )6. A. reading B.to read C.read D.doing ( )7.A. Not B.No C.Have no D.Any

( )8. A. By the way B.To his way C.On his way D.In the way ( )9. A.liked B.asked C.had D. wanted ( )10. A. learning B.to learn C.learn D. learnt

牛津译林版7B Unit 3 知识点


