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志愿者 英语 作文应该要怎么写呢?我们不妨一起来参考下 范文 吧!希望对您有所帮助!以下是小编为大家整理的志愿者英语作文范文,欢迎阅读参考。希望对您有所帮助! 志愿者英语作文1
Today I have an appointment and good friend lingling, clean village of advertising.
I and all that she started to get something on a piece of iron. Let's clean up the old AD, in the first layer we blow ah, dig ah dig, a long time to clean up a few. All of a sudden, I remembered we also with iron bars, asked her: \my hands are going to pick bad!\clean up the small ads on the cabinet, in order to avoid delivery people can't see the number and send the wrong paper.
We came to the front of the new cabinet, I haven't had time to speak, she couldn't wait to take a small iron to pick small ads, I quickly stopped her, said: \counterproductive!\
little rabbit head!\So, we have to dig with the hand, although the hand is very painful, but watching the clean cabinet, turned off the idea of early we left outside the cloud nine. \hard to dig,\\songs, went home happily. This day is meaningful!
就问她:“你的工具呢?”“谢谢你提醒我啊,我的手都快抠烂了!”清理完这层,我们决定清理报箱上的小广告,以免送报人因看不清号码而送错报纸。 我们来到新楼的报箱面前,我还没来得及说话,她就迫不及待地拿着小铁棍去抠小广告,我连忙拦住了她,说:“你用铁的,不就把报箱弄坏了吗?简直是帮倒忙!”“也对呀,你这小兔子脑袋想得很周到啊!”她边笑着边拍了拍我的小脑袋。于是,我们都用手抠,虽然手很疼,但看着一个个干干净净的报箱,打退堂鼓的念头早就被我们抛到九霄云外了。“天添帮帮我,这个小广告太难抠了,”我立刻过去帮她,在我们的共同努力下,这个“狗皮膏药”终于弄下来了,不早了,天已经渐渐黑了,我们唱着歌,高高兴兴地回家了。 这一天过得真有意义! 志愿者英语作文2
In a sunny afternoon, white clouds are in the blue sky, tree-lined main street, the smell of the scent of flowers and plants on the grass on the side of the road. When people came to the crossroads corner, see the roadside pole was littered with small advertisement, good mood eases up, like a healthy people with psoriasis.
At this moment, ran and five male students from a distance, they with one, some small shovel in hand, some with a rag, some carrying buckets and five classmates came to the pole, looked at the small ads, \the work for everyone, get started to spend, \vest\a result of the glue was too strong, the rest can't tear down, so both of them with a small shovel and hard to shovel the small ads, a moment later, a small advertisement on telegraph poles be cleaned up by them, \pants are busy cleaning up the other pole of small ads, you see his left hand holding a dishcloth, right hand holding a shovel, do meticulous. Tall small ads to see pole height, also picked up a shovel, stand a tiptoe to unbend arm, hard shovel. \loud cry, the little fat man carrying a pail of water over full head big sweat, everyone gathered round immediately and put the dishcloth wet, then wipe the stains on the pole on seriously, after all together, \friends knowing smile.
The 3322 people the thumbs-up sign to them, chattering birds in the tree also, as he said to them: \
environment for us.\
【2018-2019】志愿者英语作文-范文模板 (3页)