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Unit 1 一、语言功能要求


-Good morning. 早上好,上午好。 回答: Good morning. -Good afternoon. 下午好。 回答: Good afternoon. -Good evening. 晚上好。 回答: Good evening.

-Nice to meet you. 和高兴认识你。 回答: Nice to meet you,too. -How are you?你好吗? 回答:I'm fine,thank you. 2.用英语简单介绍自己。(横线部分可根据实际情况用其他词语替换。) Hello. My name is Jill /Hi. I'm Jill, I'm 9. I'm in Class 4 Grade 4. I'm tall.

My eyes are big. My mouth is small. I like swimming and running.


This is my/ your...(mother, father, brother, sister, classmate, friend)

His/ Her name is... He/She is... He/She likes ...

Unit 2 一、语言功能:

特殊疑问句 What can you do? What can he do? What can she do? 二、四会句子:

回答 . .. ... 一般疑问句 回答 .? ? .? /No. he can't. /No, she can't. I can..Can you..Yes,I can. /No,I can't. He can.Can he...Yes, he can. She canCan she..Yes, she can. 1. What can you do,Supergirl? 你会做什么,超级女孩?

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2. I can swim and fly. 我会游泳和飞。 3. Can you swim,Aice? 你会游冰吗,Alice? 4. Yes,I can. 是的,我会。No,I can't. 不,我不会。 5. Can Superdog fly,too? 超级狗会飞吗?

6. Yes, he can. 是的,他会。No, he can't. 不,他不会。 7. Can Kitty dance? Kitty会跳舞吗?

8. Yes, she can. 是的,她会。No,she can't. 不,她不会。

Unit 3 一、语言功能

1. How are you?可以用来日常打招呼问好,理解为“你好吗?”

用 I'm fine. Thank you.回答。也可以用来询问别人的感受,理解为“你觉得怎样?”,

用本课学到的 I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. I'm tired.等来回答。 2. Have这个词有很多种意思。

Have some biscuits.中的have意思是“吃”。 I have some biscuits.中的have意思是“拥有”。 They have a football match.中的have意思是“举办”。 3.本单元有很多反义词。

happy- sad hungry -full big- small cold- hot good- bad open- close

black- white cool- warm hard- soft long- short fat- thin tall- short new- old young- old fast. slow beautiful- ugly 二、四会句子:

1. How are you? 你们怎么了?

2. We're tired and hungry. 我们又累又饿。

3. Are you happy? 你开心吗? No,I'm not.不,我不开心。

4. Are you thirsty?你渴了吗?Yes,I am.是的,我渴了。 5. Have some biscuits.吃些饼干。 6. I'm full now.我现在饱了。

7. The bird can see a bottle.这只鸟能看到一个瓶子。

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8. The bird can drink the water.这只鸟能喝到水。 Module 1重点句型 1. “ This is...”用来介绍他人。例如:

This is your new classmate. 这是你们的学。 This is my sister. 这是我的姐姐(妹妹)。

2. Her/ His name's…”用来介绍别人的名字。例如:Her/His name's Sally/Paul. 3.“ What can you/he/ she do?”用来询问别人会做什么。通常用“/He/ She can...”来回答。例如

What can he do? 他会做什么? He can draw. 他会画画。

4. Can you/he/she..?”用来询问别人是否会做某事。肯定回答用"Yes,I/he/ she can...",否定回 答用"No,I/he/she can''t.”。例如: Can she jump? 她会跳跃吗? Yes, she can. 是的,她会。/No, she can't. 不,她不会。

5 .“ Are you+表示感受或情绪的形容词?”用来询问别人的感受或情绪。肯定回答用"Yes,I am.",否定回答用“No,I'm not.”。例如

一 Are you happy?你高兴吗? ーYes,I am.是的,我高兴。/No,I'm not.不,我不高兴。 Unit 4 一、词汇功能要求:

1. any的意思是“任何的”,用在一般疑问句和否定句中。例如, Do you

have any aunts?(一般疑问句)No, I don't have any aunts. (否定句) any后可以加可数名词复数,也可以加不可数名词。例如,l don't have any sisters. (any+可数名词复数) I don't have any bread. (any+不可数) 二、四会句子

1. Do you have any cousins? 你有表兄/弟/姐/妹/吗? 2.Yes,I have one cousin. 是的,我有一个表兄/弟/姐/妹。 3.No, I don't have any cousins. 不,我没有表兄/弟/姐/妹。 4. I have a big family. 我有一个大的家庭。

5.They're my parents and my grandparents. 他们是我的父母和我的祖父母。 6. This is my cousin. 这是我的表弟。 7. His name's Dan. 他的名字是丹。

8. He's Uncle John's son. 他是约翰叔叔的儿子。

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Unit 5 一.词汇功能要求:


I You We They have... He She It Tom has... Tom and Ben 二、四会句子。

1. He has a green T-shirt and a pair of brown shorts. 他有一件绿色的恤衫和一条棕色的短裤。

2. Peter has an orange T-shirt. 皮特有一件橙色的T恤衫。 3. He can skate. 他会溜冰。

4. Sally has a red skirt. 莎莉有一条红色的短裙。

5. She has a red and white dress. 她有一条红色和白色的裙子。 6. She can fly a kite. 她会放风筝。 7. He has big teeth. 他有大的牙齿。

8. The lion can not get out. 这只狮子不能出去。

Unit 6 一.词汇功能要求:


your father Mrs White he she it Tom do like need want have eat do like What does ? 助动词do的用法: I we 1 / 1文档可自由编辑

What do you Tom and Ben your parents they need want have eat ? 二.知识补充:

-er 组合:

teach+er=teacher(老师) farm+er=farmer(农民) work+er=worker(工人) sing+er=singer(歌手) dance+er=dancer(舞蹈演员) write+r=wirter(作家) drive+r=driver(司机) swim+er=swimmer(游泳运动员) run+er=runner(跑步运动员)


policeman(男警察) policewoman(女警察) waiter(男服务员) waitress(女服务员) 其他职业名称:

cook(厨师) clerk(公务员,文员) boss(老板) housewife(家庭主妇) 四、四会句子:

1. What does your mother do? 你的妈妈是做什么的? She's a nurse. 她是一名护士。

2.What does your father do? 你的爸爸是做什么?He's a fireman. 他是一名消防员。

3. I can help people. 我可以帮助人们。 4. What do your parents do? 你的父母是干什么的? 5. Are you afraid of fire? 你害怕火吗?

6. Don't play with fire,kids? 不要玩火,孩子们。

Module 2 重点单词:

名词: cousin表兄弟/姐妹;堂兄弟/姐妹, family家庭,parent父亲;母亲, grandparent(外)祖父/母,son儿子,grandfather( grandpa)(外)祖父;爷爷;外公, grandmother( grandma)(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆,uncle叔叔;伯伯;舅舅;姑/姨父,aunt姑妈;姨妈;

伯母;舅妈,brown棕色,T- shirt T恤衫, shorts短裤,skirt短裙, dress连衣裙,shirt(男士)村衫,tooh牙齿(复数 teeth), nurse护士, fireman消防

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