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4717.1 Part I: Vocabulary and Structure
Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.
Many people
grumbleabout the influx of immigrants to our city, but I think it's actually a good thing for the economy.
Your answer grumble
Correct answer grumble
Some issues, such as immigration and trade, have
Your answer transnational
Correct answer transnational
One of the problems with reading e-books is that you can't take notes in the
Your answer margin
Correct answer margin
that made it easier for people to open small 4.
The town council passed businesses.
Your answer legislation
baffledCorrect answer legislation scientists for centuries.
There are some mysteries that have
Your answer baffled
staggeringCorrect answer baffled
stock market numbers this morning?
Correct answer staggering
I'm in shock—have you seen the
Your answer staggering
We are all living in an increasingly move to different countries.
Your answer
society as more and more people Correct answer
multicultural multicultural
8. The computer's influence on our daily lives is immeasurable; it has had the most
massiveeffect on how humans live.
Your answer massive
disapprove Correct answer massive
of new technology simply because it is
There will always be people who \
Your answer
Correct answer
disapprove disapprove
10. After several years of travel, Jake moved to London to find a job, a house, and the
stabilityhe needed in his life.
Your answer stability
Correct answer stability
Section B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.
11. Some people have an unhealthy _____ with technology and need to have every new gadget
A. session
B. obsession
C. recession
D. cessation
12. After much _____, Heather was finally able to convince her boss to award her employees with a
holiday bonus.
A. desistence
B. consistence
C. insistence
D. resistance
13. It's hard to _____ what the future might look like, but science fiction writers have been doing it for
over a hundred years.
A. visualize
B. confer
C. mechanize
D. ascertain
14. I know almost everyone loves her new book, but I'm not even _____ interested in reading it.
A. massively
B. supposedly
C. entirely
D. remotely
15. Even though Mr Lewis didn't say it out loud, the _____ in his speech was that his staff didn't work
hard enough.
A. personification
B. implication
C. justification
D. explanation
16. Many people complain that the cost of education is prohibitively expensive, but I think the cost of
_____ is much higher.
A. ignore
B. ignorant
C. ignorance
D. ignoring
17. After he lost the competition, Lawrence felt completely and utterly _____.
A. dispirited
B. inquisitive
C. observant
D. unchanged
18. We need to come up with a _____ explanation for why we missed class yesterday.
A. plausible
B. sentient
C. staggering
D. corporate
19. Paul has become very _____ and conceited since he first tasted fame.
A. arrogance
B. elegant
C. elegance
D. arrogant
20. Dinosaurs have been _____ for approximately 65 million years!
A. succinct
B. extinct
C. instinct