3、如何才能获得有效的培训需求?如何衡量培训效果? 4、Verbal Reasoning Solutions:
“The Centre aims to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 20% below 2001levels by 2021, and a significant contributor to this target will be the improved energy efficiency of buildings. At the same time, the government are aiming to have 10,000 MW installed CHP capacity by 2021.
A Combined Heat and Power (CHP) unit is best suited to increase energy efficiency of the Centre. This would serve the heating demand for both the domestic hot water system and the swimming pool, but would not be suited to space-heating requirements.”
(1)The only way to reach the carbon emissions target is by improving the energy efficiency of buildings. True False Cannot say
(2)The Centre is improving energy efficiency because the government have imposed legal obligations to do so. True False Cannot say
(3)A Combined Heat and Power unit alone will not be able to provide all the heating requirements for the Centre. True False Cannot say
5、Verbal Reasoning Solutions:
“Enticing people to choose a bus over their car is difficult. Governments have tried by improving the comfort and frequency of public transport. However, this has little effect because people value their cars too highly. Public opposition to governmental action on car use has already been demonstrated through the petrol blockade. The most likely solutions are ones that retain
the most driver-convenience, whilst retaining low cost. A popular suggestion is to improve public transport so personal cars are
needed less. This can be gradually implemented alongside existing traffic and uses existing road systems.”
(1)Government believes that by increasing the comfort of buses, more people will use them True False Cannot say
(2)In the past, governmental actions have resulted in a petrol blockade. True False Cannot say
(3)If buses were more frequent and had lower prices, more people would use them.
True False Cannot say
们只有一只手电筒。一次同时最多可以有两人一起过桥,而过桥的时候必须持有手电筒,所以就得有人把手电筒带来带去,来回桥两端。手电筒是不能用丢的方式来传递的。四个人的步行速度各不同,若两人同行则 以较慢者的速度为准。Bono需花1分钟过桥,Edge需花2分钟过桥,Adam需花5分钟过桥,Larry需花10分钟过桥。他们要如何在17分钟内过桥呢?
8、小明和小强都是张老师的学生,张老师的生日是M月N日,2人都知道张老师的生日是下列10组中的一天,张老师把M值告诉了小明,把N值告诉了小强,张老师问他们知道他的生日是那一天吗? 3月4日 ,3月5日, 3月8日,6月4日, 6月7日,9月1日, 9月5日,12月1日, 12月2日, 12月8日。 小明说:如果我不知道的话,小强肯定也不知道。 小强说:本来我也不知道,但是现在我知道了。 小明说:哦,那我也知道了。
10、数学推理题:256 ,269 ,286 ,302 ,( )。