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1) If you have not signed a contract, you are under no ______ to pay them any money.

A) instinct B) influence C) sympathy hardest time in his life.

A) contributed C) sustained A) decrease C) melt A) worship C) respect from their inquiries.

A) entertainment B) judgment C) relief

D) relaxation

6) The foreign-born Chinese are thought of as yellow on the outside and white on the inside because they only look like Chinese but never think or ______ like Chinese.

A) direct C) adjust insecurity.

A) crucial

B) terminal

C) intensive D) desperate

8) After about an hour and a half the party ______ because there was not enough wine that evening.

A) broke off C) broke up face up to his life.

D) obligation

2) The thought of seeing her again _____ him throughout the

B) provided

D) favored B) dissolve D) harden B) pray D) admire

3) It was so hot that the butter started to ______.

4) He criticizes the money _______ common among young people.

5) Somewhat to my _______, the police will soon eliminate her

B) accustom D) behave

7) His ________need to be loved springs from a deep sense of

B) broke away D) broke through

9) A series of tragic _______ made Mr. Terres feel he has to

A) accidents B) incidents

C) events D) occurrences

10) For many young people, the late 1960s was a period of _______ against the moral values that had been the pride of the past generations.

A) revolt B) rebel C) chaos D) challenge

11) Two drivers were killed in a head-on ________ between a car and a taxi last night.

A) collapse B) conflict C) collision D) crush

12) A few shots of this drug cleared up the disease ______

A) for long B) before long C) ever since D) for good

13) The citizens in the neighborhood all ______ for the local

government's decision to close the small paint factory. A) claimed C) clapped

B) cracked

D) crashed

14) The girls were all _____ of Grace because she was so pretty,

with beautiful hands and a face like a film-star's. A) greedy B) controversial C) competitive

D) jealous

15) Japanese banks, once _____ competitors in the British banking market, have all but disappeared.

A) bold C) wild

B) fierce

D) harmful B) generous

16) You may laugh at my idea but I'm in _____.

A) intensive

C) earnest D) voluntary

17) When I come back, I feel _____and many new ideas occur to me.

A) renewed C) reshaped

B) recreated D) refreshed

18) According to the Centers for Disease Control, women will

soon _____ 80 percent of those diagnosed with HIV. A) make up C) stand for

B) build up D) conform to

19) She ______the knives and forks at the lunch table.

A) laid up B) laid off C) laid down

D) laid out

20) ________some other low-income countries in Africa, most

children here do eventually get to primary school and stay there for a few years. A) Contrary to C) In contrast to

B) In regard to D) With respect to

21) Prices of goods are governed by the cost of the ______ materials, as well as by the cost of production. A) primitive

B) rough

C) original D) raw

22) In the countryside there are no ________ and no free medical care for the aged.

A) wages B) pensions C) profits store where you purchased.

A) entitled to B) involved in C) associated with A) publication C) acquisition economic development.

A) devoted to C) included in flooding.

A) facing with B) faced with

B) involved in

D) subjected to

D) assigned to B) donation

24) She made a _______of $200 to the Children's Hospital.

D) quotation

D) rewards

23) You are legally _________ take faulty goods back to the

25) Environmental protection is _________ national and local

26) If the rain doesn't stop, people will be ________ serious

C) subjecting with D) subjected with

27) How do you _______your long absence from classes without asking for leave

A) account for C) account of and 14 years respectively.

A) convicted C) sentenced

B) convinced D) condemned

B) count on

D) count for

28) They were ___ of armed robberies and sentenced to 15 years

29) Most flowers will not ____ without sunshine.

A) cultivate B) boom C) sustain D) thrive

30) He took the evening newspaper and _______ quickly through the story in minutes.

A) plunged C) sketched A) clumsy C) dumb length.

A) condensed C) concealed than in Switzerland.

A) Hardly C) Seldom

B) Little D) Nowhere B) condemned D) concentrated B) perceived D) skimmed B) deaf D) still

31) The prisoner remained _________ throughout his trial.

32) The editor ______the manuscript to half of its original

33) _______ in the world can you find more attractive scenery

34) It is technological advances that make easier the storage and rapid ________ of information into homes and offices.

A) transformation

B) transaction D) transmission

C) transport

35) With the coming of the Internet, young people have _______

to the most recent events that happen in the world. A) assess

B) excess

C) success country out of the recession.

A) come up with C) catch up with ____ contract law.

A) on C) with

D) access

36) The government should ________ active policies to pull the

B) put up with

D) come up to

37) After she qualified as a lawyer, she decided to specialize

B) in D) of

38) It is known that iron has a _______ role to play in the

efficient working of the human body and is vital to healthy living.

A) crucial

B) competitive

C) acute

D) satisfactory

39) We must not _______ behind other nations in our efforts to help those people made homeless by the great floods. A) decline C) lack A) usage C) disposition

B) delay D) lag

B) application D) disposal

40) He has put his car entirely at our ____ for the holiday.

41) Estimates of the cost of a human mission to Mars _______

from about $20 billion to $55 billion. A) alter C) range

B) separate D) differ

42) I'd just like to _______ by saying that it's been a tremendous pleasure to work with you.

A) sum up C) end up

B) cut up D) turn up

43) He made great efforts to _______ her violent temper after she became his wife.

A) tend

B) cultivate D) tame

C) breed

44) There is a strong possibility that the fire was started on _________.

A) choice

B) purpose

C) intention D) design

45) This film is about a young man of________ origin, who wants to marry the beautiful daughter of a rich banker.

A) humble

B) harsh

C) wicked A) blocked C) choked

D) wrecked

B) provoked(激怒) D) stroked

46) The old woman almost _______ to death in the thick fumes.

47) He will first give you a summary of the situation and then discuss it at________.

A) detail

B) extent

C) degree

prediction of earthquakes __________.

A) for a long time time

C) for the time being

D) from time to time

49) Immediately, she felt the floor ____ as the children

started to beat drums in the small room. A) shiver C) vibrate

B) shake

D) tremble

B) for the first D) length

48) Nothing seems to be sure for certain about the

50) _______ vegetables are believed to be healthful and environmentally friendly.

A) Superb C) Vigorous

B) Organic

D) Rotten


1) Seven hundred thousand tons of ______ oil has poured out of the damaged tanker into the sea.

A) raw C) crude

B) rough D) tough

2) The film producer sent him the ______ and assured him there

was no question of him appearing on stage in the role. A) scrape B) catalog C) category

D) script

3) If a ________ were to reach the gas it would go off at once.

A) spot B) spill C) spark without trial.

A) murdered

B) convicted

C) executed D) punished

5) The Watergate ______ was exposed by two investigative

journalists working for the Washington Post. A) shame B) conviction C) belief D) scandal

6) 5000 people held a protest march and_____ against sexual discrimination.

A) rally C) episode A) rebel

B) conjunction D) judgment B) strike D) spray

4) Prisoners are reported to have been deliberately _______

7) A _____ broke out at the stadium when the home team lost 5-0.

C) violation D) riot

8) You may laugh at my idea but I'm in _____.

A) earnest B) eagerness C) deed D) fact

9) The _______ of our trip to New York was going to the top of Empire State Building.

A) peak B) boom C) summit

D) highlight

10) A small ______ plane crashed into a hillside in Northern England yesterday, killing six people.

A) assembled C) monitored

B) dominated D) chartered

11) Mr. Thomson is strongly opposed to the proposal of

constructing a power plant in the area that is ____ populated. A) densely B) vastly C) enormously A) settlement

D) largely

B) operation

12) In the ______ of physics, Albert Einstein was a genius.

C) realm D) scope

13) They're such a conventional family --- they must have been frightened when their son ____ his hair pink. A) soaked

B) sketched

C) dyed D) dipped

14) The doorway was so low that we had to _____ to go through it.

A) lower B) lean C) stoop D) bow

15) Most of them are not used to food and _____ for home; some find it difficult to observe the regulation about time. A) desire C) long

D) wish

16) More than $20,000 has been paid in ______ to victims of another poisoned water accident in the region. A) installment C) substitution

B) compensation D) commitment

B) hope

17) The longer one is out of teaching, the harder it is to ______ confidence and the ability to teach again. A) set up B) put up C) build up piece of chocolate.

A) intention B) appeal C) temptation should wear.

D) charm

19) The headmaster has_______ views about what his pupils

D) catch up

18) I at last surrendered to the ________ and ate the last

A) noble B) flexible

D) liable

C) liberal

20) I decided to keep a low ______, after all I was a guest.

A) profile B) position C) attitude

D) mood

21) If you throw away your credit card _______ and someone else

gets it, they can use the number to buy things in your name. A) check

B) ticket

C) receipt D) label

22) It is frightening for a youngster to feel that he is in charge of himself; it's like being in a car without ________. A) brakes C) gears accepted.

A) currency C) bid

B) proposal

D) purchase

B) components D) signals

23) She made a _____ of $ 69,000 for the flat, which was

24) After the recent bomb attacks, members of the public are being warned to be _____ at all times and to look out for any suspicious packages. A) alert C) conscious

B) aware D) nervous

25) Bombing, which was _______ in the city center, has destroyed most of the major buildings.

A) integral B) intentional C) intensive D) intense

26) The child finished the dessert and then _______ the plate.

A) scratch B) clicked C) licked D) scraped

27) In 1974 and 1975, the economy plunged into the worst ______ since the Great Depression of the 1930's.

A) reservation C) reversion

B) recreation

D) recession

28) Be careful with the cat. It may ____ you if you make it


A) punch B) scrape C) tear D) scratch

29) They have all ______ significant amounts of time and energy in this project.

A) invested B) intended C) restored D) resorted

30) The government's _________ is made up chiefly of the money people pay in taxes.

A) efficiency B) privilege C) revenue

D) validity

31) Communication is the process of ____ a message from a source to an audience via a channel.

A) transmitting C) transforming

B) submitting

D) switching

32) The computer has become smaller and cheaper and ____ more

available to a greater number of people. A) yet

B) hence

C) still D) nevertheless

33) Decrease the _______ of medicine as you feel better.

A) therapy

B) prescription

C) injection D) dose

34) He was a war________ in Europe during the Second World War.

A) resident

B) correspondent

C) ambassador natural rubber.

A) Practical B) Compound C) Raw D) Synthetic

36) All our household goods are ________against accidental damage.

A) ensured

C) assured

B) insured D) guaranteed

D) applicant

35) _________ rubbers are widely used as a substitute for

37) My home is close to a bus _________ so that it is very convenient for me to go to work.

A) end C) terminal A) sponsor C) advocate nations.

A) exhibition B) display C) parade

D) show

40) She felt their relationship had lost its initial excitement and had become __________.

A) static C) stable

B) stained D) stale

B) closing D) concluding B) contribute D) perform

38) People running for president often ______ reducing taxes.

39) The Olympic Games began with a _______ of all the competing

41) They were of the generation that had gone through the Great ______ and a world war.

A) Boom

B) Nightmare D) Disadvantage

C) Depression

42) They ______ no flaws in their plan because some VIPs will be present in the meeting.

A) resist C) undergo

B) sustain

D) tolerate

43) Employers therefore ________ to the reduction of costs, most particularly in wages, in

order to compete in world markets. A) resorted C) proceeded

B) appealed D) inclined

44) The _____ listened carefully to the evidence and concluded that the man was guilty.

A) panel C) court

B) jury

D) legislation

45) It is generally acknowledged that engineering science is

an extremely ______ and theoretical science.

A) abstract C) concrete

B) practical

D) superficial

46) She ____________ in delight upon hearing the good news.

A) grasped C) claimed

long time.

A) chew C) eat

B) bite

D) swallow

B) gripped

D) exclaimed

47) This beef is rather tough; you have to ____ it for a

48) Potentially dangerous goods are often taken back by the

company ________ they may do any harm to the customers. A) only if C) now that A) stick C) seal

B) in case D) so that B) fasten D) enclose

49) Don’t forget to ____ the letter before you post it.

50) ____________, the voice is an actor's number one asset and it will be in use all the time.

A) After all

B) As usual

C) In particular D) For all



