Hot Topics of Vanity Fair
1. Subtitle(Hero)
A Novel Without a Hero: Connotations of the Subtitle of Vanity Fair 没有英雄:《名利场》副题命意 2. Archetype
Pandora in the 19th Century Britain-A Myth-Archetypal Analysis of Vanity Fair 十九世纪英国的潘多拉---神话原型理论解读《名利场》
Reading Amelia and Rebecca in Vanity Fair from the Perspective of Critical Realism 用批判现实主义理论解读《名利场》中的艾米丽娅和利蓓卡 3. Character Analyze
Character Analysis in the Book of “Vanity Fair” and Theme 《名利场》的人物分析及主题思想
The Sexually Attraction and Modern Dllemma of “Androgyny”--- Analysis on Rebecca of Vanity Fair from a Feminist Perspective
An Analysis of the Characterization in Vanity Fair 《名利场》中的人物塑造分析 4. Feminist
The Interpretation of the Most Impressive Female Characters in Vanity Fair 《名利场》中主要女性形象的解读---剖析作者萨克雷的男权思想
Translator’s Gender Identity in Yang Bi’s Chinese Version of Vanity Fair---from the Angle of Feminist Translation Studies
从女性主义翻译研究角度看杨毕《名利场》译本中---译者女性身影的显现 Women in the eyes of Thackeray---A Reading of Vanity Fair from a Feminist Perspective
萨克雷眼中的女人---从女性主义视角解读《名利场》 Female Image in the Mirror
阴阳镜像中的女性形象---从性属理论解读斯佳丽和利蓓卡 5. Political views of the author
Thackeray’s Middle-class Consciousness in Vanity Fair 萨克雷在《名利场》中的中产阶级意识
W.M.Thackeray and Expansion of the British Empire---A Contraquatal Reading Vanity Fair
萨克雷与帝国的扩张---“对位法”阅读《名利场》 W.M.Thackeray the Genius and the Eternal Vanity Fair 天才的萨克雷与永恒的《名利场》
The Alienation of Human Nature by Consumerism in Vanity Fair 《名利场》中消费主义文化下人性的异化 6.Translation
A Study of Yang Bi’s Translation of Vanity Fair 杨必《名利场》翻译研究
Gender and Translation---A Gender Perspective in Translating Vanity Fair 翻译与性别---《名利场》翻译中的性别视角
Reproduction of Style in Literacy Translation---A Preliminary Study of Yang Bi’s Translation of Vanity Fair
Gender in Translation---A Case Study on Yang Bi’s Translation of Vanity Fair 翻译中的性别杨必---《名利场》翻译个案研究
On the Translator’s Subjectivity in Yang Bi’s Translation of Vanity Fair 杨必译本《名利场》译者主体性研究
A Study of Feminist Thought under the Influence of Metacognitive Psychology in
Yang Bi’s Translation of Vanity Fair
On Aesthetic Reproduction of Dialogue in Yang Bi’s Version of Vanity Fair---A Translation Aesthetic Approach