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2020年春人教新目标英语八年级下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?


What about doing sth ?=How about doing sth? ….怎么样?

.Let’s do sth . 让我们一起做某事吧。 Shall we/I do sth? 我们做…好吗?

had better do/not do sth 最好做/不做某事

Will/Would you please do sth 请你做…好吗? Would you like to do sth? 你想去做某事吗? Would you mind doing sth? 你介意做某事吗?

Why don’t you do sth?= Why not do sth? 为什么不呢?

2. allow doing sth 允许做某事 allow sb. to do sth 允许某人做某事 be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事 allow与let的辨析: allow指“允许”,表示“默许,听任,不加阻止”, allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事。 3 let sb do sth 让某人做某事,语意较弱,多用于口语中,let不能用于被动语态。 4. 系动词:后跟adj. 作表语 一是:(be) am /is /are be quiet=keep quiet 保持安静

二保持:stay/keep (表示持续状态) stay healthy=keep healthy 保持健康

三变化:become/get/turn (表示状态变化) 五起来:sound/look/smell/taste/feel (表示感觉) 5.find sb. doing sth 发现某人正在做某事 类似动词:hear,watch, see, feel 6 .与look相关的短语:

look for寻找 look after=take care of look like看起来像 look the same 看起来一样 look over(仔细)检查 look through 查阅

look out 找出 look up 查字典

(1). 同意对方的建议时,一般用:

◆ Good idea./ That’s good idea. 好主意 ◆OK/ All right./ Great 好/ 行/太好了

◆ Yes, please ./ I’d love to 是的/ 我愿意 ◆ I agree with you 我同意你的看法

◆ No problem 没问题 ◆Sure/ Of course/ Certainly 当然可以 ◆Yes, I think so 对,我也这样想


◆ I don’t think so 我认为不是这样 ◆Sorry, I can’t 对不起,我不能 ◆I’d love to, but… ◆ I’m afraid… 我愿意,但恐怕…… look around四处看 look forward to 盼望 look back(upon) 回想,回顾 7 .be angry with sb. 生某人的气

angry adj. 生气的→ angrily adv. 生气地

be angry with sb. =be mad at sb. 对某人生气【with后接人】

be angry at/about sth 对某事感到生气【at后接事】

8 .although= though 尽管 , 用来引导让步状语从句。

though / although 不能与but连用

9. leave sth . somewhere 把某物忘在某地 leave sb. by oneself 把某人单独留下 10.argue 争吵

→argument n 争论

have an argument with sb.与某人辩论 argue with sb. 与某人争吵

argue with sb. about sth 为某事与某人争吵 argue about sth 争论某事

11. hang over 挂在......之上; 悬浮在......之上 hang out 闲逛;常去某处 hang on to 紧紧抓住 hang up 挂电话;悬挂


12. refuse =say no to v拒绝 refuse to do sth拒绝去做某事 13. instead 代替,反而,替

(1) instead 副词,代替,常放在句首或句尾,表示前面的事情没做,而做了后面的事情。

(2) instead of +n/doing 代替,而不是,放在句中 instead of 为介词短语,后面一般接名词、代词、介词短语或动名词形式。

14. whatever = no matter what 任何,每一 15. offer v 主动给予

(1) offer to do sth 主动提出做某事

(2)offer sb. sth= offer sth to sb. 主动提供给某人某物

16. communicate v交流 communication n 交流;沟通communicate with sb. 和某人交流

17. explain 解释;说明 → explanation n 解释;说明

explain sth to sb. 向某人解释某事。 explain to sb sth给某人解释某事

18. worry v 担心 → worried adj. 焦急的 worry about = be worried about 为……担心

19. compete v竞争;对抗 → competition n 竞争

compete with sb. 和某人竞争 compete against/ with 与……竞争 compete for 为……参加比赛

20. in one’s opinion 以某人的观点;在某人看来 give opinions about sth. 给出关于某事的观点。

21.some time /sometime/some times/sometimes 【口诀】:分开是一段, 合起是某时; 分开s 是倍次,合起s是有时

(1) some time一段时间,做时间状语 It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间 (2) sometime adv 在某个时候,

(3) some times 名词词组,“几次,几倍” Mr. Green went to Sanya some times last summer.

(4)sometimes=at times 有时 (一般现在时的标志词)

22. cut out 删除;删去 (v+adv) cut up 切碎 cut down 砍到 cut in 插队 cut off 切断(水、电)供应

23. successful 成功的【拓展】 succeed v 成功,达到 →success n 成功

→successful adj 成功的→successfully adv成功

◆succeed in doing sth

24. continue doing sth =go on doing sth 继续做某事(前后做同一件事)

continue to do sth = go on to do sth 继续做某事(前后不是同一件事)

25. send away 赶走 send for 派人去请 send off 寄出 send out 分发 send up 发射 send sb. sth = send sth to sb. 送给某人某物 26. kind of +adj.有点,有几分,

kind of cold 有点冷 a kind of 一种的,某种的 all kinds of 各种各样的

different kinds of 不同种类的 What kind of…?那种

27. be kind to sb. = be good to sb.=be friendly to sb. 对某人友好

28. (1)compare…with… 把……与…..做比较 (2) compare…to… 把…..比做…… 29. cause, reason, excuse辨析

⑴cause n.原因,指引起某种结果的“原因”,后接介词of.

⑵reason n.理由,原因,指决定做某事或采取某项行动的理由。

⑶excuse n.辩解,借口,指对某种行为所做的解释,可以是真的,也可以是托词。

30. It’s + adj.(easy,difficult,important,necessary) +(for sb.) to do sth

【注】若形容词表示事物特征的,如:easy ,difficult, hard ,important等,须用介词for 【形容物,用for】

It’s +adj( kind, honest, friendly, )+(of sb) to do sth. 【注】 若形容词表示人的性格、品质与特点,如:good ,kind ,nice, wrong等,用介词of。【形容人用of】

31. keep on doing 继续做某事

keep sb. doing sth 让某人一直做某事 keep up with 跟上

keep sb. from doing sth阻止某人做某事 keep away from避开

32.work out 计算出、制定出、解答出


1. 情态动词should与could的用法 should的用法


第 2 页 共 7 页

它和其他情态动词一样,没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形,其否定形式为shouldn’t。 could的用法

情态动词could既是can的过去式,表示过去的能力,又可以表示谨慎、客气的建议,后接动词原形,其否定形式为couldn’t。 2.状语从句

状语从句就是在句子中作状语的从句。状语从句有好几种,如时间状语从句、原因状语从句、条件状语从句、结果状语从句、目的状语从句等。本单元重点讲述以下三种类型的状语从句。 1).until引导的时间状语从句

until意为“直到;在........之前”。注意until和not.....until在用法上的区别。 2).so that引导的目的状语从句

so that是连词,意为“为的是,以便”,引导目的状语从句。

注意so that, in order that和in order to在用法上的区别。

Let me take down your telephone number so that I can call you later.让我记下你的号码,为的是以后好打电话给你。

3). although引导的状语从句

although的用法意思相当于though(尽管,虽然),用来引导让步状语从句。它所引导的从句不能与并列连词but,and, so等连用,但可以和yet, still等词连用。

Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?

一.基础知识讲解. 过去进行时 过去进行时态

⑴ .用法:①过去某个时间正在发生的动作 ②过去某段时间正在发生的动作 ⑵ .与过去进行时连用的时间状语,常见的有 at nine last night/ at that time= then/at this time yesterday /或有when the teacher came in/ while he was reading的提示 ⑶ 过去进行时的构成:was\\were +现在分词 ⑷ 过去进行时的四个基本句型

肯定句 He was cooking at six last night. 否定句 He was not cooking at six last night.

一般疑问句 Was he cooking at six last night? 两回答 Yes ,he was. No, he wasn’t.

特殊疑问句 What was he doing at six last night? ⑸ 过去进行时的固定句型

Jim was reading when the teacher came in. 当老师进来的时候,吉姆正在读书。 Jim was reading while Kate was watching TV.

⑹请比较 He watched TV last night. (过去时间last night, 用一般过去时)

He was watching TV at nine last night. (过去时间last night+点时间at nine, 用过去进行时) 2. at the time of 在...... 的时候 (常用于过去进行时) 3. go off 发出响声, (闹钟)闹响 ,离开

go over 复习 go away 离开 go by (时间)过去 go for a walk 出去散步 go fishing/shopping/skating/swimming去钓鱼/去买东西/去溜冰/去游泳 4. heavy改y为i +ly 变为adv ,类似的adj还有:


饥饿的 hungrily 第 3 页 共 7 页

happy 快乐的 happily angry 生气的 angrily lucky 幸运的 luckily

5. pick up 1. 接电话 2. 捡起;拾起 3.(开车)接某人 4.学到、获得 6. so 的用法:


做语气词 So, you were the first one to enter the classroom. so so + adj./ adv “如此……” 作副词 The book is so interesting.

so + adj./adv +that 从句 He ran so fast that no one could catch up with him. 作连词 so + 从句 “所以“ I was ill yesterday, so I didn’t go to school.

so that +从句 “以便,为了……”

I fixed the TV so that we can watch it tonight

7. work:

(1)表示“工作”,是不可数名词: work →worker ⑵. 表示“著作”或“作品”,是可数名词,但多用复数: 8. beat与win辨析


9. at first = at the beginning 最初,开始

10. rise 升起;上升 主语自身移向较高位置 Price rose gradually raise 举起;提高 主语发出的动作作用于其他事物 Let’s raise our glasses to Tom. 11.join/join in/take part in (1) join=be a member of 参加 ,指加入某种组织,并成为其中的一员。 join the army / party 入伍/ 党 join the club 加入俱乐部 ◆ join in 后接活动名称

◆ join sb. 加入到某个人群之中

(2) take part in 参加 ,指加入群体活动中并在活动中发挥重要作用。 12. get/ reach/ arrive

get to +地点=arrive in/at +地点=reach+地点

get on 上车 get up 起床 get used to 习惯于 get along with sb 与某人相处融洽 get together相聚

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13. (1) happen v “发生”没有被动语态 ,主语是物,强调某事发生的偶然性 a. sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上 b. sb. happen to do sth. 某人碰巧做某事

(2)take place 发生,指事情有计划有安排地发生

14. make one’s way to … 在某人去……的路上(当后接地点副词时,应省略介词to) 15. 一段时间+ ago 之前,用于一般过去时

16. silence n 沉默 → silent 沉默;缄默;无声 in silence 沉默地、无声地 = silently keep silent 保持沉默

17. ⑴remember to do sth记得去做某事(此事还未做) ⑵remember doing sth记得做过某事(此事已做完) 18. take down 拆掉;拆毁

19. art n 艺术→ artist n艺术家 science n 科学→ scientist 科学家 piano n 钢琴 →pianist n 钢琴家

20.hear的用法 hear意为“听见”,强调听的结果。 【结构】:hear sb. do sth听见某人做某事; hear sb. doing sth听见某人正在做某事 hear也有“听说”之意,这时后接that引导的宾语从句。

①hear about意为“听说”,相当于hear of,后面接词或短语。

②hear from意为“收到.......的来信;有.......的消息”,=get/receive a letter from. 21. ⑴in trouble 处于困境中 get sb. into trouble 使某人陷入困境

⑵What's the trouble with you ?= What’s the matter with you? = What’s wrong with you? 你怎么啦? ⑶have trouble (in)doing sth 做某事有麻烦

◆have problem /difficulty/fun (in) doing sth 做某事有问题/困难/乐趣 二.语法难点


unless = if … not “除非,若不”

as soon as引导时间状语从句。 “一……就” He will come and see you as soon as he can. 3. so.......that引导结果状语从句

句型1“主语+谓语+so+形容词/副词+that从句”The wind was so strong that we could hardly move forward.

句型2: so +形容词 + a/an + 单数名词 + that从句 It was so hot a day that they all went swimming. 句型3. so + many/ few + 复数名词 + that从句 He has so few friends that he often feels lonely.

句型4: so +much/ little + 不可数名词 + that 从句 I had so little money that I couldn’t buy a pen.


How does the story begin? 故事是怎么发生的?

【解析】begin → began → begun v 开始→ beginning n 开始 at the beginning of 在……开始 【拓展】begin to do sth/ doing sth 开始做某事 2.【解析1】tell sb. that 告诉某人 speak 强调开口说话、发言的动作,后跟某种语言做宾语时是及物动词 talk 强调双方说话,为vi ,后需接介词再加宾语 talk to / with/about say 强调说话内容 tell 接双宾语 tell sb. about sth/ tell sb. to do sth. /tell sb. sth (1) remind of 提醒,使记起 (2) remind sb. of sth 使某人记起某事 (3) remind sb. to do sth提醒某人去做某事 (4) remind sb. + that从句

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