【期刊名称】《城市轨道交通研究》 【年(卷),期】2011(014)005
【摘要】The cement mixing method is used to reinforce the shield launching shaft in fine sand layer,but the quality is not good enough to meet the requirements of shield launching. In order to ensure the safety of construction, liquid nitrogen and brine freezing are used respectively to reinforce the shield launching shaft, and the result shows that the quality could meet the needs of shield launching, while the liquid nitrogen and brine freezing are more suitable than cement mixing method to reinforce the shield launching shaft in fine sand layer.%某地铁的盾构出洞位置处采用了深层搅拌桩进行加固.从竖直和水平方向对成桩质量进行了评估,结果表明质量不合格,不能满足盾构出洞的技术要求.为保证施工安全,又分别利用液氮和盐水冻结对左、右线隧道的端头井地层进行了加固补强.实践表明两种方法都能满足盾构出洞的技术要求.经对比分析认为,液氮和盐水冻结法比搅拌桩更适合应用于粉细砂地层的盾构端头井加固. 【总页数】4页(61-64)
【关键词】地铁;盾构端头井加固;粉细砂地层;搅拌桩;液氮冻结;盐水冻结 【作者】杨海东
【作者单位】中铁十三局集团第三工程有限公司,110000,沈阳 【正文语种】中文